How long does it take to become a successful Twitch streamer?
A-Asking for a friend.
How long does it take to become a successful Twitch streamer?
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Time is random
You need consistency like a schedule and to keep to it, a certain personality, and luck
Can you play (flavor of the month) game real well?
Can you scream every other sentence?
Do you have tits and show them off?
Can you attract a young and impressionable audience, mostly with money?
Then you are well on your way!
>have a good mic
>have good stream quality
>interact with your viewers
>you will be successful eventually
it's really not hard, literally every big streamer agrees that twitch is a formula
>Can you attract a young and impressionable audience, mostly with money?
I still don't get it, where do these people come from? Filthy rich neets? Daddy's money?
Most of Ninja's current success is down to the Twitch Prime bots starting a snowball effect. Its the current hot thing to sub to him. Give it a couple of months and his sub count will drop down. He will still be making bank but he certainly won't have his 100k subs.
for the record, ninja has been streaming ever since twitch was, so many years. he already had a following, but it blew up once he started playing fortnite. just like how some youtubers had a small following and blew up when they started doing minecraft let's plays.
Who knows and who cares?
put a mirror on your desk and as you play games. Spout a bullshit commentary, if you dont find it cringy then you aint cut out for it.
>someone playing video games for a living will probably make more in one year than I will my entire life
Sometimes it hurts, but I simply don't have the personality for streaming so it is what it is.
except theres many more factors
type of game
game popularity
and more
Personality has little to do with it, it's mostly scheduling and luck, like you said. Find a time period where most large streamers aren't online for your game of choice, swooce in and capture the market.
Easy pickings in smaller (~10,000 v iewers) games. I jumped up to the top of the charts with mhw till everyone started playing it because it turned into a meme, now I'm playing runescape again because deadmanmode is top tier viewerbait.
someone acting infront of a camera for a movie will make more than you.
someone getting the right numbers on a ticket will make more than you.
someone born or married into wealth will make more than you.
someone who invested a small amount into EA stocks in 2004 will make more than you.
life is a bitch.
>100,000 subs
no way in hell does he have that many. Maybe 40-50k. Also, you're overestimating the value of a sub, they give $2.50 to a partner/affiliate, not the full 5.
You are late to the party. You have to be the first one for every meme game before it becomes a meme.
>Do you have tits and show them off?
No but people tell me I can make a good trap with the right clothes/makeup. do twitch audience enjoy that?
Are there any Twitch streamers who don't live with their parents?
Getting big on Twitch starting just now is difficult. You're better off starting on mixer and hoping the guys in charge of it do a good job growing the platform.
You'll be better off being an established streamer there when/if it blows up than you will be struggling to pry viewers away from the big dogs on Twitch.
It's money laundering.
What the FUCK user, you told me I could make millions doing this but so far I've got an average of 0 viewers and nobody ever talks to me. What am I doing wrong?
This bothers me less than soundcloud rappers becoming multimillionaires
I stream as a girl on Twitch. If you plan to do it, do not in any way let anyone know you're actually a boy.
he's a fucking idiot for disclosing that
now the IRS can fuck him if he doesnt pay all tax on it.
i have no clue how that happens.
record companies are dropping $5+ million dollars to sign soundcloud rappers when they haven't accomplished anything and sold jack shit.
top earners are able to negotiate their own rates
thanks :^D
Ultimately: be lucky
Almost all the major streamers are not the funniest, are not the best at the game, etc. They stay big because big streamers stay near the top, attracting viewers.
Twitch is a platform that about 90%+ of all money is earned by a minority of users and the rest earn pittance.
Twitch is literally a platform for failed entertainers to get some quick second hand fame quick
Finn Wolfhard’s brother is a streamer and anyone watching him is only because of Finn, all his videos was fucking cringe worthy
At best up to 75%, there's no proof of it ever going up above that, and the only people that actually have that are streamers who have been around since justin/are administrators, like that faggot who streamed every day for a year, or the bignig guy.
The IRS is already well aware of that. Twitch/Amazon discloses all the income made from streamers because they use it to pay less tax themselves. It's part of their disclosure.
Treat the viewers like shit, seems to work for a lot of streamers these days. Everything is about ironic shitposting and all that now, it's not longer contained on this shitty Laotian rice paddie forum.
>someone acting infront of a camera for a movie will make more than you
Rampage Jackson is on Twitch, and he was a former actor
>somehow, he's getting more from donations on Twitch than he did when he was budget-Mister T
Is that from view counts only or including donation?
>Are you a professional or previously established player for a popular PvP game?
>Are you okay with playing every FotM YouTuber/Streamer-bait indie game that comes out to appease the kiddies?
>Are you capable of keeping up with the hottest new memes to stay "hip" with your viewers?
>Are you thick-skinned enough to deal with the retards and trolls that will inevitably plague your chat?
>If all else fails, are you a girl with a half-decent body and a complete lack of shame?
If you answered "No" to more than one of these questions, you're fucked.
you'll have more success making youtube videos, you'll never find a twitch stream, but youtube logairthms or what people search for will get you 1000x more views, don't forget livestreaming means catching you live. I have millions of views on youtube but only 120k on twitch since 2010 lmao and it would have only been like 10k if I wasn't a top player.
He makes $500,000 after taxes.
he has 200k by now
also bigger streamers make more than 2.50 per sub, usually 3 to even 3.50.
life aint fair, but what can ya do.
twitch is literally highschool
big streamers help their friends
small streamers cant get views because they are at the bottom of the stream list.
That’s the whole world, not just twitch. Nepotism is the best way to get ahead in any industry.
Shit man maybe I should play competitive games. Hell if I could make an extra 20k in addition to my wageslaving I'd be happy as fuck.
Do mmo streamers make any money? I'm good at those. Not PvP though.
Although how do twitchfags make money? Is it all ad revenue like youtube? People were saying it costs money to sub to streamers? How the fuck does that work? You'd still have access to watch the stream if you don't sub right? So whats the incentive to pay?
You're too late, you missed that train
If you start now, you'll never have more than 100 viewers
prove it
It's actually better to stream on Youtube now as a new streamer because they actually have a half decent recommendation algorithm. It's actually possible to naturally get new viewers without leeching unlike on Twitch.
>surround yourself with terrible people you fucking hate
>put on phony personality
>become everything you hate
>sacrifice your soul
People pay to either shitpost using the voice reading donation which is usually a set amount that the streamer decides on mostly I see is $5, and some pay because they believe the streamer is their friend and continue to support them because you pay your friends when you hang out with them in America.
I wonder, how much does PewDiePie make in the same time span?
Twitch is particularly bad because it isnt about talent, it's about views.
Getting big like Ninja involves having extremely high lottery winning-tier luck, while also being an extremely hard worker.
Ninja was just some nobody literal who streamer that only got big thanks to Fortnite blowing up - with him being the best Fortnite player & streamer at the time. That's the luck part.
None of the viewers he got would've stuck around though if he was boring with a shallow personality that nobody wanted to watch or donate money to - that's the hard work part.
This is why I'm more jealous of streamers like Aris. They just stream whatever the fuck they want and get pretty good numbers for it.
I kinda feel bad for the other streamers who missed the gravy train purely by luck.
plenty are good at the game, this guy just lucked out.
yeah, streams like his are good because it isnt meme/donation thanking spam and he just plays what he likes, not meme games.
Twitch has some good streamers, if you look hard enough.
Pretty much none of the top streamers have tits or do the screaming so your guide sucks.
The easiest way to get big is the greekgod route of just leeching off bigger streamers until you start getting recognised, then branch off and do your own thing.