I'm fed up Sup Forums. I want a game with a satisfying and rewarding sword fighting system. Not something clunky like Monster Hunter, but not a muh curhazee fest like hack and slashs or DmC.
There was that star wars game on GBA
I'm fed up Sup Forums. I want a game with a satisfying and rewarding sword fighting system. Not something clunky like Monster Hunter, but not a muh curhazee fest like hack and slashs or DmC.
There was that star wars game on GBA
I hate this shit fucking anime and specifically this gif.
This is what they think is cool in japan, fucking ultimate betas.
Okay, big guy.
What do YOU think is cool?
Don't worry user, at least she got raped.
before they retconned it to avoid otaku rage
dark messiah, jedi knight series,
I think I saw part of this anime before. It was fucking shit if I recall correctly
It's extremely fucking shit. Imagine the most generic fantasy anime possible and then stick tons of katana wank in it.
It's funny kind of sad when you know that in reality the knight wins at everything vs samurai
Better genetics
Better food
Better upbringing
Better, more competitive and structured training
Taller, heavier and stronger
Better horses
Better armor
Better sword
Better polearms
Better siege weapons
Better shields
Better bows
Doesn't one of the characters become a sword?
But it was folded over a thousand times.
all of these vary very heavily between different individuals and you can't seriously say that some random fuckhead from group A will always be better in these categories than some random fuckhead from group B
Just put a european sword in asian hands
Yeah, now I remember how completely shit this thing was. I honestly hate Japanese stories. They always either escalate extremely quickly, or are so beyond over the top that you start to think "wtf am I watching?". They never has a middle ground
Dank souls
Dank messiah
yep, it's easily one of the worst anime I've ever seen. I apparently watched up to the 5th episode somehow. no idea how I made it that far looking back on it
tough call on if it or chaos;head is worse. I'll always hate chaos;head more though since I watched it all the way through
japan is finally learning
How the fuck do you retcon rape? It was consensual all along? It was merely roleplay? It was only in the ass so it doesn't count? Forced blowjobs don't count as sex so its not rape?
Wait, so that For Honor execution is based off a real thing? Were you whack someone with the handle bits? I thought that was just to look cool, nor did I think it would be actually effective
I've been looking for something new to read, any idea what this is user? If not that's fine, I'll keep searching for it
The long sword was the most technologically advanced weapon for centuries user. Every single part of it was designed to kill.
It wasn't sexual abuse if i recall but just plain physical abuse.
Yeah, it was real.
sauce me please anonymous
it's apparently Reincarnation no Kaben
you are a retarded degenerate if this gif triggers you while you actually know about the context
it's some legendary magical smith's katana cutting through a hobo's sword, in a harem anime about all kinds of magical swords
It's more of an improvisation. The idea being that blunt strikes are more effective against armored opponents. Someone rolls up on you in full plate and you've only got a sword? Whack 'em with the pommel!
A knight would always beat a samurai in combat, this isn't really debatable.
looks like Goblin Slayer
He isn't comparing random fuckheads from group A to B. These were members of nobility and had access to the best shit from their regions. Even the poorer nobility in Europe had much better equipment and training due to the abundance of materials and continual innovation.
Knights were taller/stronger, more technologically advanced and much better experienced due to being at constant war with each other while the samurai had to wank their swordsmanship because they felt unneeded during those long periods of peace.
>that disarm at 20 seconds
Yes, are you fucking retarded or something?
Yeah, but the series also makes it clear that magical katanas are the best type of magic sword. Most of the anime is the main character begging for a katana, even offering to have sex with the magic blacksmith guy for one.
kek'd at that crossbow
It isn't, but it does look like
Crossbow should've ended it desu
>Knight gets a full kit
>Samurai gets shitty katana that they didn't even use as primary weapons
Knight would still win but that shit is dumb.
I was under the impression that shields weren't often used by people wearing plate armor (outside of jousting etc)
Bushido Blade. It's amazing up until the fag with the gun shows up.
This scene was relentlessly ridiculed for years within the anime community.
alot of them were over exaggerated. You could probably take a good guess and which ones were.
They weren't used at all after plate armor became advanced enough
>knight gets a crossbow
>samurai doesn't get a gun
I can't believe you're making me defend the samurai
>These were members of nobility and had access to the best shit from their regions
pretty sure the samurai were also nobles
>Knights were taller/stronger
I don't see a reason why that would be true. Strength is an entirely personal thing and Europeans only started being so tall recently. Medieval Europeans were manlets.
