Criticisms on Naughty Dog's "God of War 4"

Is there any real reason this game is getting hate besides the story? I think it looks interesting, at least. Granted, I've never played a GoW game before, but I'm a big fan of 'beat 'em ups' and I'm excited for this one, especially because it's a reinvention of an older franchise. I don't think it's a betrayal of the series' roots, moreso a reimagining or soft-reboot to try and bring in a larger player-base, which, is that even a bad thing? Needless to say, if you have any valid criticisms on the gameplay or story besides the parroting of "soy" or "GODS" I'd be happy to hear it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why did you come here and expect any kind of reasonable discussion?

Honestly, I don't even know where this meme came from. Could somebody explain it to me, please? It's less being annoyed, and more out-of-the-loop.

OP here! I thought it would be an interesting experiment, considering this is probably where the most hate for this game is even coming from.

I'm a massive GoW fan and can't wait for it.

People hated RE4 too as it strayed from the path of the first 3 games - look how that panned out.

>reasonable discussion
>called the game "Naughty Dog's" because of the "its a movie" meme


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Wait? Their name is NAUGHTY Dog?
Thats too sexual. Sign my petition to have them change it!

GoW's other: m

Google wife's son

Yeah, I think that breathing new life into a series is always welcome, whether that formula is tiresome or not. Some recent examples that have turned out GREAT were RE7 and BotW, which were both already popular series on their own, but looking at the game from a new angle gave it a new air of excitement for customers and fans, and I think GoW4 has that same opportunity for long-time fans and newcomers like me.

There was a time and place for God of War games, and that was well over a decade ago.
What they've created now is just The Last of Us with an old man and his adoptive son instead of adoptive daughter. As formulaic as it can possibly get.

It seems like you can only make three kinds of games on consoles. GTA5 clones, Last of Us Clones, and Dark Souls clones.
Hope you like over the shoulder action games with predictable plotlines being lauded as 10/10IGN for stationary bullshots of nature and foliage, because that'll all you get.

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>I've never played a GoW game before

Fuck off then.
Combat looks dumbed down compared to older games, and they want to pull the gaming jornalist bait with the "emotional" story for a guy who had no qualms murdering random people on his way.

Game looks like the safest thing ever made, as if it was done with a checklist or every AAA game cliche.

I didn't even think of that when I made this, haha! I just tried to credit the developer, but this is exactly the kind of valid criticism I came here for! Glad to hear actual critiques in this thread!

>mfw Sony fans never expected their fucking retarded meme to get turned back around on them with GoW
>mfw I see a Sony fan genuinely being butthurt that someone is making fun of God of War and calling it soy shit while scrolling through the front page
Wow must suck having retarded 12 year olds hop into every thread about a game you're excited for just because some faggots made a dumbass meme huh?
Must be annoying not being able to talk about videogames on Sup Forums because some faggots that don't like the games you like will never be able to stop themselves from reposting the same stupid fucking meme in every thread and derailing it huh?

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Nigga Gears of War 4 came out in 2016.

I'm staying open minded about it. But I usually don't like it when franchises completely change their established gameplay, with the exception for me being Resident Evil. I have to play the game first hand before I can decide if I like it or not.

For someone who hasn't played a GoW game before then, which games would you recommend for me to play instead? I have both a PS2 and PS4, but don't have a PS3 on me.

>For someone who hasn't played a GoW game before then
Some God of War games probably since you've never played any before

kek this 100%

I didn't expect to be on the front page so quickly! Honestly, it's less me being insulted and more looking for some advice on whether or not I should buy based on my past experiences.

You're just creating a cycle of horrible memes and further running this board into the ground. But whatever. It's your free time, do what you want.

>I didn't expect to be on the front page so quickly!
Is this literally your first day on Sup Forums OP?
This isn't reddit, every thread goes back to page 1 whenever someone posts in it. That only stops happening once a thread hits bump limit

Alright guys, thanks for the comments and everything! I'll try to stay more open-minded to criticisms and less dismissive of people with differing opinions, and actually try to come around to playing other GOW games. I gotta go now, but I'll be back soon!

Play the first God of War. It's the best one anyway.

because it's different from what people liked before

Actually, kind of, haha. I've only been on Sup Forums for like, two days now? This is my first post. I've only heard of you guys through word-of-mouth and screencaps, and I thought I should get to the source here.

I never said I post soyshit, it just makes me grin a little seeing other people have to deal with this dumb shit.
Its such a stupid fucking meme and doesnt' even have anything to do with videogames.
>hurr u like game, u liberal soy drinker xD
Fuckin hi-larious
Nothing I like more in my videogame discussion than politically charged passive aggressive memes, politics sure is fucking hilarious, lets just cram Right vs Left dichotomy in any place we can make it fit.

My big hope is that some of the faggots that post this stupid meme realize how fucking dumb it is when they have to deal with it themselves and just stop.

