Kids' Masterpiece Theatre is a children's television show on the Educational Channel. It is responsible for the death of Juan Corrida and the false indictment of Matt Engarde.
True Mastermind edition
First for NOT GUILTY!
Guys, I know this is of topic but my low-paying job as a security guard can't keep up with my Wife's needs.
I could really use some advice...
No way he did it. The fuck are they doing? There's probably a ton of other psychos on set who could have done it and they choose him?
When does the trial start? This shit is gonna be over in seconds.
I agree on that statement.
Dress up in cosplay, go steal some shit from museums and sell them.
>inb4 that retard actually does it
Why not just steal shit? If you're a security guard you must be guarding something, right? Also, post your wife's tits.
Obviously, Matt's a complete airhead, no way a guy like this could kill anyone, let alone Juan motherfucking Corrida
Geez, suddenly everyone is a law expert.
What happened to the good old days when people trusted pro prosecutors like Edgeworth and not these sleazy attorneys? Those people are just out to get their client a not guilty verdict at any cost.
The trial starts tomorrow, von Karma will be prosecuting if nothing goes wrong
>Caring about ninjas & samurais
>Instead of getting /fit/ with Will Powers
Plumed Punisher > other inferior ripoffs
That "Sleazy Attorney" BTFO'd Edgeworth mate.
And then he defended him in court.
I bet that's why Edgeworth killed himself, he probably felt humiliated.
>Plumed Punisher
>anything but a joke rip-off
Don't make me laugh. The Dragon never yields
>killed himself
/ourboi/ is in town right now and ready to prosecute. Suck it up, wrightfags.
Wait, THAT's Will Powers? I didn't realize with that rabbit mask over his head but I can't believe they put him on some little kid show, oh how the mighty have fallen.
By using underhanded tactics, I bet. Mark my words, he'll be caught with forged evidence or some such one of these days.
>shitty ripoff from a shitty small country
>better than Steel Samurai
Your country is so irrelevant, I bet not even Sup Forums knows about it.
Was Powers ever even mighty? He seemed like a really average actor to me, and it's not like Steel Samurai was a first-rate production either. Likeable guy, though.
Get lost, Khura'in nigger
>Defense attorney
>Forging evidence
Karmafags are still THIS mad
God damn, you are such a qt. I bet your laughter is lovely.
I still think he killed Hammer. Look at that ugly mug. You know that guy has blood on his hands.
How he got Wright to defend him, I don't know. Maybe he kidnapped one of Wright's loved ones and ransomed them for a Not Guilty verdict... nah, on second thought, that sounds too ridiculous to actually happen.
Yeah man, come on. Powers is a pure soul, just like Engarde.
Um...if you insist, I guess I can share a picture as thanks for the advice...
you dumb fuck go back to Sup Forums, we don't need this celeb stuff on Sup Forums
Wright's a faggot anyway, Von Karma will whip him good.
Say that to my face, not online and get beheaded.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of peace and order our Defense Culpability Act brings us. I pray your inferior legal system will advance to our level in near future.
Franzy is prosecuting, bro. But I bet Edgeworth is gonna help Wright out to repay the debt.
You can't deny he was sort of a big deal for a little while before that whole incident happened, but it's true he never really rose to fame, he might have had he not been involved in that crime.
Why thank you, I do take care of myself.
>got destroyed on live television
>v-von Karma will win this time, tust me
Horse shit, Powers has the face of a hardened gangster. I think he framed that Vasques bitch so he could take control of her gang.
I mean, you really think Hammer was pushed onto a fence? Who the fuck dies like that?
>How he got Wright to defend him, I don't know.
He's refreshing like a spring breeze, check out this official statement from him just now.
>Alright. Just so we're clear, dude, I didn't kill anyone, and that includes Juan Corrida, OK?
How can you not believe him?
>no knowledge of the legendary 2013 hawthornegate
>no knowledge of that 2014 investigation where a serial killer posted on Sup Forums real-time while being chased by cops
This is Sup Forums culture, fuck off.
If you ever met Powers in person you'd realise he's a giant fucking pussy. Poor guy would get scared by his own shadow.
Phantom thieves are in trend now. Why not?
Fuck museums anyway.
It's not nice to lie user. But you should post more anyways.
Niiice. If that was my wife, I'd steal shit for her, just to motorboat those babies every day.
Exactly. I'd trust Engarde over Powers any time.
Though not with anything that requires complex thought. Man, he dumb.
Don't you know actors are cunts in real life? And the more famous they are, the cuntier. Engarde is guilty and I challenge you to change my mind.
I wish we could have saved the spy - you
Jesus Christ user, what's your secret?
Do everything in your power to keep that semen demon with you, i believe in you.
It's an act, you fool. He acts like a lovable goof, but he's really a remorseless sociopath.
You'd have to be retarded to fall for it.
No fucking way dude, look at him, he'll smash your face in with one punch
Oh she's definitely cheating on you.
>serial killer posted on Sup Forums real-time while being chased by cops
Who? Ah no I just remembered Joe sinister and science girl52
That's not nice, user. Let's be happy at least someone in this board made it.
