Are arcade sticks a meme? post yours

Are arcade sticks a meme? post yours

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No, most of the time they are a MAME.

>Are arcade sticks a meme
yes, only reason you'll lose to a stick player is because they have played more then you nothing else. learn the inputs and you can beat people even with a DDR pad

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>muh preference
is the actual meme.

Go1 finally BTFO the padfurry.

Double tapping is objectively superior to single tapping or mashing fast.

does this count? it's the standard controller

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face buttons are the only advantage over pad, movement with lever is objectively fucking shit compared to dpad

I play cheatbox and I'm pretty good at SFV and tekken

Yes and no. As far as doing quarter circles and DP motions, you can still do that shit on pad, but in a 6 button fighter where you have to push all 3 kicks or all 3 punches, that's infinitely easier on a stick

I use the PDP Injustice stick while I wait for the right handed version of this beast.

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>6 button fighter where you have to push all 3 kicks or all 3 punches, that's infinitely easier on a stick

padbabbies usually counter this with "muh macros" but then they still can't piano.

The only way they can is by using claw grip, but at that point they should just use a fucking stick.

Thinking they somehow boost your skills is a meme.

I'll just put this here.

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This. If you're really committed you would pick up a cheater box otherwise you just make best use of whatever you play on. Example: Nuckledu abusing shenanigans with left stick and dpad.

The best advantage to a stick is that you're more capable of playing in any arcade if you ever intend on traveling.

I still use the Mad Catz TE1 and SE, though SE has had its stock parts replaced with green sanwa parts to celebrate Dudley.

Anyone notice some directional input lag on the TW when the LS switch is on? I noticed it stopped after I flipped it back to DP but in all my years of using the sticks, I only just noticed that my character kept moving for a slight second with LP selected. Wondering what that might be.

>*only PS4 controllers are included

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No, because playing fightan on a controller will eventually fuck your dpad up

arcade parts get worn too

just buy another one for cheap and replace it, but good luck fixing a worn out dpad rubber of a FC4 or DS4

It's easier to replace arcade parts then replacing a d-pad on a standard controller


Oh god you've been using it for years and just realized that it was set to LS?

Make sure your mouse acceleration is set to OFF as well.

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I know the RAP4 has a meh PCB, but does anyone know if it has a headphone port?
Would anyone recommend it? There's a modded one I could pick up that saves me some shekels since it has almost exactly the mods I would apply to it myself. The "Wide but light" thing kind of bums me out but if I ever move on it would still be a good 2nd stick I imagine.

Nah, I think it might have been flipped to it recently as I only first noticed it playing SFIV the other week working on combo trials. Noticed Dudley's movement was a little of and attributed it to some lag. But last night I noticed it again, and that's when I came to the realization. Smart ass... ;)

>headphone port
>in the age of discord
Literally why?

>still playing SFIV

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They should make an arcade stick for smash 5.

You know I mean ultra in which case
>Not playing SFIV.

>I know the RAP4 has a meh PCB

What do you mean?

got you bro

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I just want to redirect sound from the controller. No big deal for me to put on headphones plugged in elsewhere since I'll be at my station, but kind of shitty in a tournament scenario.

Everyone bases input delay on one set of trials done by teyah. It's objectively not the best and there are reviews of dying boards, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal for most users.

>This controller is banned in smash events
I would find it baffling that anyone can play on this anyway. Is it that good?

No it doesn't, I know the RAP N has one.

>Only ps4 controllers
You retard.

Are you sure you're not talking about the PCB in the older models? I remember hearing the the latest models that use the Hayabusa buttons instead of the Kuro buttons fixed the input lag.

Uhh I'm a woman, "bro".

I wasn't trying to be a smart ass I just pitied you based on your wording with "years"

There exists one but the problem is that it uses an extra button to switch between running and walking as a JLF is digital.

However Sanwa have made a JLM and Ultimarc makes an UltraStik 360

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learning how to use it, also I will mod it soon.

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Xbox doesn't have any major fighting games there's no reason to buy one for it

pic related I've thrown together some artwork for it but I'm still dragging my feet on ordering a new plexi for it because I haven't had any free time lately

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Years as in I never noticed that LS and DP did anything much different regarding the inputs as most of the time it never shifted out of DP unless on accidents. More curious as to why the extra bit of walking animation lag happens.

Wish I wasn't a poorfag. I love fighting games, but money is always pretty tight, so at most I think I could justify maybe $100 on a fightstick, and fightsticks under $100 typically have scathing reviews.

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qanba obsidian is no way in hell S-Rank tier lmfao. it can't even house most levers. but the etokki omni sure is

but why though

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only turbo nerds use sticks.

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it has tons of room to mount almost anything without having to go DIY. also opens up lambo style without having to deal with 6-8 screws.

I'm legit am thinking about ordering a hitbox. Anyone have it can tell me how it is? Is it more comfy than a stick?

>>>not the b0xx
fucking pathetic

not him, but it doesn't have the atrox disconnection problems and it's just as good as any other high end stick

nah baby girl. That's good for Genesis games but I can also use a stick for them.

How much time did you play on a stick? If you're not used to keyboard inputs then it's gonna take a while
>Is it more comfy than a stick?
Unless your left hand has carpal tunnel or any wrists problems, then no.

explain to me why not without just regurgitating "lel razer bad" it's easily the best stick on the market right now and the disconnection meme is old as hell

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people that bought one will tell you only biased opinions to justify their purchase. with hitboxes you have to take a leap of faith and buy one or know a friend that has one and try it out for yourself.

>How much time
Since MvC3 came out. I've never even bothered playing with keyboard inputs

that fightstick is honestly the only thing Razer has ever done right.