It doesn't even "trigger" or upset anyone like they think it does, all they do is repost the same dumb shit every day and remake the same stupid threads waiting for someone to say "this meme isn't even funny, when are you going to stop doing this?" so they can scream "SOY SOY SOY SOY SOY I'M WITH HER HAHAHAHAHA SOYBOY TRIGGERED SOY SOY SOY" and spam more fucking wojacks

Terrible bait.

Combat looks boring and mostly automated

>concerned marketer
Genre shift in established series always raises concern. It might be a miracle of the universe like metalgear rising, it might be mediocre boring shit like Nu-lara or it could be catastrophic series crashing dogshit like dmc:dmc or the new dead rising which was made by Canadian hipster liberal trashes who deserves to be raked on the streets.

Since all of the footage just shows Kratos going from a crazy motherfucker who solves problem by killing shit hard enough to soyboy who can't even jump up a fucking rock and had to have his """son""" help him no one is getting positive vibes from this. All the devs are doing is shifting it from action hack and slash into kino movie the last of kratos 2018 award bait for the safest critic pick. We've seen the gameplay, he can throw his axe in a few different way but if you can't have him dance around like before (even dmc:dmc tried to do this) and just fucking nail his ass into the ground, no one will accept this as a good sequel and no amount of shilling will change this.

People were excited because they were told they were getting a GoW game and now they're disappointed because it looks like the game will instead be some moody bad rpg set in the GoW universe. I mean no one knows if the game's good or not, but now we have confirmation that it's definitely not God of War anymore.

I honestly think it looks pretty bland. But this soyposting needs to end.

literally this.

>Is there any real reason this game is getting hate
noone actually hates this game, it's just Xboners, Nintenfags and PCücks trying to kill any reputation and discussion for the game.

They will falseflag as some big fan of the previous games and pretend it was ever some dmc tier action game instead of a braindead cinematic, qte infested button masher, and will say how this game is "100% like those generic TPS games" for having some actual narrative.

GoW4 looks far better than any of the previous GoW games did.

Attached: god of war 4dodgeenemy.webm (850x478, 2.96M)

the problem is that RE4 was quite innovative, very fresh. Meanwhile the new God of War is basically the most generic piece of shit ever in terms of anything but plot (and arguably the plot is already fucked over by TLoU level shit)
You know they fucked up the moment not only they made combat a bamham-like thing, but gave it the most fucking generic RPG-esque UI as well, with XP gains to boot.

>actual shills
This shit's creepy

>Naughty Dog
Try harder next time, kiddo.


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what a simple, but brutal fucking response.

Looks boring as fuck. All this time spent to kill a single mook while in the old games you could probably kill 8 of those in half the time.
It was never the deepest action series but at least they tried.

The combat feels very slow, why is Kratos the main character again, and why did they make his character so different from the original? Sure, he wasn't constantly angry, but he was a self serving dick that wanted to end Olympus

But the devs constantly said that he's his actual biological son

I'm more shocked to see people care enough about the old style GoW to begin with. There's never been anything original about these games.

underrated post

Yes, it's Kratos' wife's biological son. We know that already.

>change of gameplay
this is pretty much the biggest gripe, GoW4 looks more like TLOU gameplay wise, hell you even have to take care of a child too, most likely if there are any stealth segments (doubt it) the child is probably going to be invisible to the enemies.

Also, Kratos was an asshole in the previous games, now apparently he is a nice person cause he is taking care of a kid.

>why is Kratos the main character again, and why did they make his character so different from the original?
This is what throws me off the most honestly, the whole game just feels like it was supposed to be something else, but they realized they have like 6 other games about an old man and a kid walking around together so they decided to make it a God of War game by slapping Kratos in there

It's less a concerned marketer and more a confused teenager. I've learned a lot in this thread about how this GoW is worse than the past ones than if I had just seen story criticism, which honestly, I don't really care about normally, but considering how prevalent it is in this game, I think I will.

Totally wrong. The gameplay looks more complex by giving the players intermediary goals instead of the overarching one found in the previous games.

only confirms that his wife's son is in fact organic

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>shitty dark souls clone with GoW skin
>it's gonna be a Naughty Dog Cinematic Experience™

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this shit is objectively more engaging than mashing square to kill that 8 enemies dinasty warriors style, and then again, the old games had stronger enemies too that you had to fight for way longer times

you are the perfect example for a shitposter faggot who is fucking desperately trying to ruin the game's reputation with forced shit

Attached: godofwar4axe.webm (700x388, 2.25M)

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Anyone else love Ascension because of those scenes where you can simulate domestic violence and beat on the woman furies? I know i did. freaking daimonds

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God this looks like shit. Why is the camera so goddamn close? God Of War was always from a distant pseudo top down perspective, and that's what made it work so well.
What the fuck is this? How am I supposed to fight hordes of enemies with a constant massive blindspot of almost 180 degrees?

