>spend all of my day at work thinking about playing videogames
>go home
>too tired to play videogames and spend the rest of the evening on Sup Forums instead
Adult gamer thread
is that necessarily bad
Yes. Its depression retard
>part time job with few hours and high hourly wage
>rent a single room and live cheaply
>as much time to play videogames as I want
just as keikaku
how is that depression
No it's not, it's called being an adult.
Because he realized too late that joining the rat race and working himself to the bone every day didn't bring him any enjoyment or satisfaction, and he doesn't have the guts to become a NEET
Too tired for video games, too tired for shitposting.
>Work 48 hr/week
>Makes lots of money
>Buy tons of retro games online
>Not enough time to play them all
>Keep buying games because I always have money to burn
>Don't game on the days I work
>Get invited to adult social events on my day off that I have to attend (e.g. weddings and shit)
At this point, I think my backlog is impossible to get through unless I quit my job and dedicate myself to playing vidya for 18hrs a day for years.
>don't know what to do besides video games
>no games I want to play
>just go on Sup Forums all day
Just stop coming here.
Get a hobby you can make money off of too, it'll help keep you afloat, give you more vidya time, and help stave off depression and complacency.
I can only somewhat understand this for multiplayer games and not wanting the social interaction after a long days work. But how are you too tired for a single player game?
>half way though Persona 5
>half way through BotW
>get home from work and play Rocket League again
>multiplater game
>to anxious to play with other humans or friend unless i am drunk
Am i the only one?
I started avoiding requests to hang out and drink beer with coworkers/friends over the weekend simply because I just want to play some fucking videogames at home during weekend, and people keep asking me why I never go out with them.
Then, during lunch break, all my coworkers talk about X and Y shows and how they are binge watching the latest fad season on Netflix and they act surprised when I don't give a shit and have no idea wtf kind of stuff they are talking about, but then they ask me how can I have so much time to play all these videogames over the weekend and how I must have a very boring life.
Jesus fucking chist just cut me a break, they are allowed to spend their weekend binge watching shitty shows but I am not allowed to play videogames otherwise I am a loser.
How much a month is your place?
My hobby was programming and developing stuff. Now I am employed as an engineer at a top tech company (one of Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, but I won't say which). So basically my hobby *is* my job, and I still want to play videogames at the end of the day. It's still a job after all.
>Want to get a contract that lets me work part time
>Work contracts in my country are incredibly rigid and inflexibe
It'll be almost impossible, but I'll damn sure try.
>be neet
>don't feel like playing games anymore
>tfw replaced video games with weed
i'm fine now.
i don't know about you guys... but
i got over the fact that i am the only one to blame for my own mistakes. i got over the fact that nobody ever cared for me because of those mistakes. i got over the fact that nobody cares for me and the sexual frustration. what i did not get over is the fact i do not get enjoyment doing anything alone: why i do my job to get money that never makes anyone happy? why i watch movies or play video games when there is nobody to share my toughts on them with? why should i have any emotions over anything when i can not share them with anyone?
>Just get friends
>Just have sex
>Just be yourself
>go to work
>come home
>eat dinner and play DJMAX Respect before going to sleep on time
Wow that was fucking hard. Focus your attention on the things you want to do and commit to them. If time isn't an issue then you have no fucking excuse for not doing the things you want to do in life.
>Get home from work
>Remember that I have to cook dinner and go to the store
>2 hours of vidya for the evening, tops
how do you actually find a hobby?
I feel you OP. Work 8 hours a day, come home and have to do chores, realize that by the time I am done its already like 830 and have to be in bed by 10, but I also have to appease the woman and I end up reading instead since its a quick fix and never play games.
If this is what normal adult life is like Sup Forums I might as well press the quit button now.
>working 6 10's with 30 minute drive to-and-from work
>board game with local friends on Fridays
>DnD with college friends on Saturdays
>exercise on Tuesdays and Thursdays
>can only do errands on Sundays
I'm making contractor OT, but I'm putting 70% into savings because I have no idea what to spend it on.
I don't have much fun with video games nowadays
Why cook dinner when you can eat something quick and effortless? Like a bullet.
All I eat is frozen pizza and bread with the easiest-to-handle no-clean-up-needed with it.
It only gets worse.
Life has made me jaded as fuck
>no longer believe in love
>I'll die miserable in an oldfolks home
>my kids will be handed a worse world than I was
>game stories have no depth to them compared to film and TV (the majority of which is still trash)
>graphics don't impress me anymore
>suspension of disbelief doesn't work with game mechanics anymore
>tfw games are fundamentally only charming to children and adolescents
I still force myself to play them, like a heroine addict chasing the initial high.
yeah i know.. next steps are undertanding why people hurt themselves and why you must prevent yourself from cying. after that i can only imagine absolute death.
