>consolewars in 2018
Consolewars in 2018
Indeed Mr. Jones, the Switch is like that Japanese guy alone on an island unaware that the war is long since over
>caring about video games in 2018 at all
Enjoying those Gender and Minority Studies lessons?
>Watching Alex Jones
>being a dumbfuck
>Alex Jones on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is CNN terretory
is this the funny gay frogs man?
what's wrong with him?
>politics in 2018
>kissing Goblins
I've seen someone watch Info Wars in public, and it was honestly worse than seeing a Switch owner in public.
Alex Jones is a national treasure.
Anal vore shove it up ya own ass post
What exactly is so bad about people keeping to themselves and minding their own business?
it's bad because it's degenerate and it's something that a normie would do, also imagine what others think about you when you play VIDEO GAMES in public
It's not real news, its just meme circle jerking, someone who wanted to keep up to date would be watching CNN.
>imagine what others think about you
That is honestly their own problem. I can't be responsible for what other people think
>It's bad because it's something a normie would do
>But don't play video games in public because that's not the normie thing to do
I'm confused. Do I want to look like a normie or don't I?
Democrats - PlayStation
Republicans - Nintendo
Libertarians - PC
Green Party - Xbox
>PC is the worst
You take that back negro
Use he/her as a cumdumster
>it's either infowars or CNN
Oh God, you're a dimwit.
>equating the PC with Gary Johnson
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hey at least you can mod your nigga if you own one
Ah what?
i'm so tired of seeing this masculine bitch
You are retarded.
Republicans are Xbox
>another american thread
when are you going to blow your country for good?
No Republicans are conservatives
Nintendo is a conservative company trying to make E games
What's the official console of the Alt-Right?
Xbox is so green party
I am so fucking offended right now as a Nintendo fan I can't even put it into words.
I know, the shitposting is so insane its not even remotely funny anymore.
the XBOX got blown the fuck out and now its just nintendo and sony.