Phil Spencer says Banjo can appear in Smash Bros


Attached: banjo smash.png (624x676, 410K)

"it's ok to be gay"- OP

I can’t be the only one losing more and more interest in smash with all these new characters that nobody cares about

I will fuck your mom user

I think theres a lot of people that care about them.

>Le "Based" Microshit Man willing to accept free marketing from Nintendo


At this point why add banjo? Duck Hunt does the same stuff.

no u

lmao no

I think it's more the fact that the games suck these days that I lost interest.

Attached: 327.jpg (680x826, 117K)

>directional special moves all consist of them just charging in said direction.

>taunt holds up a puzzle piece.

How boring. Duck hunt is 100x better than this idiot

>"I promise"

ITs been 3 or 4 generations with no banjo game. Get over it.

>banjo-kazooie confirmed in smash

>nuts and bolts banjo-kazooie

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we get it, you want to yiff the duck hunt dog


>baby lugia
when the fuck did that happen?

>3 or 4 gens ago

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Shouldn't we post this on Sakurais twitter or something? Try to get the ball rolling, show our interest

If Banjo was actually in, he would've either said 'no comment' or just ignore it.

He said the same shit years ago
He said he would love to work with Nintendo but Nintendo is hard to work with

I've lost interest too, but I don't think it's the characters. They're just frustrating from both a casual and a professional perspective.
They shouldn't have dropped the single player campaign. Just make it less serious.