Saying gg after the game

>saying gg after the game
why? do you think you gonna get fuckin scouted into a pro team or something

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Way to go, you fucking passive-aggressive faggot.

I just see it as a sportsmanship acknowledgement of other players, no matter the outcome.
Do you complain when someone says "goodbye" to you too?

I'm just being nice

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>having decent sportsmanship after a game

what the fuck crawled up your ass and died

the main reason LoL is inferior to Dota2

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Basic sportsmanship

Have you ever watched a sporting event? What do the players do immediately after the game? They shake hands and congratulate each other.

I'm sorry that entry-level social interactions baffle you.

Found the autistic shut-in

>people playing soccer casually on some field all shake hands after the game
really? i never saw that.

>gg ez
>ez pz
What is wrong with these subhumans? They also become completely insane when losing.

fuckin toxic piece of shit

Has gg come to mean something entirely different within the last few years? There seems to be a lot of hoopla over it recently.

It's called education
Like when you say thanks/sorry

must feel bad being hardstuck silver

If it's anything other than a group of friends fucking around in a backyard, yes, even neighborhood and elementary school sports teams do this

>5 minutes in que
>5 minutes in champ select
>5 minutes in loading screen
>team shits the bed ASAP in 5 minutes
>"dont worry guys we'll surrender in ten minutes"

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>what is sportsmanship

>league of legend

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>the fuckin faggot soy density ITT
please just fuck off my playground

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People say gg in the middle of the match to imply that they are sure to lose the match and have basically given up on winning, which annoys that person's teammates.
Anyone who has a problem with saying gg at the end of a game is an idiot though.

git gud

People are saying it's "git gud" instead of "good game"

How? I'd rather get outta a pubstomp early on rather than sit and get fucked about watching a black and white league game.

>get stomped by the other team
>they say gg wp
>don't really care
>someone from my team leave before the game starts and we just give up
>they say gg wp
>i get mad as fuck
This is the one situation where i get mad while playing. There was no g to be g and wp you fucks, just don't fucking say anything.

imagine being so beta that you surrender in a fucking video game

>absolute domination
It's never used for actual "gg" or it's used for giving up lmao.


because it pisses faggots like you off.

I haven't played League of legends since 2014, is there any point to go back?

2000 born fags at their finest.

I want to let the salty shitters in this thread to know that if you ever play a competitive game with me and I say gg afterwards, I mean "git gud".

Webm related, the OP is the nigger. I repeat, the OP is the gaynigger.

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absolutely 100% definitively without any shadow of doubt no. the ONLY people still playing it are streamers and groups of close friends who have nothing else in common but LoL. its dead jim.



Yes. I mute and report everyone who open their mouth in chat or voice in every multiplayer game i play.

97% of the people who speak in randoms aren't worth the air the intake to live.

>not saying ggez to make faggots like OP mad

Mute I get, but why report?

Not the GOAT of GOATs

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it was the #1 revenue game and still top 3 on twitch and still a top viewcount on youtube. It lost players like dota but even if it was 50% that still leaves 50 million players lmao, but I'm gonna asssume it's 20 million which is still high. Fortnite is the new LoL though for the next 3 years

I do miss the banter

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tell me with a straight face that your game, LoL, is still fun. that you still legitimately enjoy playing it more often than not. that you arent forcing yourself to play it out of pure habit.

Because 72.8% of the time they will say something that they will be temp banned for anyway.

>gg ez noobs haha owned umadbro
>my teams are fucking noobs, kys, uninstall get cancer, drink bleach

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Surrendering is the most beta thing you can do

Not that user, but I do. I enjoy playing the special game modes and aram since it cuts out most of the boring farming (usually) and shortens the game.

>not saying youre all dumb niggers


I played LoL in 2016, I'm on Fortnite

I always say gg ez instead of just saying gg, regular gg is invisible
adds more to the value if we barely won yet I say gg ez, sometimes makes the enemies mad

Or you can just fucking play better and make a comeback?