>Kratos taking up a fucking quarter of the screen
>Not using some variant of the Blades of Chaos

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>pause game
>go to settings
>select turn off ui hints like every other game made in the past decade
Problem solved

>Naughty Dog's "God of War 4"

the game isn't just a casualized dmc ripoff anymore, and there are less enemies, but they are way more engaging to fight

they actually react to getting hit at different places like in RE4, and the whole game seems to be closer to that in scope of combat

>shits on the old games for mashing while his own previous webm features a qte askng you to mash square to finish the enemy

Shut the fuck up.

Looks like Senua's Sacrifice

Considering this is my first time posting on Sup Forums, I assure you I'm not in whatever crowd you put me in. However, my main point in making this thread was to try and create some kind of nicer, more organized discussion than the chaos that plagues this site. Everyone has different opinions, and that's okay! That's great! But attacking somebody over something as small as a game they like is not a practice we should all continue pursuing, and I feel that if we could be more accepting of different opinions without clamoring over each other with the slightest insult to a game or company, this website could really improve. If you disagree with me, that's great, this is what creates good discussion! Just please be open-minded and civil about it.

>QTE finisher
you dismantled your own post with that webm

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in the old games you could kill any fucking regular enemy with mashing finishers you retard

it's objectively better that you need to do at least some proper work with spacing and shit before you get to that part

>It's less a concerned marketer and more a confused teenager

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how about you open your butthole so i can shove a rusty rail spike into it

Op here. Thanksfor all the (you)s, losers. Too eays.

>the game isn't just a casualized dmc ripoff anymore
But that's why a lot of people liked God Of War. It was a more accessible entry into the hack and slash series without requiring as high of a skill level as Devil May Cry.

If the gameplay is such a drastic change, why even call it God Of War? It's not even about Greek mythology anymore so it would probably work a lot better with a fresh franchise design.

seenow hang yourself

OP here, I was paid to shill this game

>Beliveing the devs and not anons
You are not this naive right?

Trying way too hard

This actually isn't me. I hope you can tell by the lack of correct grammar and everything.

But if I turn off the hints how will I know how to find the boss health bar!?

Admitting to being underage is an instant ban. Goodbye.

>and there are less enemies, but they are way more engaging to fight
Unless you have the attention span of a retard, the previous games were also as engaging and the topdown view allowed to see the environments. Then again, why am I responding in clearly a bait thread with how OP talks, because no one talks as obnoxiously like that.

>objectively better
Just admit you're not good enough to beat the previous god of war games. Slow ass combat might even be too much for you at this point

>and more a confused teenager.
how old?


As long as you use protection!

It's only about 14 years old there I think.

>Believing anons
>When you should do the opposite of what they say
You are not this new, right?

Try reading a guide idk man

Ancession showed that the audience got bored with the formula, and don't want "the same shit just with new content" anymore.

It really shouldn't be that surprising that they are trying something new.

>you have to press square at least 2 more times before doing your QTE finisher
truly revolutionary game design. i will now pre-order this game

Shit, I wouldn't even mind if you played as Kratos' kid, maybe older perhaps. Maybe Kratos went missing or some shit, who knows?

And then he's the final boss, because arrogant powerful dads getting their ass handed to them by their children happens fairly often in Greek mythology, ending with the implications his son will end up like him and start the cycle all over again.

OP here. My wifes son has the other computer and is masquerading as me in this thread. Disregard these posts as he is just trying to make me look bad since he's upset that his mom is busy at the clubs tonight and is mad that I am babysitting him.

Sick dude


His """"""son""""" doesn't look like him AT ALL.

>Just admit you're not good enough to beat the previous god of war games

They are the most braindead buttonmashers possible. Meanwhile the new games look like something with an RE4 style challenge which is decent.

You are also fucking delusional about the speed of the older games. YOU were faster in those games, but the enemies were way more braindead and slower, making the game just even more simple.

Wait so that was your son posting those threads above up there?

They are "cinemafying" a fucking franchise that should never have been given that treatment. Of course it deserves all the shit its getting.

I'd actually buy a fucking ps4 if they respected their IP's and didnt turn everything into casual movie games.

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Old God of War fighting:
New God of War fighting:

The new one is dumbed down shit.
Which is saying something, seeing how the original triology was very simple combat wise.
For fucks sake, the new one doesn't even have a jump button

You need to be at least 18 to post here. Come back in 3 years

Why are so many people on this board so insecure about a fucking bean?

Attached: Soya-Bean.jpg (350x197, 46K)

I haven't played Ascension, so I can't say much about it, but I was under the impression that people didn't like it because there was very little effort put into making it with tacked on shitty multiplayer, and not because of the formula itself.

>y-yes it's better than the old games, b-but I'm moving my goal post to say how it's shit no matter what!
congratulation faggot