Where were you when the butthurt faggots at a bunch of nugame companies formed the "Fairplay Alliance" so they can more easily unperson wrongthinkers from "their" public speech platforms and steal their money in the process?
Where were you when the butthurt faggots at a bunch of nugame companies formed the "Fairplay Alliance" so they can more...
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inb4 this thread gets filled with Discordfags and Blizzard employees
It’s only a matter of time before the “right thinkers” get lumped in with the wrong thinkers and this whole shitfest explodes into another GG
Define "toxic behavior", please.
That's actually disgusting and pathetic. What ever happened to hitting back against shitty bants and spammers. Games are so fucking dead, I miss the community you would find in tf2 servers
Why the hell did we need another thread for this? Fuck off and die faggot
Stay mad Sup Forumsshit
>fair play alliance
Jesus Christ. I don't give a shit if you hate kids shouting nigger, this is absolute lunacy.
This will probably just make online gaming more enjoyable for the people that mute the whole match every game.
Hol' up, are they actually blacklisting paying customers that haven't even done anything wrong in their own products? That's really fucked up. I fucking hate trolls and fully support banning legitimate "toxic" behavior but this is crossing a line.
Its like they're trying to kill their competitive scene. People will start getting sick of this and move onto other games.
t. Reset Era
and our lovely hotpockets
I just dread the day when SJWs come for VPS and domain providers. That is the day when free speech truly dies.
New law: you have to give me a full refund if you permaban me for "being toxic"
Also, a reminder to sign the petition for an Internet Bill of Rights to protect free speech online from these leftist retards
why would you wear a hat that says soylent on it
We already had a thread about this where we reemed your faggot sjw asshole already. If you want more attention then go start a youtube channel where you beg for attention and money
Criticizing how I play, pointing out "flaws" in my playstyle, claiming that I am why we are losing, and telling me what to do in game is toxic behavior. I don't need you telling me to do objectives in hots or lol or overwatch. If I do not want to do them, I won't, and you telling me to do them is toxic and I will report you. I've gotten many people punished so far.
ok pedogaf
i'm not signing shit retard
The thread will get flooded with it only being shouting nigger non stop in chat but it probably will mean anyone who had someone else get upset at "gg ez"
>Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.
>We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.
>internet bill of rights
We already have a bill of rights you fucking retard. Just because you don't know how to assert your rights doesn't mean we need more government bullshit.
based cucks
>it's another "Sup Forumsfags whine about being punished for being a dipshit in vidya" thread
AHAHAHAHAHA okay faggot
Telling internet companies that govern over people's communications to respect free speech is hardly "more government bullshit"
thread theme
Oof, wow. You're way too tough for me, please don't punish me, I think the way you play is AWESOME :)
>companies banding to sponsor right think
>"everyone that doesn't like this is just a nigger mic spammers"
>"there is no online and url, just reality"
>people are actively having their lives destroyed and being imprisoned for saying significantly less offensive shit than inline autist
Well now we'll either impose the same vendor and social credit policies as China our selves, or just have the imposed on us when China takes over
Nothing is stopping you from calling a lawyer and bringing it to a small claims court, is it?
>Play like shit on purpose to get people mad
>Let them lash out in anger in text/voice chat
>Report them for being toxic
>Watch them get banned while the developers praise you for "fighting against toxicity"
>riot being allowed to determine acceptable behavior
we are fucking doomed
This movement created by useless people in these companies who have nothing better to do and provide nothing of value to their product, but when they start reviewing the books and thinking about where to make budget cuts they can say "you can't fire me, I'm a key member of the Fair Play Alliance!"
It's all bullshit.
Small claims is not enough. This issue needs huge precedent set + law reform to protect free speech.
Dude, what the fuck man. You know it's this.
posting this pic
So take it to a federal court? Jesus christ do I need to hold your fucking hand through this entire process? Jesus christ you really don't know how to assert your rights, do you? This is why you latch onto more government laws like a lamprey
Cucks always post the same
>Waaaah why can't I throw a tantrum over a video game!!!
Just don't be a little bitch.
That looks like my shit after I've had almonds.
Stop playing multiplayer games that enforce this.
That better not be sarcasm, a GM in Hots told me sarcasm is a reportable offense.
As other anons have been saying, this issue will likely wind up with multiple Class Actions.
>There's no IRL and online anymore
They're right and its fucking depressing that they think its a good thing. I fucking miss when the internet was a separate thing from your real life before facebook became huge.
How can Team Fortress 2 have taunts when that's toxic behavior?!
>Banned for being annoying
I don't see the problem here. I'm not the most diligent little memester, but I don't see this negatively affecting anybody but the people that everybody hated already.
Honestly, if I never hear the word faggot through a shitty microphone again I'll be a happier man.
That's the exact fucking mentality of these people bro.
But you are the little bitch, my friend
I'm so sorry! I thought the smiley would show that it wasn't sarcasm, I'm not some a-hole who would say mean things to others on the internet. I've learned my lesson now, please don't report me.
>I hate what you say, but I will protect your right to say it
What happened to the principled and mature man?
why don't games just add an adult chat for people who aren't thin skinned and enjoy banter?
If you're this small minded that you can't understand why this sort of thing is bad, then you'll probably be happy with anything anyways.
Why shouldn't you be able to act like a retard everywhere online?
The average IQ of American people is in the mid-60's. You can't impose higher standards on the internet than you can on reality.
Pic related is literally what happened, fucking idiot
your game makes no money if you limit it to adults. it has to be all ages or at least teenager friendly. this is why blizzard and riot are billionaires.
