What does Sup Forums think of Hitman (tm)?

What does Sup Forums think of Hitman (tm)?
Not a fan of this "episode" thing

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Best in the series

really? can I get a quick rundown on what makes it so good?

>Download due to the free thing they're doing
>Get to launch screen
>Press Enter
>Crashes no matter the fix

>Download pirated copy
>Press Enter
>Works fine


how the fuck do i install that episode 2 which is supposed to be free at the moment?
it opens my game and I still dont have it

The levels are fantastic, for the most part (a couple of stinkers) and the gameplay is fluid and intuitive, without feeling dumbed down.

It reminds me of blood money,which was the last good one before absolution shit the bed(graphics wise it was amazing but the rest wasn't hitman at all).This one's combines the best of absolution and blood money.

buy the game first goyim

try this, it gives an error but seems to add it to your library.

How are episodes different than previous games?

So, I saw they're offering a "Spring Pack" of sorts with a free try of Sapienza.
Given the Holiday Pack back in Christmas it looks like they're trying to get people interested for a big release or announcement late this year or the next one. What do you think?

>without feeling dumbed down
>NPCs not starting their routines until you get close to them
>not dumbed down

Seems I missed episode 1...

Episodes are only one map while old games were full games with, i don't know, 20 missions or something
you can say that making contracts and escalations completed little void for every map but still one episode is just one map
but whole season is as big as every older Hitman game

The games good but the only creative way to approach the targets are opportunities, which arn't at all creative within themselves.

That and elusive targets being 1 time is balls

There's also the fact that making sniping contracts comfortably is all but impossible.

It feels so dull compared to the other games, i really didn't enjoy playing it

it worked

Do you get to keep it or will they take it away from you at some point?

Can you get in trouble?

loved it

It's so dumbed down retards like him can enjoy it without actually paying attention like in the original games.

it's free nigga

I think it's ok
The only thing new hitman missing is Kyd soundtrack
Literally listening to best track in bm right now
New hitman ost is *ok* sometimes, but mostly very bland.
Also, new story seems more interesting than blood money. (hitman 2 was shit)

Attached: ErQHjv1[1].png (563x23, 2K)

>can you get in trouble?

Like every Hitman game, they experiment and hope it just appeals.
They took the (imo) good parts from Absolution: the instinct and the cover system and made it more open.
They also took what I think is the worst part about Blood Money: the disguises granting you more or less immunity to detection outside of a few NPCs and/or being in the wrong area.

With that said, it's... it's okay. I mean it's fun, definitely. But it has one big problem: the areas are huge and fucking empty. Take Paris - outside there's basically no reason to explore or anything. Sure, I can go to the basement and enter that way but the grass areas are pointless.
I get a lot of it was done that way for escalation missions.

There is also the massive issue of the game being solely based on what you do. Targets don't start moving until you approach them to trigger it.
It's fucking bollocks but it's a lot better than Absolution and the "hey just sneak into the next floor, it's a mission!" rubbish they had

yeah my mom says im not supposed to put games on the machine because you can get a virus

>Played & enjoyed 2, Contracts & Blood Money
>Played Absolution
>Bought the latest one two years ago and haven't even finished the first level even though I know it shits all over Absolution

Getting old sucks.

What was the actual point of paying for this game if they just give it away bit by bit

It just shows how much of a failure it is that they give away a third of the game for free in the desperate hope that you'd be stupid enough to pay for the rest of this shit show of a game

This is why you never pay for episodic and online only games

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Trouble with the trolley, eh?

Personally I don't pay for any games. Humble gave Amnesia for free just recently, imagine how stupid the people who paid for it must feel.

What does getting old have to do with it?

>Playing on Easy

You can literally disable everything and figure it out yourself.

Imagine blood money, but the animations don't bug out all the time, there's more gadgets and stuff to play with(though less guns), the sound design doesn't blow dick, the graphics are better and the game doesn't insist on dumb shootout boss fights with albino clone assassins. The downsides are: less levels and the game is very handholdey(you can turn this part off). Also you can see people highlighted through walls with HITMAN VISION, which people complain about but which is literally just a more convenient version of Blood Money's thing where you spent 80% of the game staring at the map screen.

It's just marketing, someone is going to get the urge to buy the full game, and the game continues to stay relevant for a bit longer when they make announcements like this.
But now, all they have to do is release Hokkaido and you get all the worthwhile content.

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I liked Bangkok. Marrakesh was kind of bad and Colorado was a different way of doing things but ultimately a failure.

Bangkok and Marrakesh are both alright, just a bit of wasted space on them that comes more into use when in contracts mode.
Regarding Colorado, i thought the game was missing a map with a more hostile environment so I'm glad we got that mission anyway.

The game is still missing a good map with a hostile environment.

