Dragon's Dogma character thread

>Dragon's Dogma character thread
>it's a loli character

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>trash weeb game
>retarded weebs use it for porn
what did you expect?

where do these newfags come from?

>character posting thread
>someone posts a character that I don't like

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>not finding their slut character in game and throwing them in the brine.
Have you even played the game?

>Post your character
>Everyone's character is better than yours from an objective design standpoint

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>Dragon's Dogma character thread
>its a nigger

>not carrying your loli on your back

Thowing enemies over the side of cliffs is hilarious...until the brain-dead followers jump off the cliff, trying to attack them. All those players that will never receive a proper review, because their followers were too stupid to stay in my party.

>Newfag on Sup Forums back in the day
>Anime and Loli widely accepted
>Hell yeah nigga
>Eww, anime and lolis
>Say nigger and get a bunch of >>Sup Forums replies

I want normie niggers to leave. Go and browse a website without racism and anime if you're against it. Facebook or something.

Attached: loli.jpg (316x236, 34K)

>not creating a cute Shota

Incorrect, I made a full party of shotas.

Attached: DDDA.jpg (1680x1050, 142K)

>it's a shota character

Attached: 1518987141570.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

>not just stealing from other people

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>play (game)
>character creation
>create (generic brown skinned, fair haired waifu)


shut the fuck up pedo nigger

My nigga, any good mods you use?


but shes twenty, thats not an loli.

got the game on release and I made a dwarf with a giant 2h hammer instead of a loli pawn. my character was a loli though

>it's a 1000 year old loli

Attached: 1520879558862.png (969x561, 398K)

>enter rift
>pawns with the princess outfit
>pawns with le funny jester hat
>pawns with shit makeup plastered on

Why are people bad at this

>loli pawn is climbing on a giant monster
>climb behind her, jist below her butt
>the wind is pushing meeee

Attached: sniff them anon.png (1285x701, 978K)

>Retard #9,999 confuses Sup Forums for Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Wonders why everyone hates them
Go Sup Forumsack!

Attached: Look who invaded.jpg (485x345, 28K)

Kids are disgusting. Don't call me a pedo. Lolis are made for sex though.

fuck you loli fags I had Conan in my party

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That’s because after careful study it showed that anime and loli are shit. Acquire taste.

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This must be bait, but this is exactly what I was talking about.

oh ok sorry dude, carry on then

>post loli
>leave thread
>come back later
>have over 10 replies from mad retards

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I had He-Man. Too bad the there's not enough pawn voices.

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Can i play as a female even if i'm male?

>Liking old, hairy, flabby, nonvirgin pussy


i want to toss that salad namsayin

She's lying in the context of the source material.


>Only get 5* reviews or 3* reviews with a shitload of RC.
Death is such a shit enemy. I'd have perfect 5*s if he didn't come out of nowhere killing my pawn.

Attached: matthew mercer thumbs up okay.gif (480x480, 2.29M)

Post your damn arisen and pawn

Attached: 367500_screenshots_20170918142829_1.jpg (1920x1080, 411K)

>come back later
>get these

Attached: TIP.jpg (2560x1440, 900K)

You're bad at making shotas, but it's not your fault, dragon's dogma character creation can be a bit hard to use, good thing i learned how to make good-looking guys in oblivion before i played that game.

>not having a loli
>not wanting bes comapnion possible

Attached: Dragons Dogma - make a loli.jpg (1250x4999, 1.59M)

>Early Sup Forums
>Fuck off nigger
>Fucking niggers in my game is meant for the jews as a way of brainwashing people to have children with blacks killing the white race