U mad?

>u mad?

Attached: hat lass.png (188x188, 36K)

*reports you for toxic behavior*
Enjoy your ban, you festive gentleman

>haha no

Attached: shadman.gif (480x270, 1.45M)

Yeah u mad

what the fuck is this thread?

I could literally hear "please pass the egg salad" and "raggle fraggle". Shit.


>ahh! somebody help me!

Holy shit that caught me off guard

Attached: 1513162961361.gif (839x453, 1.51M)

>hatkid passed the stretch goal.gif

I'd stretch her goal. if you know what I'm saying?
I'm talking about sex

I was until I remember I got to play a great game!

why is every single thread on this board a samefag thread?

Attached: 1513959557241.png (853x1353, 421K)

hey man, i just like this pic. it fits almost every situation. have another one friend.

Attached: Beanie lass.png (487x487, 427K)

Because memes are funny. and if you make a thread discussing a game you're called a shill. Also you seem to be a tad upset

Attached: dabtroid.jpg (1572x1038, 209K)

I don't mind but it's horrible to know that most threads on Sup Forums are made by a single person over and over again

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you too
yeah it'd be nice if Sup Forums threads were made by more people so the content actually would be organic

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I swear I just chose that pic at random

Attached: 1479561434697.jpg (500x524, 52K)

dunno what you mean but I went with the filename

the best part is 50% of threads are literaly word to word reposts from reddit/resetera/neofag

Which is why we need to implement userIDs and flags. It will be easier to detect shills and bots without having to cross-check fireden.

But that could lead to video game discussion and we don't want that do we?

>devs create pedo bait character
>get pissy when people draw porn of her

Cute characters are not necessarily pedobait, but they are likely to attract that stuff

Attached: its-reimu-not-armpit.jpg (237x296, 40K)


what source????

Do me next!

Attached: the_conductor_by_jailvian-dbsybhc.png (338x350, 57K)

I already did but never posted it
all same

Attached: 1499239577848.png (869x1438, 439K)

Are you fucking for real? Almost everyone stopped caring about the game like 4 months ago, and you're still doing this archive shit? You've broken the goddamn autism spectrum.

Also would you ride his train?

Attached: tumblr_oxuxh3Mdko1uypzmbo1_500.png (500x416, 65K)

it's not like I'm on a lookout I point out whenever I land on this persons thread

Attached: 1497314691557.png (838x1790, 477K)

>It wasn't a gf

Attached: 1297819638068s.jpg (126x96, 2K)

Oh my god, you're not supposed to admit to it. You're an embarrassment, holy shit.

>gl hf
>had the worst luck
>didn't have fun

Attached: 1521526783781.jpg (560x560, 109K)

userIDs and flags wouldn't fix anything and going with proper usernames and logins would just go against the point of this site