It's 98, but that's a nice try, eurocuck
This kind of shit is why I'm slowly phasing out video games. The writing is on the wall at this point, we're going to a very, very bad place fast.
Because that would make it seem as if the things they think and say are acceptable in any way - they're not.
The only way for them to unlearn everything that is problematic is by regulating everything they say, do and think constantly.
I know that's the point you doddering shitsucker
>I hate what you say and Im excited to see you banned
Thats more like it. I dont get anything out of junior high videogame banter, sorry user. I use voice chat to talk to friends or coordinate with teammates.
>play video games
>never use chat
>never banned
>never play as a team with randos, only play as a team with the people I know
>never had a problem
No user you're the problem
The only butthurt I see here is from you OP.
>Honestly, if I never hear the word faggot through a shitty microphone again I'll be a happier man.
Being toxic goes far beyond that. I'm sick of people like you who are in my games telling me how to play and not respecting my gameplay. Telling me that I am building wrong, not last hitting properly, or having the gall to tell me when you expect me to do objectives, as if you're my boss or something. People like you are also the problem, not just some guy spewing rancid racial epithets.
Do you only play multiplayer games or something? If so you probably had shit taste anyway
Take a look at yourself and you'll know the answer you projecting degenerate
>>I hate what you say and Im excited to see you banned
When you're walking into the cell for psychosocial crimes against humanity, remember this post.
ITT: people don't want to see other people whine and cry for treating all of the internet like it's Sup Forums and getting banned
So what the fuck is wrong with all of you people?
If this were ingame, I probably would have reported you already, the interaction already made me feel uncomfortable, and you can't take it back.
Sorry user, I'm an adult. Calling people names through voice chat doesnt impress me.
If you're offended over a pepe image you don't belong on the internet
The irony being, of course, that you are the one doing all the projection here.
I'm exactly like you are except I occasionally use ingame chat. Never been banned from anything. Even so, if you can't see that this is a bad thing you're blind as fuck.
>there's no IRL and online anymore. This is just all reality now.
oh my god. I'm actually horrified here. Do these assholes not understand the implications of this?
Online interaction cannot replace irl. There's a reason twitter is such a cultural warzone. These social media services are poorly designed and encourage hate and mob-rule as an emergent property. If you give that dumpster fire parity with irl then we're just fucked. Kids will never be able to escape their bullies. Out political process will be influenced by fucking twitter shitposting more than it already is.
The founders of the internet kept IRL and internet separate for a reason. These corporate fucks are ruining everything and turning the internet into some nightmare alternate reality.
>Le don't hurt my feelings!
You're underaged. You clearly never played multiplayer games before Sup Forums existed
Interestingly, the US is the only developing country where the IQ average has significantly dropped in the past 15 years.
>I use voice chat to talk to friends or coordinate with teammates.
That's fine, but I don't need you trying to "coordinate" with me, I have my own playstyle and if you do not respect it I will report for you toxicity.
>Where were you when the butthurt faggots at a bunch of nugame companies formed the "Fairplay Alliance" so they can more easily unperson wrongthinkers from "their" public speech platforms and steal their money in the process?
>Pulling all of these assumptions out of your ass
No, user, I'm just not impressed with calling people names through voice chat
>le act like Sup Forums outisde of Sup Forums
No, you're the only underage here
I have a better solution, I'm just not going to play those games or use those platforms.
You've already pissed yourself, you can stop trying to be superior now
>Coordinating with teammates in a chaotic casual enviroment
I like the idea of competitive gaming, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't want to play with somebody like you even if I got paid.
Plus, you sound like the first person to bitch at his teammates for their own mistakes.
The poo-poo pee-pee Pepes made me feel uneasy, to be honest.
You can't censor free speech IRL, though. If I want to plaster a Pepe meme on my car, I am free to do so.
good, hopefully this can be the beginning of the end of right wing ideology
>If you give that dumpster fire parity with irl then we're just fucked.
Isn't that the goal? If that's the goal then there is no problem.
(You) for shitposting
Refuse, they lose.
>Fairplay alliance scanner drone sees Pepe on your car
>identify your twitch and league accounts
>permanently ban both for "hateful conduct"
this is what they want
honestly after arguing with some other idiot about this in the other thread, I think I'll follow your example and just play badly and do the complete opposite on purpose to get people riled up and then report them.
Might as well, who gives a shit? If they aren't playing the OBJ or not playing the way I want them to, they are pretty toxic in my mind! Bans for everyone!
Toxic behavior is a buzzwordy bullshit and I'll adapt to their fuckery by instead of calling people bad, I'll just make everyone's game a terrible experience and then get them banned behind it for getting angry. GG EZ.
I've never said anything "toxic" the past 20 years, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't. I just want the right to say it if it's time for it.
>post yfw Fairplay Alliance finally cracks down on Brazilians for their horrible behavior
They were supposed to, it was an attempt to make pepe as unpalatable as possible to normies.
>Coordinate with team
>Everybody in the thread takes it to mean order the team around
Jesus no wonder you guys dont win team based games, we're politely asking for support and calling out targets while you're all losing your shit because somebody gave you the hint of a request or instruction.
I can relate, I still somewhat live in that era and didn't quite move on. I have and had online friends, who just don't get why I don't want to meet irl, or voice chat, etc. I feel a bit more than 10 years ago, I wouldn't have had to explain this.
I will never fully embrace Facebook and the other faggotry that came after.