Whats so bad about Colorado?
Besides being purple....

Attached: purple.jpg (1024x576, 243K)

Paris and Hokaido were great
Sapienza was OK
Bangkok was meh
Colorado was shit

Looks like shit, limited traversing options, awful ending, too many bland targets, it doesn't even feel like a hostile area when every disguise gets you access to most of the map and getting one is not a challenge.

I like the episode layout. It really suits Hitman well.

Episodes can't be complete shit because it makes the devs look bad
We get more and more methods to kill targets which increases the replay value of previous episodes
Instead of wasting resources creating a whole new Hitman game every gen and coming up with some gimmick or edgy story the devs can just focus on new levels/targets

I admit some of the old Hitman charm is missing but I think the overall quality makes up for it especially with places like Hokkaido and Sapienza feeling like they belong in some 007 film.
Fuck Elusive targets though. I play Hitman in bursts I don't want timed challenges.

You start at one end, immediately grab a disguise and walk to the other end. That's 80% of the map bypassed right there. Maya and Sean are trivial to kill with the battering ram thing and extremely difficult to kill in any other way so you probably do that. Lure Berg into the basement, push Penelope into a lake and then leave through the only exit. It's basically a linear map. The targets are all very easy to Silent Assassin following the obvious path and any deviation brings down 200 armed guards to kill you. It discourages experimentation and doing something other than just following opportunities.

I thought it looked good until they changed up the palette, it was gritty.
Still, i think the points you make, while i agree, are just minor problems that hindered it from becoming great.
So i don't think its shit, just that it could have been much more.

I hope they will add gun modifications, briefcases and taking a living cover in season 2.

It's boring as fuck because there's barely any challenge. Even if you turn off all the hints and handholding, the way the missions are designed, you get railroaded into the solutions and items you need. It was fun for what it is, but it lacks the problem solving the other games had.

Really enjoyable, but marred ultimately by the time limited content and challenges. No one makes decent challenges in the mission maker either.

If that season 2 they teased comes out, I expect there might be a good bit of a revival for the game, it was pretty popular at release, most people got over the episodic release format after episode 3.

Are they gonna give out all of the original chapters for free? I got 1 and 2 so far. I still haven't tried it yet though. Hm...

ah yes the subtlety of blood money where there's a giant piano hanging in a street directly above where the target walks, my brain really took a beating figuring that one out.

How are the originals? I hear the 1st is kind of shit, 2 is OK, and 3 is the best. Already played BM.

All it needs are small things like this. Blood smears when dragging corpses you've stabbed or shot, fixing the poisons so they don't require a syringe or a bottle depending on what you're using them for.

I loved ™ but it was missing the little details that made previous games great, also a soundtrack composed by Kyd would do it wonders too.

1st is shit, 2nd is cool, 3rd is cool, contracts is fun.

if you want hitman set during WW2 then you should try Death To Spies 1 and 2. They're good as fuck and way harder than hitman

It's good but I don't like the episodic structure and the game feels a bit too much like it was intended for you to have opportunities and tracking turned on at times, but I prefer to have those turned off.

does it have character progression or something?
I mean it's hitman, you can't replay the same maps 400000 times.
Not sure how people have so many hours on this game.

No one is forcing you to follow to railroad.

Yes. It does have progression. But that caps out pretty quick, believe it orn ot. Most of the replayability comes from the seasonal changes/event contracts wherey ou have to kill a target in a specific way. Those elusive targets or whatever where you get 1 try forever to take someone out and if you fuck up you're done.

The whole point is that you can replay the same maps 400000 times.

No, don't dumb it down for him!

I know that but all the other methods feel the same. There's just something missing from the problem solving portion of the game that I can't quite put my finger on. Just feels like the hook isn't there. I don't know user, it just doesn't feel like "full" hitman game.
Maybe it's stuff like the tools? A lot of the environmental kills need a wrench, screwdriver, hammer, or whatever. After a while and a few missions it just starts to feel samey. Then when you try to do the actual assassinations it sort of railroads you into it all. The other challenges are shared across a lot of the maps, like poisoning them, or drowning them in a toilet, or sniping them. I feel like a lot of the maps end up playing the same.

Thanks I'll check those out. Is there anything special I need to do to get them to run, like any patches or mods?

No, they're pretty old. I don't know if there's any mods for them but you can get both of them in a bundle on steam for relatively cheap. There's so many ways to play each mission and do your objectives, it feels like hitman with more things to do in a bigger map. Most missions take around 1-2 hours to complete

Yeah I'm watching a gameplay video right now and it seems right up my alley. Extremely slow paced with realistic patrols and level design. Also digging the movement options you have, as well as prep for the mission. Looks very simulation stealth like. Downloading them now, thanks for the recommendation my friend.