Why are japs so bad at writing stories?

Why are japs so bad at writing stories?

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why are Sup Forums posters so bad at making unique threads?

>not wanting to kill the pope

baka deu senpai

japs suck at wrighting story
whitecucks suck at making game

Planescape Torment is one of the most boring fucking games I've ever played.

Do what now?

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It's bait, but counterpoint

>Young adult police detectives and an autistic savant kid get involved in a minor street gang dispute before further investigation leads them to the mafia and eventually a cult that creates dangerous enhancement drugs through child experimentation funded by child prostitution

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That's because you're a simpleton. Maybe Michal Bay movies are more your speed.

>Vampire politics.
>No game where you can slay vampires as a human.
>No game where you can fuck vampires as a human.
There is no hope, the world needs to end.

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>good at making games

>most of their games are flashy button masher or easy menu based anime JRPG

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Dark Souls is the best designed game of the past 10 years at least

At least Michael Bay films are honest about what they are and don't pretend to be deeper than they actually are

>It's bait
It's not. Japanese games have notoriously terrible writing and so does any other form of media from Asia. You would know if you had actually played some great western games and not the dogshit dumbed down aaa games that come out nowadays.

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>western """"""""""""""games""""""""""""""

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It's almost like these games are made by two completely different cultures and aimed at completely different audiences

>fight monster and get cursed
>later find out curse is about becoming God
>God is just another person who was cursed
>God want you to kill him and wants you to be God
>Become God
>Kill yourself

Fucking Japan

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Because japs don't give a fuck about cinematic experiences

>Young adults killing God
At no point do you kill God, or have anything to do with God in FF6.

I'm kind of reminded of the faggots who try to say you kill God in FFX (no, Yu Yevon isn't God).

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>No game where you can slay vampires as a human
Nosferatu wrath of malachi
>No game where you can fuck vampires as a human
modded skyrim

I have. One of my all time favorite games is Dragon Age Origins for that reason. You can't just cherrypick what you like and don't like, asshole. You can't just say "a large number of Japanese games have similar story elements so all games from that country are shit" before saying "oh but the bad western games don't count". I wasn't even attacking western games, just bringing up a great Japanese one that in no way aligns with your examples.

Fuck the pope desu

Cherrypickers eternally btfo

>any other form of media from Asia
You do know the most acclaimed modern author is Japanese, right?

Blame idiot mods who don't delete blatant low quality threads because "lol Sup Forums was always a shit board"

>Run around a city as a vampire
>Play as a blue guy
>Shoot a gun
>Play as a cyber guy that doesn't like things
Why are westerners so bad at writing stories?

>whitecucks suck at making game

Name me one jrpg with better turn-based combat than Jagged Alliance 2.

Even indie efforts like Frozen Synapse, Into the Breach and Invisible Inc completely blow away turn-based jrpgs.

>Plot happens in the western world but is written by a Jap
>genes and nanomachines nonsense

It's like they're not even trying

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JA2 Was flawed as fuck don't kid yourself

>Because japs don't give a fuck about cinematic experiences

Japanese developers pioneered QTE's with Shenmue. They pioneered cinematic games filled with hours of cutscenes and shallow gameplay with titles like MGS and FF7. Western games were historically fare more gameplay-focused, and never took control away from the player.

And yet here we are are with the west pushing cinematics in action games with God of War compared to Nioh or Bloodborne in Japan

>Killing God
helloooooooooooooooo reddit

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>At no point do you kill God, or have anything to do with God in FF6.

You do. Kefka literally absorbs the powers of the old gods to become a god himself, and then uses his absolute power to destroy the world. This is not subjective interpretation, this is what happens in the game.

Japs did both. They're still doing both, with the important part being that they're still making games with gameplay. The west has given up entirely on gameplay to appeal to casuals that don't actually give a fuck about games.

>Western """""""""combat"""""""

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"God" with a capital G implies the monotheistic creator god, not some random gods or some dude who becomes a god.

Sounds like something straight out of a Markov Chain Text Generator

Japs don't want to play as old men, or look at female characters who look like gorillas.

Yeah, because playing as self-insert teen mc#3159 so so much better.

Speaking of Kefka...

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>western rpg combat
>every game is different and uses a custom system
>jrpg combat
>attack magic item escape


Kefka literally [taps into] the power of [Magic Statues] to become a [person with a lot of magic power], and then uses his [substantial magic power] to [move continents around a little bit, and shoot lightning every now and then]. This is not subjective interpretation, this is what happens in the game.

Unironically better than every menu simulator.


>Japs don't want to play as old men

Why do weebs keep repeating this stupid meme? Wrpgs have character creation, meaning you can play as any character you want.

Meanwhile, in 99% of jrpgs you're stuck playing as a sword-wielding shonen boy barely out of puberty. I can't think of a single genre that's as homogenous in its storytelling.

Killing gods is more fun imo

>people still fall for this webm


Despite story being a complete afterthought, JA also manages to have better writing than jrpgs that are critically acclaimed for their story. It really is one of the best games of all time, and criminally underrated.

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JRPGs are typically aimed at teens, so of course they'd prefer a character they can identify with.

Only like one or two members of the Shadow Hearts cast was underage, faggot

Name five (5) JRPG games with a good well written story. Go ahead I'll wait

>Prehistoric caveman adventure amidst tribal warfare and threat of dinosaurs
>Martial arts story in ancient China with violent inter-school rivalries
>Ninja espionage funtimes in Feudal Japan
>Wild West tales of a wandering outlaw protecting a struggling town from a vicious gang of bandits
>A underdog modern-day story of mixed martial arts against a ruthless murderous rival
>Psychic Superhero with giant robots in Future Tokyo
>Trapped in a spaceship with an alien ala Alien
>Subversion of generic JRPG tale where the white knight gets betrayed, cucked, framed and killed

In a single JRPG.

