Has James lost his charisma?

Has James lost his charisma?
Do you still seeing his new AVGN videos?

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Has he even made any new episodes? I left after that greasy fat guy joined the team.

can somebody post the version of this meme where keks is replaced with hairs and he gradually gets balder

Attached: 8fc.jpg (600x6009, 399K)


I still watch him

no but i can post this one cause i dont have the other one

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he never had any and now he's losing his hair


James is an awesome guy but unfortunately he has ran out of games he actually cared about growing up and only does videos for the revenue, Bootsy got the boot courtesy of Mike, and Ryan started showed his face.

AVGN has survived this long because they don't talk politics. Guess what Bootsy was starting to do?

>Bootsy got the boot courtesy of Mike
what the fuck

Someone post the Mike flinch webm.

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The last AVGN video I remember being excited for was the Nintendo World Championships, but the channel was already going downhill at that point.
Nowadays I only watch AVGN if it happens to pop up on my youtube recommendations, and I don't find them funny.

I swear to fucking god if I see another Mike and Ryan video I'm unsubbing. Tell that greasy fat fuck to take a shower and use some god damn shampoo

>Mike flinch webm
No such thing. That's not even possible.


Last one I watched was Big Rigs. Really fun but it's the exception rather than the norm. The movie was a mistake.

But Mike and Ryan actually talk about videogames. Unlike James.

He stopped pretending he likes videogames. Look at him when Mike explains games, he looks fucking clueless. He's amovie person.

He likes videogames. He just hates everything past super nintendo

Take a look at James back in 2007 and compare him to today. He's utterly drained, has no fire or energy, just a limp stack of lumpy dough.


Hes alright. But its hard to watch him and mike play games. They suck, and have to skill at all


What happened to e-celebrity?
>Angry Joe
>Total cancer

That happens when you get older and start a family.

2007 was 11 years ago dude, he's pushing 40 now, it would actually be abnormal if he were still acting that way.

Some of his most recent videos like Paperboy and Power Rangers are still funny, but he hasn't done any new videos in a while since the Christmas one.

Dude has a child and a another one coming. I don't know a single person person who hasn't been a wreck with very young children

Power Rangers was AVGN kino. Fight me.

He has some fond memories of his childhood with NES, but everything else is just
>look, videogames are fucking stupid
It's just painful to watch. Unlike Cinemassacre where he is visibly passionate about movies.
Mike is clearly an actual vidya nerd but he's not charismatic at all and not very pleasant to watch. Bummer
Still, he gave way for actually charismatic and passionate vg nerds to appear, like hvgn or historian, so eh