Demi is nor pleased with your thumbnail.
>Work night shift at a data center
>Have plenty of time to play vidya before work
>Bring my Switch/3DS/PSP to work because it gets really slow at night
IT is comfy job kino. Only thing that sucks is that layover in the morning. I get hammered with tickets and the morning shift guys take forever to get logged in.
Suicide would be better than that life.
Because frozen food is cost inefficient and tastes worse. But I've only been living alone for a year now, I imagine I'll give up on fresh food in the coming months.
>Work 36 hours in 2 days
>Shitpost and play handheld games while on shift
>Off the rest of the week to play vidya
>tomato poster
>good at anything
>successful at life
I don't want to habeeb it.
>graduated in December, had a job lined up for me after getting out
>work in the city, so perfect excuse to work 6 hours a day, just say that I'm spending the other 2 hours in commute to the suburbs, which is true
>shitpost on Sup Forums and Sup Forums all day long at work
>by the time I get home, I have a bunch of chores to take care of
>grocery shopping, picking up imouto from school and such
>8 PM, time for dinner
>spend some time watching the idiot box, talking with parents
>9 PM, already yawning
>gotta go to bed early so I can get to work at a respectable hour
>rinse, repeat
>spend weekends with my shitposter friends that actually play games cause I'm the only one with a salaried job and they're all dropouts with hourly gigs
>would play games, but I crave human interaction more than the vidya
>Work 50-60 hours a week installing furnaces
>Think about vidya all day
>Play vidya when I get home
>Still manage to teach percussion, maintain my hobbies and participate in my relationship
You're not an adult until you quit being defeated by work.
What fucking job do you have and where can I apply?
>Wow I'm depressed
Try having schizophrenia
What kind of job?
i stopped giving a fuck a long time ago
now i get home, play some fucking video games, jack off and draw shitty comics for fun, and i do have a lot of fun every single day
> Spend all day at work
> Go home
> Eat dinner
> Do exercise to stay in shape
> Too tired to multi-task well during exercise so just feel like shit
> Done with exercise
> Skype with girlfriend in an hour
> Stare at steam and decide none of the games are good for only 1 hour of play
> Click mindlessly through Sup Forums not even looking at stuff half the time
> Skype with GF
> Go to sleep early hoping I'll be less tired the next day
> Wake up tired
How did it become like this
I know that feel, the voice in my head is kind of a dick sometimes.
Schizophrenia can be very manageable with antipsychotics and some therapy
t. paranoid schizo
Try having tinnitus on top of the other 2.
asking the same as
Programmer, decent company, but not one of those top tier west coast meme.
>frozen food is cost inefficient and tastes worse
Tastes better than my alternative that's for sure. And while it's more expensive it's not that bad, I give about five USD for a kilogram of frozen pizza. The best deal I can find, but the pizza isn't that bad.
Play a lot of video games and movies and copy what the character's hobbies are
>my kids
With your hopeless view of the world, kids would seem unlikely.
i do believe my phase is coming long after yours. so prepare to have good time.
How do you get interviews for a programming job if you have no experience? I just graduated with my bs in comp sci but I can't seem to get anyone to give me the time of day.
That sounds like a sweet deal.
>it's another self diagnosis thread.
Stop whining and grow up or just go to /r9k/ please.
>> Go to sleep early hoping I'll be less tired the next day
Every fucking time
>be tired as fuck
>"tonight I'll go to sleep early so I can wake up fresh tomorrow and I can catch up with sleep deprivation"
>wake up at usual time the next morning, tired and pissed as fuck
>groggily go to work
>come back home
>decide to go to bed early
>rinse and repeat
>work from home on my own schedule
>have time for vidya and other stuff
Do some exercise, check your vitamins and shit and maybe your thyroid levels
I have a bunch of games I want to start but I'm too indecisive so I just end up playing 400 hours of Splatoon 2 instead of starting anything new
Does having low testosterone make you enjoy games less?
no correlation
My internship was pure nepotism (dad's friend was my in at the company) but I've been coasting on my 2.5 years of experience from that, like 4 interviews for the 5 companies I applied for. I was lucky enough to switch teams during the internship, so I don't look like a one-note person on my resume.
I got a few interviews before the nepotism though, even if they didn't go anywhere.
If you've got no experience, I'd say to make yourself look flexible to whatever kind of work they'd throw at you, you'll find what you like doing once you actually start working.