Japs are bad at writing stories?


But markov chains are shit-tier

Get with RNNs

>western """""""""puzzles"""""""""

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DmC versus DMC4

>Every game is different and uses a custom system
Every other game is a third person shooter.

Name five video games that have good stories period.

Planescape: Torment is, indeed, pretty deep though. The themes it touches on are profound, but you need a basic philosophy background to grasp them.

I don't really consider those rpgs in the first place.

>Max Payne 1
>Max Payne 2
>Max Payne 3
>Red Dead Redemption
And that's just Rockstar. There's many other western games I can start naming but i know you're just going to get butthurt and dismiss my post anyway

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Please tell me where else I can go to talk about vidya, this shit is intolerable. Almost every thread on Sup Forums follows a shitposting template nowadays.

>comparing setting to plot

Why are westeners so bad at making good inovative gameplay?

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Then lets compare settings.

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Try again. Cowboy gets black mailed by the government and Russian lives in NYC and shoots retards aren't good stories. I can't comment on Max Payne as I haven't gotten around to playing any of them.

Not only is this cherrypicking, but "science fantasy" is way too vague.

>Science fantasy
>Science Fantasy
>Science Fantasy
>Vampire Fantasy
>Science Fantasy
>Science Fantasy

>glossing over the plot of Xenogears

What the fuck is actually wrong with you?

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People don't play that shit for the plot.

Ah I see, you're retarded.

>thinking the plot of Xenogears is anything other than convoluted anime nonsense and an even dumber version of Neon Genesis Evangelion

What the hell is wrong with YOU?

Here's perhaps the best example of Xenogears' atrocious writing: lparchive.org/Xenogears-(by-The-Dark-Id)/Citan/

The link lists the exploits of a certain character, who the writers obviously intended to be seen as sympathetic and one of the good guys. But because Xenogears' story structure is so ridiculously convoluted, with crazy revelations and shocking twists happening at every turn, examining the actions of that character for even a minute leaves one no choice but to conclude that said character is utterly despicable, because the writers had no qualms about twisting characters to faciliate their convoluted rollercoaster of a story. This is how the entirety of Xenogears' story is constructed: it's all style with no substance. All surface depth, appearing to be deep by name-dropping just about every philosophical and religious concept in existence, but exhibiting about as much understanding of those concepts as a 4-year old.

I still don't understand how Xenogears got a free pass for an 'ending' that was a billion times worse than even that of Mass Effect3 . The 2nd disc is literally the equivalent of a friend describing to you how cool the second half of the game is, while occasionally handing you the controller to let you fight some boss battles.

The Houser brothers are talentless hacks who rip off American crime dramas

It's not exclusive to japs. Video game writing as a whole is exceptionally garbage.

I don't think it got a free pass at all.

But people criticize disc 2 all the time, even the ones that like it.

TNO isn't blue but I appreciate the joke, if it wasn't a joke the retardation is a feat too

These are western final boss fights. Say something nice about them!

i dont know if people are baiting or not
but fighting with one button in batman means that you'll progress really slowly
sorry baguette eater

gameplay > story

jrpgs have better both

Why do threads like these almost always cherry pick? It's more fair to pair up bad games from WRPGs and JRPGs and the good games too to have a fair comparison between the two.

Almost none of the games included in that video have traditional boss fights, or even boss fights at all. How the hell is Deus Ex's Walton Simons a final boss? He's not even mandatory to fight, he doesn't appear in the final area and like all human enemies in Deus Ex, he can be taken out with a single well-placed headshot.

Menu simulator.
Either cliche or a bunch of random shit that makes no sense.

Japs just want to go on adventures based on being a teenager because being a teenager is the last time you ever have fun in Japan.

>all jrpgs have the same combat
>tales of
>final fantasy
>Kingdom hearts

JRPGs have pretty varied combat systems, you'd know that if you'd ever played any of them.

>Why do threads like these almost always cherry pick?
Do you really have to ask?

Are do Sup Forumsirgins all love cherry picking?

>turn based menu simulator with a twist
Wow amazing variance.

Someone add Barkley to these

>kingdom hearts
>turn based

wrpgs have been a dying genre since the 90's. 95% of all rpgs that come out in any given year are jrpgs: rpgsite.net/feature/5170-the-rpgs-of-2017-every-rpg-to-be-released-this-year-and-their-dates

Furthermore, jrpgs have an extremely heavy story focus (Persona 5 literally has 50+ hours of cutscenes) whereas story is an afterthough in many wrpgs.

The fact that, despite this humongous disparity in sample size and despite the fact that jrpgs invest far more resources and effort in storytelling, there are arguably more better written wrpgs than there are jrpgs speaks volumes about awful the writing in jrpgs is on average.

way to prove you're a retard, more than half of the games i listed aren't even turn based.

Persona and Final Fantasy are literally the same menu system. They just renamed Fire to Agi, Protect to Rakukaja and so on.

>Teenagers killing the pope
And then you kill Satan

Not jrpgs then. By that criteria, Dark Souls and every other rpg that is made in Japan is a jrpg.

Hey wait a minute you're that guy who shows up in every thread that thinks jrpg means turn based.

So you fight with 2 buttons instead?
The point is the game plays itself and the gameplay is braindead as fuck.

>pull up random YouTube videos
>put a guy with a controller just mashing a button

That'll show them.