Yeah, right. Next you'll be telling me Powers killed Corrida
How the fuck she got away long enough to get into a second case when the bitch was clearly a two faced devil since the first one is a mystery
I have to wonder what ever happened to her second boyfriend, good thing Mia saved the kid before another Fawles could happen
What did Powers do now?
>no knowledge of that 2014 investigation where a serial killer posted on Sup Forums real-time while being chased by cops
I'm ashamed to admit that I don't remember this one. Was Edgeworth involved?
Be /fit/
She would never! We're in love...
No secret, really...I happened to help her out with something due to my work and it just sort of snowballed from there, I guess?
Literally nothing. He is pure as the whitest now.
You mean Phoenix Wright? Cause that was him. You know he was briefly a /r9k/ meme in 2014 due to the whole Hawthorne thing.
Oh yeah I remember now. Edgeworth was the prosecutor.
>I have to wonder what ever happened to her second boyfriend
>He doesn't know
Sorry, I was mistaken, that one was 2015. But yeah, it was basically a string of gore photos from the streets with edgy bullshit commentary before mods killed the thread.
he killed Jack Hammer
inb4 he was found innocent
Just look at his face. He probably payed off everyone involved in the case.
Well, he was at the hotel when Corrida was murdered.
He learned how to cover his tracks after the last time. And since he probably has Vasque's gang now, he probably had one of his goons do the actual killing. Maybe disguised as a bellhop.
A buffoon like Engarde couldn't come up with a plan like that, he can't even wipe his ass without calling his manager for help.
>That retarded kid in the pink sweater that literally swallowed a bottle with poison
>Phoenix Wright
Is this bait?
How come every Wright case is presided by the same judge? Who is that dude, is he the only judge in town? I smell foul play.
>pink sweater dweeb was Phoenix
Get outta here
Kid seems to just be a natural meme magnet
Actually that does explain all the retarded stuff he does in court
Streambro left a message seven hours ago.
Stream starts at 7 PM EST, it says
>he killed Jack Hammer
He couldn't have. There was a super obvious contradiction in that murder that nobody pointed out.
The camera made only one photo (Steel Samurai) when it should've made two (Steel Samurai and Powers). Since there was no photo of Powers going in that direction, the Steel Samurai could only have been Hammer.
Bitch, he's the most respected judge in the whole of Japanifornia, and naturally takes on all the big cases
His Canadian cousin is kind of flakey though
I hope I get whipped.
Or had his mafia buddies intimidate everyone.
Come on. His boss turns out to be a ruthless gangster, and then she "coincidentally" gets convicted for the murder he was on trial for? You fucking know Powers set the whole thing up as a power play. Now he's living like a king, and nobody suspects a thing. Make no mistake, Powers IS a criminal mastermind.
He was an art major at the time, it's to be expected
Guys. I made the mistake of buying the court season pass.
I dont wanna see again that tryhard girl and Phoenix winning again with bullshit.
I will resell my ticket to you anons
>all this and wrightfags are still trying to pretend like that soyboy is /our guy/
>buying the court season pass.
You know its free entry right?
tfw I'm too much of a newfag to know the secret clubhouse password
I can't wait to see Mr. Wright in court again. He's my idol.
>phoenix trite, Reddit Attorney, is alive and well
>/ourguy/ diego armando, notorious Sup Forums poster and one of the original Sup Forums users. lies in a coma
The worst timeline
Gumshoe is the detective on the case. Somebody fucking fire him already, he's so incompetent.
He'll get disbarred by the end of the decade.
His luck can't last forever.
I hate being a eurocuck
According to rumors, Wright spends all his money on top PC parts to build some "MASON System" or something. Probably for cryptomining. But he's definitely no Shitch or Soystation user.
Confused face.
>going to the nigger low level seats
>actually liking namefags
At least Wright knows he's cancer and stays in his containment zone
You didn't hear this from me, but Gumshoe has got serious dirt on the higher-ups. Why else do you think they keep him around?
Stream ruins the comfyness
You're not European if you're living in England, you fucking metropole oppressor.
All the seats are free, it's a legal court.
Because he works for peanuts while still being occasionally useful?
>trusting prosecutors
You should not trust the prosecutors but the police, the prosecutors just follow the evidence supplied by the detectives
I'm not in England, I'm from the ACTUAL Europe
>being this much of a newfag
Diego was probably the nicest guy on this board. Fucking coffee threads were top-tier.
Is he the reason the police has that God forsaken mascot that looks like Jack Frost?
Fucking kill me our LAW ENFORCEMENT has a mascot.
>Don't trust the police
>trust the guys who just follow the evidence provided by the police
Oh... you must be from New York
Franco-German, or just German?
He's the mascot of the Detectives Division. They keep him around for luck. Also he's a fucking genius when it comes to tech; He knew more about the equipment down at the forensics department that half the newbies.
Ok, let me rephrase. I'm part of the continent officially known as Europe, but no longer recognized by Sup Forums as Europe. Now let it go, I don't wanna be banned for off topic
That's actually the fault of the Chief Detective. Gumshoe was the guy who made the electronic version of the mascot that hangs around in front of the station, though.