I've just defeated Rom, the Vacuous Spider. I'm level 59 and i have lvl 44 health. The game is so far relatively easy...

I've just defeated Rom, the Vacuous Spider. I'm level 59 and i have lvl 44 health. The game is so far relatively easy. Am i overleveled?

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You have a lot of health.


>game is easy cause I'm a noob who lvls health every time

If i stop increasing health, will the game eventually start becoming challenging again after a while?

No, but at least you will do more damage, your STR stats are probably utter shit

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>I'm level 59 and i have lvl 44 health

oh no no no no nonononono...

Have you played any Souls games before? If so then that probably explains why you found it easy. I had played DeS, DaS/2 and not a single boss in the main game took me more than 10 attempts.

jesus what is your STR level at?

you're not overleveled but your vitalty is, meaning your damage is awful but you're hard to kill.
A very boring way to play DESU

I think you're fine


I always feel like anything over 30 Vitality is too much

44 Vit is unusually high for that part of the game

I think I was in the low 50s when I beat Rom. You're a little overleveled but not by much. Do you find it easy but slow? In that case put more points into damage dealing stats. If you find it easy and you get through encounters quickly, then congratulations, you're just good at the game.

I'm 60 now with 26 Str, 25 Skill and 20 Arcane, using Saw Cleaver and Tonitrus. Tell me why I'm bad at videogames.

I might be making a new character. What is the max vitality before it becomes boring?

You're slowly realizing that the difficulty is a meme.

Op if your that curious I would probably recommend going to one of the wiki's to see the overall recommended lvl for each zone (this is of course if you care, don't have a build in mind). But remember the soft cap on health is 50

>So user what's your Trick_Weapon idea?

Attached: bloodborne_fanart___weapon_ideas_by_daemonstar-d9lf5wm.jpg (1024x640, 119K)

Rising health high in any souls game makes it easy

Doubt you'll find more challenge at this point, apart from layer 4-5 chalice bosses and defiled chalices

Spreading it too thin, it's always a good idea to focus on one or two stats, not three at a time

you found out the secret of fromsoft games. level hp first

these weapons are shit and don't fit the aesthetic of bloodborne

baaaaasically this, until the chalice dungeons anyway

>works like regular firearm but deals arcane damage instead
>"kinda cool I guess, but that's the point of Blacksky Eye"
>goes batshit OP with dual-wield guns option, costing 1 QS bullet per shot

Why do fan creations ALWAYS go full on OP without any regard to the game's established balance?

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How so they keep the main concepts of the game themes & weapon categories?

>Arcane mystical outer god powers (of late game)
>Beast related powers of midish game
>Heavy firepower from how the machinist hunters

>What would be a more appropriate weapon, if you had to make one?

Your health is already too high

stop leveling health until NG+