So I've never played Witcher 1. Some people tell me it's eurojank and bad, others tell me it's the best game in the series. Is it worth playing?
So I've never played Witcher 1. Some people tell me it's eurojank and bad...
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It is eurojank, but also worth playing. Combat is easy, dont listen to memers
There aren’t any colored characters so it has that going for it
Did Witcher 2 or am I forgetting them
>Some people tell me it's eurojank and bad
It's eurojank and good.
Just read the books, you don't have to deal with shitty gameplay that way, if you're craving for more story then go play the games but honestly the story isn't that good in neither nor games.
I've read the books, and the games all take place after them.
Only if you have read the books
No one said the combat was hard, just clunky and shit
the combat takes a minute to get used to but ignore the dipshits who complain about it, they were to stupid to figure it out or couldnt get past the hellhound boss.
There are no niggers in the whole series
>implying that the combat requires any thought
It's eurojank and it's the best game in the series
Put it on easy if you want to avoid pretty shit combat, but it has great atmosphere and world building, and probably the best story in the series (Minus Hearts of Stone).
Definitely worth a playthrough at least.
>What is Zerrikania
Thats not a nigger
Honestly? Skip it or watch a Let's Play on YouTube. It's aged like milk.
Act 4 is comfy as fuck.
It is an objectively bad game that is only praised by Witcher 3 casuals so that they can pretend they were fans of the series before TW3.
I enjoyed it and i don't really play rpgs.
What the fuck is "eurojank?"
It's one of the best RPGs I've ever played.
The jank of european games
It's the best in the series and if you played any Witcher game without playing the first one the first you are a retard, always play games on release order
If you have played a Witcher game, liked it, and haven't played The Witcher 1 you are even more retard
European games are kinda infamous for their lack of polish in terms of aesthetics. A lot of them still use menus that come from the 90s. It also refers to questionable design decisions made for the sake of gameplay.
EYE: Divine Cybermancy is like the definition of eurojank.
It's fucking excellent.
i loved the first witcher, if you're not a casual you'll love it too
I really tried to get into it but I never could. I found the combat really boring and it's animations disgusted me.
But I played all NWN games tons of times, so I don't understand exactly what is it, but I just can't stand it.
Anything is better than The Witcher 3.
It's honestly my favourite game of all time, but the combat isn't for everyone and some people think the story is too slow. It definitely doesn't pick up until around the middle of act 2, and the amount of backtracking that you might have to do if you are going in blind can be a bit annoying.
Is that why Geralt always look bored?
The other day I started to watch a witcher 3 movie in youtube and it occurred to me that Geralt was level 20 D&D character arguing with peasants. He is bored as fuck, and never feels in real danger except for the most hardcore of battles.
It's really weird seeing him butcher those peasants at the start then watching Yennefer teleport and dismiss the whole deal.
You forget they also have a tendency to implement a lot of things poorly rather than a few things well. Very much a quantity over quality approach to game development.
never played it but that screenshot looks intriguing
like Gerlat is gonna have to explore that ruin for a quest
It is totally eurojank and pretty bad in many areas. But it has a really great atmosphere no other game quite catches, not even 2 and 3.
It's real fucking comfy.
Geralt was killed by a nobody peasant with a pitchfork.
>Reeee stuff spawn after I start quests!!!
>playing with keyboard
jesus lmao
Zerrikania is North Africa/Berbers.
Offir is Arabia.
Best waifu coming through.
Guess I hit a nerve.
They also tend to be buggy as fuck
>get called out for being an idiot and shilling your Youtube account
>"h-haha u mad?
The only issue I have with it is there are too few locations and quests would have you go back and forth the same maps over and over again. Other than that it's great. I actually prefer the combat to the sequels because I think RPGs should have minimal direct control over characters' movements in combat but that's just me
>eurojank and bad
Eurojank is inherently good, it means flawed gem.
As opposed to the AAA polished turds.
yes, if only because you get to see the best hub in hub-based rpgs ever
>reaching this hard
A farm?
>b-but he's not actually.....b-because....uhhhhhhh
>*tries desperately to think over the sound of his mom, sister and gf being pounded by BBC in the next room*
It's not like I'm the only one that has ever shilled their account on this board. Do you have any actual arguments?
