This would be the biggest blunder of all time.
Why? Is the multiplayer "too broken" for them?
No couch co-op spec-ops no buy
Fake and gay. No company would be this retarded to release a world wide fan favorite without that reason why it was a favorite.
Is it really any surprise to you guys anymore how out of touch the entire industry is? Yeah that's right it isn't just Activision. This entire shitshow of an industry is cancerous and needs to burn. Starting with Activision can be a great start.
Is it gonna have the airport massacre mission?
cod is the worst multiplayer fps on the market so its not really a big loss
It is now yes.
MW2 was awesome, but Sup Forums hates fun and prefers to play pedo bait games like Overwatch
who the fuck even cares about call of duty, it was already lackluster in the PSX
MW2 had awful multiplayer. I'd rather play MW multiplayer any day of the week.
Well fuck...there goes anyone buying it, including myself. It was the one of the few CoDs I liked
It will replace it with you playing as Antifa gunning down a crowd of neonazis with the equivalent of the Pyro's rainbow flamethrower from TF2
"Remember, no bourgeoisie"
Even if it did, it'll have the same crate shit that infested the remaster of 4.
all of the normal weapons, camos etc were unlockable like the orginal. only extra shit was in loot boxes
What's the fucking point?
>one biggest multiplayer franchise
>literally best multiplayer of the series
>no multiplayer
what make-a-wish kid was put in charge of this?
Suck it up multiplayer zombie kiddies. Now you just have to appreciate the narrative like everyone else.
It's Activision's excuse to finally bury Raven for good.
No problem here, goys. Just buy the 25 dollar Multiplayer expansion pack released the month after! Every purchase includes 1,000 free COD points!
whos the real child?
>There are children who grew up playing Modern Warfare that post on Sup Forums now
The absolute state of this board
So anyone between the ages of 18-26?
Call of Duty 4 came out 18 years ago
shouldn't you be taking your medication now, gramps?
The first Modern Warfare came out in 2007. Kids who were 10 at the time are 21 now. Time sure flies, gramps.
Why are you getting so upset? Modern Warfare was literally over a decade ago
>game known for its multiplayer
>90% of people only buy the game for the multiplayer
>game has one of, if not the most fun (albeit least balanced) multiplayers ever released in the series
>release a remake of the game without said multiplayer
His the kind of person who sees everynone younger than him as incompetent toddlers not matter what.
Faggot children who liked MW2 are what fueled them to rape the series and other companies took note. CoD 4 was infinitely superior, it didn't need all the retarded extra bells and whistles to be serviceable.
MW2 had trash multiplayer and it marked the beginning of the end of the series.
hahaha ayyyyy daddy you're so based you make me MAGA hard. XOXOXO
I'm 21 and see the logic in what you're saying, but I feel the exact same way about people who feel nostalgic about Skyrim. Maybe it's a generational thing.
I liked CoD when it was simple and straightforward. CoD4 was the downward slope of the series.
This threads filled to the brim with shills.
Every MW2 thread up until now has been nothing but people talking fondly of the experience they had playing it.
>im fucking retarded: the post
"no russian" means don't speak russian
>Modern Warfare 2 rerelease
>multiplayer zombie
what did he mean by this?
Literally who cares about COD single player? You'd have to be an idiot if you think releasing a COD without its MP will make any money.
>hurr every appreciation thread is shills
run on back to your nintendo thread #22909889 and suck off more gook dick for your colorful children's games
Sup Forums at the time loved to shit on it, but there were entire "boycott" groups that were playing it the day it released. The SP was dogshit boring, but the multiplayer honestly felt a lot like Quake. Everything was broken as shit and fast as fuck.
Just because you had shit taste as a little kid doesn't mean it was good. Fuck this game and fuck what it did to the industry.
>caring about COD in 2018
MW2 was never good, it's just your nostalgia kicking in
Post your MW2 builds
>WA2000 with Heartbeat and silencer (for the camouflage clothing)
>USP with silencer
>Bling Pro
>Cold Blooded Pro
>Ninja Pro
I just sneaked around and went behind campers and snipers. I shot them once in the back, and once they turned around and looked I would be spamming Y which made me look like a corpse. Great fun. I'd go whole matches without engaging in combat.
MW2 is where all the kids were
I know, but I like "no Russian is to remain alive" better.
>not "Modern Warfare 2 Remastered has NO multiplayer and NO Russian..."
Missed opportunity.
Mark the words of this user. Im going to cruice control this:
This is possibly the worst decision in video game history. I struggle to come up with worse.
Causal no taste faggots of Sup Forums BTFO
Will they take no russian out of the game to avoid controversy? Place your bets
>implying the codbo4 deluxe edition wont have the multiplayer part just like they did with mw1
Blunder of the year
no link
Is that what they fucking meant? I assumed he was saying "try not to massacre any russian people in there"
Damn I'm retarded
I understand you children are finally growing up and MW2 was an adolescence defining gane for you, but are we really gonna pretend that MW2 was good in any way? Because it literally wasn't. The multiplayer was some of the most broken, unbalanced shit ever.
Raven deserves better.
Don't feel bad, I figured it out last year just out of nowhere. It was really ambiguous.