>post yours
Considering its my first stick, I've been really happy with it so far, though it didn't take me long to adjust since I used to play in arcades a lot as a kid anyway.
My one major gripe is that the buttons feel too floppy and sensitive, I'd really like to swap them out for buttons that need a good amount of force to be pressed, I'm not into this zero resistance microswitch nonsense. If I wanna press a button I'll fucking press it, I don't give a fuck if its a fraction of a fraction of a second slower to apply some force, it kinda sucks accidentally pressing a button because your pinky just slightly grazed it.
Any recommendations for good buttons to get as replacements?
I've been having a really hard time finding info about buttons that have what I'm looking for, ideally they'd be similar to the Xbox style jewel buttons where it takes a decent amount of force to press them but once you've use enough force they just pop down and spring back up once you're done

I'd like to get an octagonal gate for it someday too, but at this point I think I'm getting used to the square gate

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isn't the rap n3 full sanwa?

Dang. I asked for a Mayflash F300 for christmas because it was only £50.

you can mod it dude

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Just buy a Mayflash F500. That's a good one.

>Unless your left hand has carpal tunnel or any wrists problems
exact opposite, I have terrible wrist problems which is the reason I originally switched to stick, I've tried out my friends hitbox since and it was super uncomfortable stick is the way to go

Eh. I'm fine with it.
I only use it for Emulators anyway (Fightcade and MAME)

Are there any good fight sticks out there for like $50 or $80 or is that just asking for too much?

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getting a used ps3 hori/madcatz stick from ebay

F500 was made for modding. it was worth $80 in my opinion.

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You can make a stick out of tupperware if you want to.

I vastly prefer it, but I've always hated sticks. It's so easy doing 360 motions with it.

They're the best way to play a lot of genres, for aesthetics if nothing else
If you play a lot of MAME you really should own a stick

>start button on the bottom and fake instead of being on the top of the panel (where it is on the real cabinet anyways) and being a real start button

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I've never used a stick.

Should I make a stick or a hitbox since I'm start from 0 muscle memory either way.

>Are arcade sticks a meme?

They pretty much are, since D-pads are superior to sticks in every application that doesn't require constant weird rotation movements (= fighting games and not much else).

Also even fightsticks are a meme because they're always stick-on-left when it's objectively better for the right handed player to have the stick on right.

If I ever get a custom plexi, it has to be either MVS or Sega style. They look great

Buy the buttons, a joystick and a PCB and make a stick out of a cardboard box. It doesn't have to look pretty as long as it works.

>shitwa parts
>listed as a +
kek, seimitsu master race, faggots

i have one of those things, but for the life of me i cant get it to connect to my PC, all it does is blink on and off

>got myself a Qanba Obsidian
>randomly disconnects and I keep getting 2 seconds where I cant do any input
>only solution is to plug it in, test if it works, if not repeat
>it happens in the middle of matches

Getting really frustrated here. It works sometimes sometimes it doesnt and I have no idea how to fix this shit. Fuck PC gaming

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Hitbox is only for fighting games.
Sticks are for fighting games and everything else. (shmups, emulation, etc.)
Also more variety in levers, not one is the same and all of them can be modded to your preference.
it's really up to you.

Look into the new Seimitsu's with heavy tension springs. They're on ArcadeShock

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Mayflash F300 and the Qanba Q1/Carbon are good considering their price.

Man is the LS-32 trash. I can't believe it's Seimitsu's most popular stick.

Semitsu buttons are what you are looking for

obsidian is a shit gimmick fightstick. most qanba are.

Just save?
Even at $20 you can get a high-end one by the end of the year.

I don't plan on using it for anything but fighting games.

Everyone always talks about the advantages of a hitbox over stick, but are there any disadvantages?

yes it's shit

How is making your own more expensive? That is literally one of the two reasons I want to build my own stick. All the parts are $60, unless wood and a bit of plastic is $140 at your place, I don't see how it is more expensive.

Stay number 2, boyo.

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If by any chance you'll get carpal tunnel you'll get it on both hands instead of just your right hand.

>tfw fell for the hori meme
at least I got free sanwa buttons and ls 32 from an arcade owner I know

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>but are there any disadvantages
yeah, not being able to master it. it's probably the most common problem with people. i'll admit i'm not a pro with one either, you gotta learn and dedicate your time to it. it really is just preference in the end.

>wahh my noodle arms are too weak to press seimitsus
>calling seimitsu users soy

If you have tools and scrap wood laying around you could make the box and buy the parts. If you don't have the wood, you can buy an unfinished box off of amazon for ~$12. If you don't have the tools, it will end up being just as expensive, if not more expensive than a $200 stick.

A brooks PCB, the buttons and the stick will run you about $100 and that's all you really need.

>using the ls-32 when the ls-40 exists

that list is garbage, don't trust it.

I wanted an ICO remake to happen but after that shitshow of a SOTC remake I'm glad there isn't one.

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are you upset that you fell for the "hori meme" because you dislike your stick or because a Sup Forums infographic called you a nerd

got the rap n "tekken edition" for my first cuz it was 100$ on clearance
cant say i like it 2 much but you get used to it after 2 days and gets the job done
plus i played xrd as my first fighting gaym
any pointers to sites/communities about the game in autism tier deapth path to evo tier

or should i drop the game and go for sth else for first..i dont have 2 much trouble with it desu

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You can try building one; I spent on it no more than US$65.

Doesn't that only happen if you keep your wrist at an angle instead of flat?

What fighting games are you going to play? I personally think hitbox is shit for tekken and great for 2D games.

well the stock stick was way too loose for my liking but after replacing that and the pcb im good with it desu