It's honestly just out of habit now. Either if it's a win or me getting blown the fuck out I just say gg.

Only people who play that shit a retarded children

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You should try saying noob team when you lose and noob enemies when you win

Do you imply that the team wasn't shit even though you lost?
Even when playing at your peak performance and doing your best, your team still can and will always drag you down and you're supposed to NOT think of them as anything but lowest tier of shit?

Get out.

>Team want to surrender
>Vote no
>a guy start bitching and start feeding because he is angry
> we almost won at the end but just couldnt
>feeder complain

I don't blame my team, I just move onto the next match, you can't fix retards by words.

it would be the same thing after any game, be it a match in LoL or a 2 on 2 at the basketball court. Only niggers dont say "good game" afterward because their egos are hurt. If your ego is damaged after a fucking game, you're no better than a child.

>people still believe in sportsmanship in %CURRENT_YEAR%
topkek, you guys probably also think tennis players don't whisper insults to eachother when they shake hands

Esport players are effeminate faggots that have never played a real esport so they are offended by sportsMANship.

It amazes me that gg is even controversial. This is the fucking ASSFAGGOTS fault, I know it is.

I highly recommend you reread that guy's post and remember his entire point is making the other players mad
You seem to be taking it too seriously, to the point of incomprehensibility

I miss the golden age of banter. Yeah you'd get the 12 year old screaming nigger as loud as they can but you can just mute them. We've lost way more then what we gained when companies started moderating their games.

stick a shotgun in your mouth


>in dota pros can surrender but pubs can't
>in league pubs can surrender but pros can't

not really, it exists in csgo too, it's just now most games have a ranked mode so people get mad

I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say this.
Kill yourself you absolute waste of air.

If it was a good game, I say good game nigger. Where did you snowflakes come from that are offended by this? Are you humans?

Nah. ff at 20

I only say GG if I thought it was a good match.

It's just polite.

ughh why is this thread so toxic -.-

>saying good game nigger
>using a racial slur just because you won the game
white people baka

How did you recognize that webm as being from LoL?

You see underage faggot, it used to be that not saying gg at the end of the match meant you were salty as fuck.

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>Play Day of Infamy.
>Game ends.
>Row after row of people saying "gg'.
>Moba sub human trash.
>Someone says gg.
Fuck off.

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I almost never gg
In fact, I'm always almost entirely silent throughout the entire match
The only time I ever speak up is to shut down some noob is flaming his team undeservedly

>STOMP enemy
>gg shitters
>You received a message
>You received a message
>You received a message
Use it for smugness.

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>keybind /say noob down for whenever i get a kill
>someone i kill happens to kill me back
>watch as they get killed while sitting still trying to type "noob down" back at me, almost always with typos from shaky fingers

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It's a result of the loss of dedicated servers.

The only time I used /all was to say BG. Back in season 1 you could actually had banter but after S2 Worlds happened and the game exploded into popularity everyone turned into either a no-fun-allowed pseudo-athlete or a sissy fuck.

This, even attacking an enemy behind you should be frownd upon because it kinda looks like retreating.

you should respect your enemies
ignorance is sin on the battlefield

times changed gramps

gg is unironically a waste of my time. No one wanted to do the gay gg high-5's in high school or college

I miss when Sup Forums used to shit on faggots that played these terrible games.

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See it works.

You should learn how to read m8.

If you say "gg ez" after a competitive game you are literally Hitler and deserve to get banned. It's so disrespectful.

Have sex.

git gud scrub

yes, have you?

really hate the community. one little flame everyone report you then you get a int feeder nothing

"gg ez" feels a lot more real

cry more.its just words

>worst player on the enemy team
>"gg ez"
Every time.

I have no idea what the second half of that means.

>say "all jews must die" in public
>get arrested

if league pros could surrender every game would be 20 min