>Knights were (...) much better experienced due to being at constant war with each other while the samurai had to wank their swordsmanship because they felt unneeded during those long periods of peace
The samurai were also constantly at war, Japan wasn't a single entity, it was divided into different provinces which waged wars on each other
It's true that a knight is very likely to be much better equipped than a samurai, but that's it. I don't see a reason to believe they were all perfect superheroes who can beat a samurai with one hand. It seems like you hate weebs so much that you deluded yourself into believing the same kind of bullshit they do, except with whites instead of Japs.
>that move set
also knights weren't capable of pulling crossbows out of their asses and reloading them instantly without even having the proper equipment
>country’s warfare revolves entirely around swords
>never invents a shield
>never invents a sword that can stab
>Better genetics
caucasians have the absolute weakest and most beta genetics out of all races, and this is not some shitposting
>Better food
>Better upbringing
totally questionable, both had their own weaknesses and strengths.
>Taller, heavier and stronger
there is like a single inch size difference between Japanese and German/French people
>Better armor
>Better sword
>Better polearms
the average samurai was much better equipped than the average knight though. European armor was also inferior to what the samurai wore till the 16th century plate armors when knighthood started dying out
A Samurai wouldn't even be able to beat a Spartan and you're defending them, thinking that they could beat a knight? Lmao.
>caucasians have the absolute weakest and most beta genetics out of all races, and this is not some shitposting
>caucasians have the absolute weakest and most beta genetics out of all races, and this is not some shitposting
Stopped right there. You cannot actually believe this is true. This is definitely a fucking shitpost.
pretty sure nothing is stopping you from stabbing with a katana
the absence of shields is pretty dumb, though
>caucasians have the absolute weakest and most beta genetics out of all races
>the average samurai was much better equipped than the average knight though
>European armor was also inferior to what the samurai wore
Okay but what are some games with good actual fucking sword combat though? I'm just going to say Dark Souls and be right entirely because y'all are going to be too Sup Forums to debate me on this.
>>country’s warfare revolves entirely around swords
Katana are status weapons. Samurai mostly use glaives or longbows, common troops use good ol' spears. Most are 2-handed weapons which is why they don't use much shields
Kingdom Come deliverance, but the game is a buggy shit-heap right now so wait until later this year if you're interested in it.
Katanas can stab
BUT from what I understand, Samurai started as kinda horse archers and were more likely to use a spear or bow than actually cut someone with their sword in combat. I think they're like knights in that the actual symbol of their power is the horse.
His point still stands, not having some kind of shield is fucking retarded.
in the words of the warrior poet twin swordsman, shields arn't actually for pussies.
>the series also makes it clear that magical katanas are the best type of magic sword
it's literally just what the katana smith believes. The whole series is about all kinds of magical swords that are much mightier than what the katana wielder showed his sword to be.
>literally conquer the world
>beta genetics
on Sup Forums too, I still have the gifs somewhere
>>literally conquer the world
>Lost what tiny piece of Africa they had
>Lost South America
>Never took East Asia
>Middle East has a history of completely BTFO'ing Europe
That game just looks like Skyrim combat though user
it is true and you know it
stronger features are more dominant to weaker ones. Darker skin, darker hair, darker eye color, etc. are all dominant to their lighter counterparts. The only strong feature caucasuans have are their long nose bridges.
That's why the whites are so afraid of race mixing, because they know well they would just fucking disappear.
You seem to have misinterpreted. They both had the best shit from their regions but what the japs had paled in comparison to the sort of equipment even the poorer nobility of Europe could afford and have access to.
The constant "wars" in Japan were fought with the same techniques, the same weapons and amours while the battles between Europe were a constant arms race, what worked stayed and what didn't was discarded. If you're going to spend hundreds of years killing each other then the least you could do is create better arms and armour.
Also if you don't see the fact that Europeans with proper nutrition were bigger compared to the 5'1 manlets of Japan during that time then there's no discussion here.
caucasians didn't achieved anything thanks to their genetics though, but because they had the best environment to ensure faster and easier economical growth
this environment made their genetics the weakest, while people who lived in harsher environment have stronger genetics
shitpost is just shitpost, news at 10 folks
>Conquer the world with shooty shooty bang bang weapons
>Not beta genetics
You must not know what Skyrim combat looks like, then.
