Ys VIII Switch version comes out on June 26th


>NIS America revealed the western release date for Ys VIII on Switch today. The game is arriving on June 26 in North America and June 29 in Europe.

>On Switch, content from both the PS4 and PS Vita versions will be included. Also, the Day One Adventurer’s Edition contains a reversible cover, an exclusive foil pack of three character cards featuring Adol, Dana, and Dogi, as well as a double-sided poster featuring Dana and the Map of the Isle of Seiren.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the PS4 version doesn't have everything that's in the Vita version, right? Meaning this one (and presumably the Steam version, whenever that releases) is more feature-complete.

Will you be getting it?

Attached: ys-viii-adventures-edition.jpg (1024x589, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Will you be getting it?
I don't know. I played Ys Origin when Groupon released the game for free many years ago. And I actually quite liked the game.
But I haven't played any other Ys game. Is it really that smooth of an experience to jump straight into Ys VIII even though you haven't played the others?

Lastly. Is it any good? And is it in any way whatsoever comparable to Ys Origin in spite of being full 3D and all of that?

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but the PS4 version doesn't have everything that's in the Vita version, right?
There are some DLC costumes and other cosmetic items in the Vita version that didn't make their way to the PS4 version. That's about it really.

Don't buy this until it's confirmed there's no system destroyng bugs in this """localization""".

I'm gonna pick it up user

I see, nothing major then, but it sounds nice to get everything still.

I'm sure it'll be fi-
>system bends at a 90-degree angle after an hour of playing

>the pc version is going to be delayed indefinitely again and both this and xseed's pc port of celceta will come out before it

Heres the better question
Is it good?

The game itself is good, but NISA's job with it has been a dumpster fire.

As if this won't brick the Switch or directly lead to a hacking scene, due to obvious backdoors.

>Switch version will be out before the PC one will

Good job NISA. I hope Falcom gives you their trails series too.

English release of Cold Steel 4 is going to come out before NISA releases VIII

At least they will release it in a timely manner. Not 10 years later.
XSeeD management is dumb.
>lets pump a full eng dub into Akiba's Beat

Wasn't the pc version will be out in april?

>At least they will release it in a timely manner

No they pushed it back.

On consoles.
Don't pretend to be retarded.

It was also supposed to come out the same day as the console version.

Better they take forever then be NISA tier trash.
After waiting the eternity between Sky 1-2, waiting doesn't phase me any more.

>party based Ys
Probably not.

It's a hard choice between timely manner and a decent translation.

this is their last update, so unless they delay it again, It will be out in april

Wait, so you're telling me they got this game to run on Switch, but they can't get it to run on PC? What in the actual fuck?

>buying multiplats on Switch (consoles in general)
>buying video games
>buying nu-YS when Origin, Oath and Ark are great games you haven't played yet

Why are Switch owners so fucking underage?

>Console war shitposting
>Calls others underage

So what youre saying is I should beg for Switch ports of Origin, Oath and Ark

>so unless they delay it again, It will be out in april
So it won't be out in April? Okay

Don't worry they won't let you down the 5th time.

Seething Sonybro assmad at his systems losing more games.

Attached: hT8VoNr.png (516x304, 150K)

>Will you be getting it?

I already picked up the PS4 version (preorderd it even). The PS4 version is in my Ys backlog, I need to finish Felgahna and start Seven before even thinking of VIII.
AFAIK the PS4 version is supposed to get a patch with all the Switch fixes when the Switch version launches. So I don't know why I'd buy it again

Take a good look and notice the difference at >Now this is consolewar shitposting

They won't be ported to Switch at 200fps so no, you should just play them on PC, they're still getting updated frequently too. At least Origin is.

Imagine being this mad about a port, especially for a series like Ys where Ys 1&2 has been passed around more than OP's mother.

>needing 200 fps to play an isometric hack and slash that looks like it came out of the ps1
>not even realizing that fps above 60 fucks up the physics

Another great example would be >If you can't tell the difference. That's on your end.

>sour grapes
>blatant lies about a game he hasn't played
Go play the damn games you fool.

>Now this is consolewar shitposting
>Muh victim complex waaaaah it's only okay when we do it!

>Ys 8 switch will come out before Ys 8 pc

Attached: de_cut.jpg (323x323, 14K)

>blatant lies about a game he hasn't played
i mean it's literally not, high framerate lets you pretty much one shot galbalan, maybe you should play them instead?

>calls you out for bitching about ports for a series whose roots is built on ports
>makes no mentions of one console being better than another
>waaaah he's console-shitposting

Oath-babies are the worst.

Attached: 1521655729673361680040.jpg (2560x1440, 2.5M)

You're never going to be able to convince me and you already know I'm right so what's your end-game here? Convincing others? Good luck on that I suppose. People read what they want to I suppose.

Prove it.

