Who's you favorite male (male) speed runner?

Who's you favorite male (male) speed runner?

Attached: LobosJr.jpg (600x799, 44K)

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mentally ill white male #34 is my favorite speedrunner

clint stevens


Are you implying blacks are not good or smart enough to achieve anything in speed-running?


nubos isnt really a speedrunner

black people aren't as mentally fragile as millennial whites

Lobos has said himself that he's by no means a competitive speedrunner, he just does it for fun. He's more known for his challenge runs.

Cosmo. Whatever happened to him, anyway?

Attached: JUST.jpg (401x340, 23K)

Attached: sonicfox.png (579x912, 982K)

he streams on chaturbate now

Attached: ufHt6o1.jpg (1112x575, 146K)

Speedrunning hasn't been cool since 2012

I wish shift wasn't such a prick, I really like the bfbb speedrun

>Where did that come from?
That wasn't the point, he said who's your most favorite speed runner, not the most competitive speed runner.

this is a terrible photoshop

brainlets are going to say clintstevens and rwhitegoose. just watch.

Attached: goose picks his nose and eats it.gif (166x222, 718K)

>this is a well respected leader of the speedrunning community

no one in the community respects him. it's just retards from Sup Forums.

goose has a natural ability to manipulate stupid people. he's like the leader of an 80 iq cult.

But that's you

cheese respects him

because cheese has an IQ of 80. the shoe fits.

ask puncayshun what he thinks of goose.

I know what puncay thinks of goose
I heard his rant about him last week

>male (male) speedrunner
As of now.

>speed running
>yfw they speed run themselves to an early grave

Attached: nice legs agdq.webm (638x460, 844K)



He looks like me, just with shorter hair

Good, now you have an idea of what the general consensus is.

I like HeisenburgerTV. He's a cool dude.

>this is a terrible photoshop
it's actually real

lobos is actually my fav. still not sure how he manages to land his GFs, is it just dosh?

>cheats on fiancee with ugly whore

why, /ourguy/ pannenkoek2012 of course

pannenkoek isn't a speedrunner.

Lobos is a cool dude

jesus fucking christ
this makes me violently angry
the wrong people won the world war
fuck this earth

Attached: 1519239611927.gif (320x240, 576K)

Reminder that Lobos bears the mark of the cursed one. He's literally the Chosen Undead.

Attached: lobo tatt.jpg (1497x1059, 404K)

Shoutouts to Simpleflips

Why are you using millenial as a buzzword? Your statement implies a comparison between old black people and white people in their 30s

It's very real I'm afraid

>He didn't show dick, yet

>jesus fucking christ this makes me violently angry
Why? You'll be happier if you stop being such a crybaby.

I love Spikeman!

Attached: Spikevegeta.jpg (250x250, 78K)

Fuck off munkayshun, you are not the general opinion.

Attached: 1506104996286.jpg (900x1200, 185K)

dude goldeneye lmao

and? you're speaking from a position of privilege

Attached: index.jpg (640x480, 171K)

He represents the general opinion.

The people who slurp Goose cock are primarily non-speedrunners.

What does that have to do with anything? I just called you out for being dumb. Being not-dumb isn’t privilege

Goose seems like kind of dude who tries really hard to make others believe he's not a total fucking degenerate, and goes out of his way to take publicity photo like this every week.

Why not girls? Sexist much?

still better than mario64

>muh eceleb is more hip then your eceleb
Jesus when did Sup Forums turn into a daycare for autistic 12 year olds.

This is some crazy downward spiral. It can only end in suicide. He legit needs mental health help.


>muh eceleb is more hip then your eceleb
Imagine being so stupid that you take this away from what was said.

Fuck off bitch

he's a slowrunner

Didn't this guy last minute dump his fiance?

so you're saying that only white people are allowed to be racist?

i found about hob about 1 month before bald
watched him up to getting the run but dropped him after that
plus i also think he died on purpose a couple of times. 50/50 on that

the ones taht stay male

He plays guitar. This is literally enough to make women wet as fuck.

Attached: lobosjr-.jpg (500x500, 56K)

he fucked another girl during his engagement

>cuckos jr

Speedrunning marriage. He said the vows, consummated the marriage and broke up with her in moments, smashing records

i wouldnt say shes ugly but she is a bit whorish

holy fucking shit it's real

So sane people?

thats not what a cuck is, newfag.

LobosJr is my favourite soybro. He's funny and skillful.

isnt his gf fat and ugly as fuck
or did he get a new one


> no misterllamasc

You bullies, D2 speedruns are the comfiest.

He left her for some other chick

I don't have a favorite speedrunner, but not for lack of trying.

I DO, however, have a favorite speedRUN:


Attached: 1146333039836.jpg (347x364, 88K)

gf is bloodyfaster, pretty cute.

so fucking redditt

There was a guy who speedrun vtmb, I think lurkchan was his name.




Attached: 1150034740006.jpg (173x175, 55K)

>first few seconds
oooohhhhh mama nice le...
>rest of the video is pic related

Attached: 1513358568993.gif (392x260, 2M)

>banned for having too much fun

its not fair

*cuts off penis to feel better about self*

He is a fucking tranny enabler

The spiders demand penile meat as sacrifice. Spike is doing what he needs to save us all.

Blacks are literally just jewish pets with 0 agency of their own

Looks like a jewish man with red hair

white people are a dying race

Better be dead than black.

>GDQ used to be good

What's wrong? Can you not appreciate female beauty?

enjoy your brown utopia

Attached: haiti2.jpg (2257x1505, 1.73M)

guess you won't be saying that when you're suffering in hell because you hated people for being born with a different skill color

Rip ;_;

Attached: 1484179498937.png (1400x1400, 540K)

They split up a while ago now.

nothing more bittersweet than a top runner joining normiehood

>a different skill color
git gud

>starts racial drama
>cries when it doesn't go in his favor

absolute state of minorities

say good bye to your guns and your white privilege soon white boi