I'm not even sure what your argument is. Seems to me that you're just drumming up arguments that nobody is making for an excuse to shill your Youtube channel.
no, not A farm
THE farm, motherfucker
That character is quite obviously not a negroid to anyone with a brain.
I am currently playing it, its great but it has a few bugs.
if you get passed those its a great game.
Witchers are psychopaths who don't feel empathy or fear, it's why they are so good at what they do.
I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who likes RPGs, but I really enjoyed all of the games in the series and would do the same with them.
The 1st game was sort of ok for me but I couldn't get into the combat after a few hours so I quit. 2 was just more of the things I didn't like about 1 so I stopped after about 2 hours and I assume 3 was similar.
Cool stuff just did not like the gameplay.
DAE not into The Witcher 2?
Witcher 3 > Witcher: EE > Witcher 2 desu famalam
His nose is narrow and long. his lips are thick, but not large and wide. His face and jaw is narrow and he has pronounced cheekbones. His eyes yellow at the sides. That isn't a character designed to look like an African. He looks Bangladeshi to me.
That is a meme that witchers came up with so people would be scared of ripping them off.
>others tell me it's the best game in the series
They're the same people who think DMC1 is the best DMC game.
I always thought he was supposed to be Middle-Eastern or North African, but not like a sub-Saharan nigger.
>I have never left my hometown and only know black people in the context of mixed race "African Americans"
Wicked. Stop posting.
It's fucking terrible. I got it for like 3 bucks and I still fucking hate it. It's story is boring and its gameplay couldn't be any duller. I can't be bothered to finish it.
Yeah, that's why I said play the games after the books if you want more of that story
Downtown Vizima is top comfy, best RPG city since Khorinis
My argument is that a (((next-gen))) open world game that's supposed to be the be-all and end-all RPG experience not having retroactive quest completion is pathetic.
>best game in the series.
Sounds like I just enjoy eurojank then, and nobody should bother with otherjank when eurojank exists.
I can't get past the beast quest early on in this game, it's just sooooooo boring
thats an arab guy
thanks for linking your video user
I will now dislike it with all my 40 youtube accounts
fuck that swamp
thats middle eastern you absolute dunce
I finished it and regret all of my time with it. Can't remember a moment where I truly enjoyed myself.
Doesn't Geralt kill the king of the wild hunt in act 3? I remember it as a sidequest.
It's not hard
It's the opposite. It's just a shit Guitar heros-esque garbage
I've heard it's a pretty unique experience.
The combat is easy, but rewarding thanks to all the other complimentary mechanics to the swordplay, namely the signs and fucking brilliant alchemy.
It's a good western RPG often confused with a mediocre action RPG.
He repels his spectral projection.
Witcher 3 explains this phenomenon kinda.
It's a ghost/magic projection isn't it?
The game is fun but there are a number of problems.
>cant enter next map, building or cave because you are in combat
>drowners EVERYWHERE and they give next to no xp
>tons of useless weapons and spells
>alot of same faced npcs, even ones important to the story
>combat unresponsive at times
>lots of back tracking
Thumbnail looks like nigel thornberry
>tons of useless weapons and spells
This is not true. Ironicaly, this is one of the biggest flaws of the next two games (with exceptions), and something the first one do right.
it's the only good game in the series. the sequels are okay interactive movies but the gameplay is dumbe down console garbage. anyone who disagrees is underage who hasn't played a crpg in their life.
W3 has more backtracking
Unpopular opinion incoming:
I played Witcher 1 when I heard about Witcher 3. I wanted to play the series from the beginning and work my way up to Witcher 3.
Out of all the games, it's the one I enjoyed the most.
Best credits theme, after best outro.
I somehow feel the author was inspired by Planescape Torment credits theme.
Lots of aspects of the first game were better than later ones, they just needed a little polish
>lack of polish
It can't be more polish.
>needed a little polish
How much more polish can a game get?
They are action RPGs not cRPGs you edgy spunktrumpet
Same, I played them in order back to back a year or so ago and still maintain that 1 is the best in the series all around, and 2 has a better plot than 3