Oh wow. He finally broke down.
Skip to 4:30.
Oh wow. He finally broke down.
Skip to 4:30.
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This guy is still around? Is he like 45 years old now?
How the fuck does Escapist still exist? Hell, how has Yahtzee not left Escapist yet?
are you shilling or something? there was nothing ground breaking in that rant, just more tired complaining that all games have loot boxes and no soul
woah he’s really lost it and speaking to truth!
>a hat in time as an example of a good game
>freedom planet is an example of "shitty fangame"
well yeah it's a shitty fangame because it's not like sonic at all. as a standalone it's pretty good, however.
>its a shitty fangame because it's not like sonic at all
I never thought I would read this, not even on Sup Forums.
People were idiots to put Valve in such high esteem. They were always a company trying to make money, all companies start with innovation but once they start getting more investors and more money they start playing it safe and turn into another group of corporate bastards.
The lesson is never love anything. Valve sucks, just move on with your lives or find a new hobby.
Valve isn't publicly traded so they don't have investors to pander to. But yeah they don't really have to try to do much when they're raking in like 30% of every PC game sold these days.
2D sonic is legitmately good gameplay, and something to be like 2D sonic and failing is bad.
it started as a fangame but then decided to fuck the roots and do something fresh, thus abandoning it's fangameishness and through that becoming bad as a fangame.
if you want to bash freedom planet for being extremely girly and cringe inducing go right ahead but that gameplay and music was fucking GOAT
nigga that's the point of my joke do i really need to spell it out for you
Imagine being the sole driving force of a website and the website knows it, and all you have to do is play video games and make a PowerPoint 'animation' about them. Yahtzee probably gets a pretty substantial check from the Escapist and probably makes more there than he would if he had to crowdfund.
I guess he didn’t like it.
>unironically wanting to play an anthro furry game where the designs are more autistic than the majority of Sonic's expanded cast
It's disgusting to be honest.
>Freedom Planet
>shitty fan game
*reeees internally*
Its still pretty fun though.
I suppose if you're a furfag and these designs are relatively tame by your standards, then yes.
they are cartoony enough for me to not give a fuck
nigga have you even played it? its really good. play classic mode if you can't handle the cringe
>genuine story
>video game
It's the best game treasure never made and there's a more to skip the autistic furfag storyline
the story is pretty shit but I've seen far worse. but yes the game itself is alright.
define "genuine story"
Then they should reskin it with some designs that remembered to take their Ritalin. I fucking hate how overdesigned furries make their characters. They tack on so much shit to make the characters look "cool" but they end up being a visual clusterfuck. Like, what even are these?
they can and have in the past you delusional mongoloid. the problem is they are so few and far between they might as well not even exist. you can probably count games with a good engaging story on one hand
You didn’t like the Half Life Games? People frequently use them as examples of games that managed to have both woven together pretty well.
What about OG Portal?
Stop playing games with horrible writing.
A good story which never has its quality compromised by the choice of medium.
Yahtzee is a lazy depressive. If he went independent and started riding on the patreon train he'd have to go back to doing all his writing and editing himself. He makes less from the escapist but he knows his independent stint would be short lived.
>6.5/10 too much flair
>too much overdesigned furry autism
well, i know videogame stories that will be compromised if you make a movie out of them, since the narrative tools vidya can and does use are different from pretty much everything else except choose-your-own-adventure books.
Valve was never good, they created one mediocre FPS game in the 90s and then have had a monopoly on PC gaming ever since
thats... actually a pretty good definition of it, especially concerning video games
>it's ok when sonic does it
Are his books any good?
this would be a decent point if the characters in game weren't sprites that look like something on the saturn where all those details are shit you'll barely notice over the gameplay
They're fun.
furry is not an argument. you can argue about things being overdesigned however, and I wouldn't call this overdesigned. its literally purple sonic
Escapist has literally fired almost everybody else on the website in order to keep inflating Croshaw's paycheck. It's why James Portnow had to go freelance.
It's awful-looking, Hat in Time is beyond dumb, Yooka-Laylee is trash, Isaac is trash for edgelords, and Shovel Knight wears flannel and drinks bad craft beer.
Only encouraged by Microsoft's creative incompetence, Sony's AAA fad-following, and Nintendo's sheer Jewery.
do you just hate everything or something
That is far and away too busy, especially for the genre.
>Yooka-Laylee is trash
this is the only thing you got right. 1/10 see me after classes
>Shovel Knight wears flannel and drinks bad craft beer.
ur good at criticism
What is it going to take to fix modern vidya?
And you're part of why all that shit up there is encouraged. Children don't have taste - they just play what's popular, good or not (see: FNAF).
I've only read his first one so far and I actually really liked it. I wouldn't say it's the best book ever or anything, but it's certainly a lot better than most of the other "first novels" I've read.
I believe that given that he’s a funny guy, but I kind of have a hard time taking him seriously whenever he is actually trying.
I wonder how he hasn’t gone nuts from all this pressure though. He genuinely seems like a weird gross neck beard who happened to land into the spotlight and has to play pretend.
good devs, for a start. and maybe a spark of innovation
>that entire post
I'm the one teaching here, bitch.
Fuck off you fat autist
>I'm the one teaching here, bitch.
buzzzz, wrong. next question.
what does that even mean?
Also everyone else who worked there was a piece of shit
The fact valve, of all people, have a monopoly on PC gaming should speak volumes about
>the absolute state
of PC gaming. All companies worth a shit make games for consoles. Always have, always will.