Hammer time
i think its the dumb face she makes that makes me hate it so much
>intelligence isn't tied to genetics
Dumb ass nigger detected.
>Lost what tiny piece of Africa they had
literally gave it away because "intellectuals" thought colonialism is bad
>Lost South America
what, invaded, replaced their culture, religion and language? is that what they call losing now?
>Never took East Asia
the french did take vietnam, the dutch took east indies, US took the philippines and china was everyones bitch
>Middle East has a history of completely BTFO'ing Europe
hahaha nigga turn on a TV
daily reminder africans enslaved each other and sold them to the US
yeah it isn't you retard
a good proof of this is how most Africans countries have very low IQ on average, while afro-americans have pretty average IQ. Intelligence is literally just a matter of schooling, and better quality of life making it possible that you don't have to waste your intelligence on simply not dying.
This thread went to shit pretty fast.
You know african american's have a lot of white admixture, right? They're also fucking stupid and the average amerinog is hardly smarter than the average african. Pointing out "BUT WHAT ABOUT AFRICAN AMERICANS!?!?" Just works against you.
Flail is literally not even a real weapon that was used in combat
>Intelligence is literally just a matter of schooling,
that is not the case. genetics play a large part in intelligence. thats not to discard the effects of the environment, but to discard the effect of genetics is fucking retarded
Deary IJ. Intelligence. Curr Biol. 2013
>stronger features are more dominant to weaker ones
This is what Kojima actually believes.
You're not welcome here my poor asian
>i learned my geneology through MGS
fucking hell cunt
>literally gave it away because "intellectuals" thought colonialism is bad
So is was lost?
>what, invaded, replaced their culture, religion and language? is that what they call losing now?
It's full of nothing but retarded half-breeds that hate Spain with a burning passion.
>the french did take vietnam, the dutch took east indies, US took the philippines and china was everyones bitch
And whatever little pieces were "held" they were immediately lost shortly after. Looking at those places now, they weren't and aren't colonies like your idiot brain wants to believe.
>hahaha nigga turn on a TV
1453 nigger, read a book.
>daily reminder africans enslaved each other and sold them to the US
That's the point, you think Europeans had some kind of grand and godly destiny to take over the world when all they did was exploit third worlders, and they lost almost everything they took or tried to take (Excluding the USA and Canada).
LMAO, but seriously, swords can't slice through armor and knights aren't heavy.
>You know african american's have a lot of white admixture
Same for puerto ricans who've lower IQQ than afro americans.
Your point?
it's actually somewhat debatable
no real flails from the medieval period were ever found and the design doesn't seem practical, BUT this weapon appears way too often in authentic medieval art to be a complete ass-pull
This varies though, you can't say Europe doesn't have harsh environments. It's harder to survive in freezing cold than it is to survive in heat.
Science disagree's with you. There have been studies done on this, where two black twins were separated at birth, one stuck with his birth parents and the other was given off to a well off family and achieved better living standards. Both kids basically had the exact same IQ despite the differences in how they were raised (the one with a better life had a slightly higher IQ, but the difference was largely negligible.).
Mega Man Zero. Cutting things feels so good in these games.
It's more complicated.
Heritability studies assume an outdated model of the gene. The flaw regarding heritability estimates is simple: they imply a false dichotomy of nature vs nurture, while also assuming that genes and environment are independent, while the contribution to complex behaviors can be precisely quantified
>One shitpost to rule them all...
Why do you all think halfswording is so cool?
See Also
I said it all. Afro-americans made noticeably much better IQ tests than the African countries they are from. Then again, they have a cancerous group mentality currently (beside their lower quality of life), but that has nothing to do with their genetics.
I didn't explain well what I wanted. What I tried to say is that there is no noticeable gap between the intelligence of the different races with their different genetics.
Every race can have smart or stupid people, who might give birth to smart/stupid people with a higher chance.
African-Americans are absolutely but fucking retarded and their average IQ is around 84. The only reason their IQ is higher than Africans is because of cross-breeding.
>ctrl F "Nioh"
>Phrase not found
How did nobody suggest this? Nioh has an incredibly fun combat system.
Samurai used bows and spears in almost all frontline engagements. A Katana/Tachi/etc. was a sidearm that was effective, but not ideal.
>never invents a sword that can stab
Katanas stab better than almost any other sword that exist.