Maybe people had fun with the game? Weird for Sup Forums, I know.
good the mw2 multiplayer is fucking dogshit. Anyone convincing themselves otherwise is a nostalgia fag who should take off their rose tinted glasses.
Here is what they are doing. MW 2 is arguable the most popular nu-COD. It's their FF7. So they are going to sell multiplayer and single player separate. They are going to keep any news on multiplayer quiet until the first couple of weeks then announce it. Some faggot at Activision crunched the numbers and found out this is how you can sell an old game for $60 when multiplayer will be sold for $40 alone.
>This is possibly the worst decision in video game history. I struggle to come up with worse.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
>implying a treyarch game will be packaged with an infinity ward game
Are you okay?
>It's their FF7
>this is was cod babbys believe
>caring about balance
One of the best quirks about MW2 MP was how chaotic everything was and everything was usable. I shat on people with the F2000 and loved every second of it.
I can't remember half the shit I had, but the most used one I ran with was the AA-12 with Extended mags, Marathon, Lightweight, and Ninja. I basically only played SnD and that shit was straight up murder on some maps like Favela.
It being unbalanced was part of the fun. So many ways to play.
Try hard SMG build
Quickscope build with a camera filming the TV screen
Danger Close rage inducing explosives build
Stealth build
Camping build with infinite mines
Knife only build
Double shotgun build
I could go on and on, but there were so many overpowered ways to play. No other FPS has had so many fun, broken ways to play
>some faggot that wasn't even on Sup Forums for the MW2 release tries to act like he's one of the cool kids by calling everyone else a child
Eeeks fucking dee my guy
It was fun to abuse the OP guns and killstreaks and get 130-10 on demolition
I meant the complete opposite, the most recent threads up to this day have been nothing but people fellating the idea of returning to the multiplayer.
And now theres people posting how the MP is shit and its a totally ok thing to remove it.
Shit doesnt add up.
>P90 Akimbo with rapid fire
>Spas 12 with grip
>Bling Pro
>Stopping power pro
>Steady Aim Pro
This was my go to trolling balls to the wall set up
Activision was scared to sell Cod 4 stand alone because they didn't want to take the heat from adding loot boxes and making people pay for DLC maps in a remaster so they tacked it on to another game for $20.
They clearly want the full $60 this time and are going to use (((their))) tricks to split that cost up anyway they can. Cod fags we'll pay it anyway so it doesn't matter.
That was half of what made it fun, user.
Modern Warfare's multiplayer is just another big dumb death match game mode with incremental unlocks
Fuck all the drooling retards that think this is what the series is about. Multiplayer games ruined vidya.
>the reason for microtransactions
>the reason for stilted campaigns/co-op (or the complete removal of co-op) so they could force in some shallow multiplayer
>the reason we see DLC Map pack number 10000123938761349134475627251
>the reason we see 2-3 hour long singleplayer
Good riddance.
the Akimbo G-18s were basically SMGs with less recoil and no bullet drop.
>and no bullet drop.
No weapon in CoD has bullet drop.
Just fix the perk where you had infinite explosive weapons, give it a new coat of paint and enjoy the free money, no one's paying for the fucking campaign
This was probably the last COD that had satisfying shotguns.
There was nothing better than using a spaz 12 with fmj (Model 1887 was for brainlets)
>It was really ambiguous.
...No, it wasn't.
Yeah, I keep forgetting. I've been playing too much battlefield.
That's not a trolling build, that's just a very effective one that people probably died to a lot. A trolling build is grenade launcher with danger close and scavenger for an example
>implying I wasn't
You must have been an underagefag when mw2 came out if you actually hold any nostalgia for it
As for balance goes, I guess if you took the broken bullshittery in stride, there's something to be liked, but I absolutely disliked mw2 for it.
>you're just a kid, a child, a baby xDDD
People who call others children or kids are basically brats themselves, dude. You're just screaming "stop liking what I don't like" and being a whiny bitch.
So is Raven finally going to make Hexen 3?
>there are kids on this board whos first console was xbox360
Kill me now
Don't go to Activision tommorow.
True trolling build was Riot shield with C4 and danger close. Absolutely AIDS in search when someone would camp the bomb site with this and wait for people to show up
>fix retarded shit like Danger Close and One Man Army
>bundle all the maps so everyone can play them
>coat of 1080p paint
>charge $60
>profit like a madman
Why is this so hard?
MW2 came out 24 years ago
That was amazing. And if you were knifing instead you could just have the shield on your back and be almost invulnerable when running away from someone
>>fix retarded shit like Danger Close and One Man Army
"fix" as in "unpatched" version right?
I'm just filled to the brim with magatastic fervor and undying love for daddy donnie.
>tfw he wn grab you by the boipucci
why even live?
Shit must've hit home with that then. I get it, you loved mw2 as it was pure nostalgiabait for you and your middleschool friends, despite being kinda shit. Don't take it personally, little buddy.
>The multiplayer was some of the most broken, unbalanced shit ever.
That's the reason for the fondness people feel about the game. Instead of being some one or two loadout meta, there was enough broken shit to keep experimenting fun and exciting.