He doomed millions

He doomed millions...

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he saved one. and it was the person closest to him

...to save a sequel.

I doubt it would've worked.

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the firelies were full of shit, they had no idea how to make a cure

>already killed like seven other immune people to find a cure with no success
>"it will work now :)"

Joel was in the right, and his brother's little community showed that people were already making something good out of the apocalypse.

Fireflies had already dissected a bunch of other immune people beforehand and made no progress. Even if they could figure it out, producing more of it would likely be incredibly costly and there is no reliable method of delivering it to everyone with society and infrastructure falling apart.

This. Plus the fireflies were politically motivated and would use the cure to shape society how they wanted even if they did get it

you know it's a videogame and no one actually died right?

Not with Naughty Dog as they are now, Ellie is gonna be the protag and Joel turned into the villain

>"The real monsters aren't the Infected, Joel... it's your white privilage"

I wonder if they're going to include a flashback scene where it actually shows Riley turning and Ellie doesn't. I felt that was left out of the last game's DLC for a reason.

Joel did nothing wrong and if you disagree, you should never ever become a father.

>we need a vaccine
>she's the only person in the world with this strain but not really though
>you can get infected with a bite, but for some reason we can't just take blood/saliva samples and culture them, we need to rip out her brain
>this will allow us to create a vaccine, but we still have no way to mass produce or distribute this vaccine for the millions of people who need it
>the government probably has better lab equipment and could create a vaccine without killing the girl, as well as distribute it to almost everyone, but we don't like the government so we're keeping her secret from them
>we don't like the government because they put martial law into place to protect us from the fungus that we now have a cure for, so instead of cooperating to save the world we will hang on to a cure that we can't use because they have the world under martial law because of the disease that can be cured but we won't let them cure because they put us under martial law
>but even if we get a usable vaccine from killing the girl, and find a way to mass produce it, and find a way to distribute it without causing mass riots, and either overthrow the government or convince them to stop martial law, things really wouldn't change that much because even if people aren't getting infected, there are still large areas of the country that are overtaken by dangerous infected or cannibals and various gangs who kill outsiders on sight, we still don't have nearly enough food, water, ammo, or any other critical supplies, all that would change is that a bite isn't a death sentence and you could walk in spores without getting a gasmask.

The real answer why they were wrong is that they were so weak a whole army of them have been killed off by fucking one old guy. wtf were is logic in that
A bunch of soyboys has no right to rebuild the society.

Is it necrophilia if you have sex with an infected?

explain to me why the human race is worth saving

inb4 edgelord

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Nah, Joel will be the main character because Ellie is going to die halfway through the game because everyone expects it will be Joel that dies.

not an argument

The devs are too SJW to kill off the female lead. Joel will definitely die first.

>save million random fuckers you don't like
>fuck a qt loli

Joel dying would be so fucking trite and predictable. Ellie dying would actually have a greater emotional impact because she's still young and should have more life ahead of her.

I know Naughty Dog are hacks but I don't think they're that big of hacks.

He knew that breeding Ellie would be a better cure than letting some hooligans fool around with her brain.

It wouldn't have worked the Fireflys were a bunch of fucking retards and probably would have used the fact they have a cure as a weapon rather than a cure (and that's if they could make a cure from killing Elle in the first place)

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>durr we gonna cure
>go inject a Clicker with a vaccine

>get the girl
>within 24 hours want to cut her head open
Made no fucking sense. There was no sense of urgency to operate. It blows my mind how Naughty Dog never wrote in anything that put the urgency there for the Fireflies.

Even if it was Marlene giving the go-ahead as a last ditch effort to keep the group together and be the leader, since they got fucked crossing the country