What does Sup Forums think of Ys 8?

What does Sup Forums think of Ys 8?

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I had lot of fun with it. Even with that shitty NISA translation before they fixed it

Loved the game. The sheer sense of adventuring was magnificent.

still waiting on PC release

>coming to Switch in June
Is it day one purchase-worthy?

I own it but haven't played it yet. Is the new translation any good? Do they stuff it with stupid memes or anything?

Good choice if you want another rpg for the switch, so go for it.

>yfw Switch version comes out before PC

Attached: mei_worry.gif (173x215, 1.21M)

>Velma...Is it you ?

It's very good. Laxia best girl. I need to replay it with the retranslation patch

Attached: laxia 2.png (800x1250, 970K)

Wrong question.

Is the Switch version a port of the PS4 version or the Vita version?

I presume the former

I hope so, otherwise we're losing out on 20 hours of content

I think it's long overdue for a price drop. It's still $59.99 on Amazon.

If Im being honest I don't think that would be a wholly bad thing. I liked the game a lot but anytime the focus jumped from from Team Adol to Dana Time the game became FRUSTRATINGLY boring. Dana herself is incredibly dull which isn't by itself bad when she's with the main party or is supposed to be mysterious but when you actually do her sections they're all so unbelievably saccharine and feel like cheap ways to make Dana super special snowflake Disney princess awesome.

Good game. Castaway theme was handled well. Lots to explore. Felt the fighting system relied on the flash dodge waaaaay to much. Like DMC/Bayonetta levels of dodge but not the fight mechanic to go with it.

Raids were over done. Too many though a decent exp grind. Skills felt lackluster. Just spam the best ones.

Very much enjoyed the story. Dana's stuff hit you right in the feels as you watch everything collapse around her.

I do wish they had made the final part explored the various races a bit more. Made the final dungeon feel like a checklist rather than a big revelation of what previous Lacrimosa's had messed up.

Still really good. Hopefully the next Y's continues on console/PC.

That's just like, your opinion man. Dana's dungeon fills in holes in her backstory that are otherwise lacking

Not really. And it still cut corners on what where it really could have made an important difference. Her two friends are still Non characters we're expected to care about especially with one of the last plot twists in the game which was just...really dumb.

It was fucking great. It absolutely consumed my life in a way few games do these days when I bought it. Except for that shitty fucking serial killer sidestory that added nothing to the game. What the fuck was the point of it, dude just ends up being chomped by dinossaurs anyway.

excellent game. 8/10 in my book. Fast paced combat, great sense of adventure and exploration, decent story and characters. Ys games are usually just about great gameplay but Ys 8 feels like the most complete package in the series.

Waiting on some fucking discount. Still almost full price everywhere.

Only if you liked Celceta. If you didn't then avoid at all costs.

meant to add a sense of dread that even your own kind can and will turn on you when things are so desperate and then show there's something even worse on the island to deal with

I pirated the game on vita and enjoyed it. What's different about the PS4/PC/Switch version?

Yeah but from that point out all the castaways are happy friends forever and it was just dinos being assholes you had to worry about anyways. Kinda made the whole thing moot.

Everybody was just super buddy buddy afterwards so I felt it was kinda pointless. I thought they were going to carry it throughout the game and then have the culprit transform into one of the henchman of the villain or something, not just die like a bitch and carry all tension with him to the grave.

Then again there was no villain and it was ultimately all a battle against nature and the very concept of evolution so.

A 20 hour dungeon that adds more backstory to Dana, the lacrimosa, and Dana'a role in it

>Then again there was no villain and it was ultimately all a battle against nature and the very concept of evolution so.

That was really dumb.

Only not really.


>That was really dumb.
It was fine. You don't need a super big bad villain monologing all the damn time. Or some political backstabiing shit.

The theme was man vs nature. The futility of fighting against the inevitable while still retaining hope that you can make things work out somehow. That's how miracles happen.

Most of the other Y's game has Adol dealing with a big bad. So something different is fine.

I just don't think the story was told very well is all. The "Bad guys" don't show up till the tail end of the game, and I mean last dungeon tail end. They needed to implement a lot of these things earlier and give them more sense of character and belonging.

It's especially bad in the case of Dana's friends.
We see one of them all of once for a second. Then the next time we see her she's LOL QUEEN. And then we don't see her ever again until LOL HOODED VILLAIN. And then LOL ALIEN.

Having end with it was just a dream but not really was completely retarded though.
If it was just beating evolution and that being that then it wouldn't be bad. Making everything a not dream afterwards while removing the ruins of Dana's people and all the ancient species was dumb and even makes their shipwreck on the island impossible as there was no kraken to sink the ship.

Oh yeah and The parrot was god the whole time Just fuck that. The game is fantastic when it's Adol Family Robinson but everything about Dana's story and the lacrimosa was fucktarded.

>Felt the fighting system relied on the flash dodge waaaaay to much
You can flash guard regardless of whether you're in an attack animation or not, unlike flash dodge. While flash dodge does give you a great advantage, if you master flash guard you can be far more aggressive, and towards the end of the game I found myself flash guarding far more often than flash dodging. I think they hit the balance with these systems pretty well in this game, though the timings are still a tad too forgiving and easily abusable, Felghana in Nightmare is still the best.

Its great
The old translation was pretty dumb but it didn't bother me because its Ys and the text doesn't matter
Haven't tried the update yet