It also helps if you're not a spaghetti spilling idiot like me.
Keep in mind that being a Chad will make things easier, no doubt, but it's not the be-all, end-all for getting a successful career going.
So you say, but the fact that few girls play video games points the other way.
Low test probably puts you in a state of mind to enjoy video games more, to be honest
> Go to sleep at 9 instead of 11
> Going to get 10 fucking hours of sleep no way I'll be tired
> Wake up at like 4 in the morning
> Oh god please no
> Desperately try to go back to sleep for the next 3 hours
> Alarm goes off
> It was all wasted
> Should have just played vidya
> Still feel like ass
Kill me
House supervisor at a hospital boi.
>Work shift hours
>Nights and weekends
>Can play vidya at work because they are usually very quiet
>Get decent pay
>dunno what to do after school
>father has his own company
>employs me and I can work from home since most of the work I do is on a computer
>on more rare occasions have to drive to a few places
I lucked out. Otherwise I would be wageslaving like most people and probably get depressed.
>be neet
>sleep for 12 hours
>wake up dead tired
>no energy to play games
>finally starting to wake up a little as the day goes on
>realise it's 3 am already
>take my sleeping meds thinking "maybe tomorrow"
>come home from work
>do nothing but workout and vidya all day
feels great
My guess is he's a fireman who doesn't see very much action. Typically they work shifts like that and then get to sleep it off/rest the entire week.
Where you work user?
>things that don't happen
>rent a single room and live cheaply
That's probably my dream home. I want nobody over. I just want to play vidya after I'm done with work.
Just popping in to say unless you do hard physical labour (which you should eventually get used to anyway unless your job is completely unreasonable) this shouldn't be happening - working any normal/standard job should not leave you so tired you can't sit at a computer/on the couch and play vidya, if it does you need to make some changes to your health/diet/etc
Perhaps you need to exercise more and eat better? Perhaps you aren't sleeping properly?
See your doctor, talk to them about whats happening, don't just live your life tired and unhappy all of the time
>spend all day thinking about the work I'm supposed to be doing and stressing about it instead of just doing it
like cleaning your room my little user?
>come home from work
>dont know what to play
cause all games are boring
>At least I will get to play on the weekend
>Receive a ton of invites to party and get laid
This isn't normal, see your doctor
You have a sleeping disorder, maybe sleep apnea
>Get a hobby you can make money off of too,
how naive are you
>self diagnosing
>dick measuring over your life being worse than others
Just kill yourself.
>Have enough money to buy any game or console/ PC upgrade I want
>work up to 8 hours and my daily commute is up to 5 hours so when I get home I am absolutely tired.
>Can't bring shit like vita or 3ds because I live in a poor fags area and using shit like that is basically asking to be robbed.
>Spend the entire way home on Sup Forums.
Some times I play clash royal or some emulated gba games on my phone but fuck me, dude. I really want to play the games I actually own at home.
I am getting my motorbike license in 2 months or so and I'll be able to not waste my life in public transportation.
You've obviously never had a high stress office job. You can be tired without having to do physical work, you brainlet.
>daily commute is up to 5 hours
You forgot the last part where you still get depressed from loneliness because humans are social creatures and will always long for others to connect and bond with.
a lot of the stuff in this thread sounds like symptoms of depression. i'm there, too. i hope all you anons have some good days ahead of you.
i'm the same way with strangers, i used to love doing shit in video games with people i didn't know. anxiety over stupid shit that you know is stupid is the worst thing.
probably only fun hobby work is making shit with hands and playing music that you can get money out of and it's extremely hard to get money out of that way
>daily commute is up to 5 hours
Jesus man, I hope you at last listen to podcasts and audiobooks.
What the fuck man just move house
I regularly procrastinate playing games. It's part fear of failure and part fear of losing track of time.
As someone that spent two years inside mental hospitals doctor's diagnosis aren't worth shit
They can never agree on anything
This is a thread for people who play adult games, isn't it?
Like what ?
Working at macdonald is fucking depressing...
If you're unhealthy sure
I'm a team leader at a bank's mortgage sales team and we aren't meeting half year targets with 6 business days to go, I'd say that has the potential to be high stress
I still go to work all day and then come home and play vidya for like 4 hours, you just need to make sure to eat right, exercise regularly and get good quality sleep
If your job is so 'high stress' that you're so tired you can't sit at a computer after work and play your vidya of choice you should get a different job as its obvious you can't handle it
Just work on that 200 word essay, you might finish it in a week if you do a little every day.