No, you 'tards. The story was never the point in any of the Half-Lifes. It's clearly just a paper-thin thrown-together excuse for having a shooter game. Half-Life 2 has good WRITING, perhaps even EXCELLENT writing, some of the best in vidya, and they've made an extremely memorable, likable and relatable characters. But the actual STORY of the franchise is a shallow heap of disjointed plotpoints strung together with no real purpose besides "we want the player to do X now".
Why? Do you actually think Valve knows who the hell the Gman is, or they have an actual ending for this franchise in a drawer somewhere? They've been flying by the seat of their pants for the entire decade they've been actually developing these games.
The original Mass Effect had had a perfectly adequate scifi world/story and was even slightly above average as far as modern scifi goes.
It's not okay when Sonic does it either, I said it's more autistic than most of Sonic's expanded cast. Keyword being "most."
>half life
they were blatantly making up a story as they went along. nothing ever meant anything in the end, it was all under the false impression they were building up to a conclusion they would never reach, hence why HL2 was a shitty cliffhanger and HL3 will never exist.
shitty example. it was never about developing a story it was about platforming with some robot lady talking to you the entire time. have you ever read a book in your entire life?
>shits on modern games
>I want muh story
I can see why this fag put Biocuck Infinite and Undertale as his game of the year.
Can tell you're a bottom feeding 2000 babby by this post alone
>they created one mediocre FPS game in the 90s and then have had a monopoly on PC gaming ever since
The monopoly only really started in the 2010's.
Although Valve had their eyes on that shit for YEARS beforehand. Steam started development barely six months after Half-Life's release.
People today (and five years ago) also forget what a fucking shitshow the release of Half-Life 2 & Steam were.
>people still watch Zero Punctuation
>resorting to tumblrposting
sorry furfag
I only read comedies and sci-fi/fantasy shit like Foundation. I’d say that Portal does a good job creating a compelling story with the way you get hinted about the bigger picture before shit hits the fan, with you going from confined sterile lab zones to the vents and whatnot. The gameplay and story go hand in hand.
Why do people give this much of a fuck about Half Life?
Who's gonna remember you at 45?
you're doing it wrong. comparing book story that just kinda is there for you to read, to game story through which you go through and PLAY through, is kinda idiotic of a task. while i don't deny that many narrative tools that are used in books can be used in games, games and their interactivity add in a new set of tools that only the best game stories utilise.
They're the apex of the shooter genre.
It's PC gaming's Mario. No one makes exclusive PC games so when they get one they really need to hold onto it with both hands. Saddest part is it's not even exclusive.
Oh, you’re distinguishing writing from the narrative. Fair enough. But good writing with a bad narrative is way better than bad writing with a good narrative, right?
I don’t know why having a good narrative really matters if you really are experiencing everything in the moment.
My friends and loved ones
>FP awful-looking
Nah, it's decent
>Hat in Time beyond dumb
>Yooka-Laylee trash
Yes. It's mediocre at best.
>Issac edgy trash
It's edgy certainly, but functionally it's not bad. Its RNG dependency is far too heavy, and could quite easily be rebalanced if the devs gave a shit.
>Shovel Knight
Do you even enjoy video games
I don't entirely disagree with your company criticisms, but Jesus dude lower your standards
>hunt down the freeman
>bashes freedom planet out of nowhere
that was actually uncalled for.
>But good writing with a bad narrative is way better than bad writing with a good narrative, right?
One might feel inclined to feel that way but I dunno, I think it's on a scale and one could outweigh the other. Personally, I'd rather experience a poorly written interesting narrative than a well written boring one.
the only objectively correct person in this entire thread. the rest of you sicken me. kill yourselves
maybe is was a joke on how it's a bad fan game because it's actually good?
Oh yes, don't get me wrong, I love Half-Life. They're amazing games and the atmosphere, characters and careful worldbuilding alone are some of the best vidya has to offer. They also have masterfully integrate the story with the gameplay. My problem is with the idiots who insist on saying Half-Life has a "good story" when that's blatantly false. It's by no means bad, but it's kept minimally functional - an excuse to get the player from point A to point B. A very convincing excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.
Yes but that's all PC gamers had at the time.
It was a good rant, but I'd hardly say he "broke down." A "break down" is more akin to what happened to Cosmo after he lost at the Nintendo thing.
who know's HL games where shit best thing to come out of HL was the source engine and Gmod
>Oh wow. He finally posted an eceleb thread
Shut the fuck up, get on a plane back to australia, suck Gabe's dick so he lets you back in, and start making more Let's Drown Out you fucking idiot
Yahtzee is what keeps The Escapist around. Go check their YouTube channel, it's basically the Zero Punctuation channel. If not for him, The Escapist would no longer exist.
>e-celeb trash
fuck off
He's not in Australia anymore? I haven't been following him much since I stopped playing so many new games. Let's Drown Out was comfy.
I can't believe I'm writing this but get a life
It is clear that people are using the world “story” to mean “tone, writing, characterization” rather than “narrative” a lot. That’s probably where the confusion lies. I doubt Yahtzee or anyone feels Hat in Time had a compelling narrative, so I think to take his critique of lack of story in the gaming world as criticizing developers for not being good at developing plotlines isn’t accurate.
Yeah, moved to California I think
He got a gf and streams with her now, but it's not nearly as comfy
Move to US to live with his girlfriend
>It's edgy certainly, but functionally it's not bad. Its RNG dependency is far too heavy, and could quite easily be rebalanced if the devs gave a shit.
What are we talking about BOI here? You can win 99% of your runs.
he liked the game itself but criticized the story so there you go. you autists can stop getting so defensive now holy fuck
He moved to the US. Presumably for a girl. It certainly wasn’t for the political climate.