>samefagging this hard

>b-but that's on easy
it still works on higher difficulties and if you think doing that much damage even on easy is remotely intentional then you really are retarded

>to run on Switch
Or so they claim. Let's see if they actually fix the game first.

Jesus, Ninty loves their late Spring/Summer release window

The positive:

The Negative:

Unless you can prove it I can't help not knowing of a glitch that only exists on easy. And the fact that it only works on an EASIER difficulty makes it sound all the more intentional don't you think? If it's real then you should be able to find more substantial evidence. Why wouldn't doing that much damage be intentional? It's an easy mode. I've only played these games on Nightmare. Maybe the demo on hard. I find it more telling that you know of a glitch that only works on easy and claiming that means I didn't play the games very insulting honestly.

If it hasn't been patched yet, is it a glitch?

They ain't that bad

The Switch port was made by NIS, the PC one is NISA's own tragedy.

i LITERALLY just said it works on every difficulty, did you even read my post? and it hasn't been patched because xseed has ONE programmer and they aren't going to spend a massive amount of time fixing a flaw in the engine that allows these physics bugs to happen at higher framerates

And did you read mine?
>If it's real then you should be able to find more substantial evidence
>it's not patched because
Strange. Because Ys games get updated constantly. Origin's last update was a couple of months back at most.

Ys8 is pretty good gameplay wise. I loved it. It did have some glitches though in the PS4 version. I like party based action RPGs tho.

Prepare for the Shitch version being shilled endlessly despite being the worst version of the game.

Yeah I have it on steam. But I'm not using steam ever again. Playing non-fps on computers just isn't fun.

>Ys games get updated constantly
those are registry updates, the game itself is not changing at all, they have fixed nothing
>If it's real then you should be able to find more substantial evidence
here you go sweetie

>Playing non-fps on computers just isn't fun
Are you a fucking retard? Every genre works on PC.

Nah. I don't like using keyboard. I'm not saying it doesn't work. Controllers are better for pretty much everything else that aren't FPS or fighting games and even then Gyro is still pretty good.

>Gamepads don't exist for PC

Yeah pretty much. Too much of a hassle to get gamepads to work.

Yet another speedrun. I'm telling you to show me proof a glitch exists tied to framerate. Or that framerate breaks the physics. The Jap version is irrelevant. 30fps footage is irrelevant. Come now. Do your damn job.

They're on GOG too. Hence my initial reply being
>buying video games
>playing games on computers just isn't fun
Consoles aren't computers? This lazy shitposting has to stop.

After getting burnt on Xenoblade I'll wait to see if this game is borderline playable in handheld first.

>i literally show you a video of this happening
>nu uh that doesn't count
i honestly don't know what you want i'm not about to spend hours making a comparison video to prove to an anonymous poster on Sup Forums who won't admit he's wrong that the isometric ys trilogy has bugs tied to physics
go actually play ark with a 400+ fps and you'll find that the npcs literally cannot climb these steps

Attached: ark.png (1200x900, 1.8M)

A video of a speedrun. Not relevant to the argument. If such a glitch exists. You should be able to provide me with proof. Which you still haven't. An old version isn't proof. 30fps footage isn't proof. A different language version isn't proof.

Learn how proof works.

>go actually play ark with a 400+ fps
Because you own a 400fps monitor? Idiot. SHOW ME PROOF. That's all I've been asking for. You haven't shown me a damn thing yet.

This might be the first game the Switch gets before PC

>you need a 400 hz monitor for a game to run at 400 hz
>a video of a speedrun, where someone is abusing the bug in question is not relevant to whether or not this bug exists
>30 fps footage doesn't count but 60 fps footage does even though we're talking about bugs that happen beyond 60
>the jp version doesn't count even though the english version is literally the same patch but with english text slapped on
holy FUCK you are so dense it's not even funny

Lots of indie games have been first on Switch. Including Specter Knight.

>Consoles aren't computers?

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but the PS4 version doesn't have everything that's in the Vita version, right?
It's the other way around. The Vita version doesn't have everything that's on the PS4. The biggest omission is the post-game content like an additional dungeon, raids and some accessories, which are only on PS4. Vita and PS4 have all of the same costumes and cosmetics and they are all paid DLC only.

This user said otherwise and I had heard the same thing before, are you sure the PS4 version has all DLC costumes and cosmetics?

>where this bug exist
It's an old video.
>30fps footage doesn't count
It doesn't.
>literally the same patch
Not literally the same. Learn what literally means.

Still waiting for you to actually prove anything you've claimed dude.

this kills the vita

No, Sony did like six years ago.

sony didn't have the power too kill the vita

they tried tho

>another port
People who matter and actual fans played it on PlayStation.


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still have to play Ys 7, there is no way I will buy this right now or in the near future

theres no reason to play ys 7 tho

PS4 game downgraded to run on switch, yes.

How is Ys? Do I need to play any of the earlier games to get into it? What is the game play like?

it's like zelda, except good