What does Sup Forums think of the black sheep of the long-running Tales series?

What does Sup Forums think of the black sheep of the long-running Tales series?

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i cant remember a single thing about the game except the main characters last name is coolidge. i spent the entire game making christopher walken impressions about doughboy ryan coolidge. off to kill myself

Never played it. Is it any fun?

senel is the best mc and it has the best music

>a tales game with random encounters

already put off.

>No Sakuraba, Best Ost

One of the few games I didn't even bother finishing, I got halfway through the character quests but I just couldn't take the shitty combat, retarded characters (except for senel whenever shirly isn't on screen and chloe) and super linear world layout anymore

Jay leading the whole group on a huge detour just so they could sneak all of five feet further into the enemy base past a handful of guards is something I'll probably take to my grave.

One of the few games where the devs realized they paired MC with the wrong girl and subtly wrote her out of any spinoff/cameos to replace her with the better one

I thought the healer was gonna end up being a bad guy because he had the same voice as kratos and he acted like a huge asshole all the time, but actually I was supposed to find him beating up all the other characters endearing

I want to fuck Chloe.

Oh the game. It's okay I guess.

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I enjoyed it.

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> hating on shirley


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My personal favorite Tales.

Attached: tol party.jpg (850x850, 255K)

But the real black sheep is Tales of the Abyss because of how retarded everyone acts.

If I didn't stop around the 10 hour mark, I would've stopped right there. I'm honestly glad my last ps2 game was DQ 8 (finished THAT backlog)

>paired the MC with the wrong girl
But Senel doesn't pair up with anyone
>healer with the same voice as Kratos acted like a huge asshole all the time
Anime bonks on the head from the dad character scolding his misbehaved kids qualifies as beating characters up all the time? You sound like a tumblrina.

Characters look super dumb. Character design hell.

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Abyss is super popular and followed the Tales formula at the time to a T. It isn't a black sheep.

>Tfw playing Symphonia when Teen Titans just aired on Saturday morning cartoons

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Oddly. I've played every single game in the series except this one, yet this is the only one I actually own a physical copy of. I guess that's the convenience of emulation.

I know it'll absolutely never happen, but a remake where they:
-add combat from Graces
-make the world more explorable
-slightly rework the first half of the plot
-write a completely new second half
-work the character quests into different points of the plot, or as side quests
would be my dream game.

>add combat from Graces
>write a completely new second half
Into the trash.

In terms of gameplay, but the characters were a huge risk, just look at the countless arguments to this day over one scene with Luke.

>That one scene
Was it destroying that settlement unknowingly?

That would definitely upset the autism community.

The vast majority of the fanbase doesn't consider the characters a "risk". Luke is insanely popular still and a bunch of the rest of the cast scored very high in the official popularity poll at the game's time and still do score high. The people who recognize how shitty the writing is in certain places regarding the characters are relatively few.