ITT: god-tier Smash 5 shoo ins
ITT: god-tier Smash 5 shoo ins
>no Indiana Jones fighter
Leave it to Lammy!
Sora will never be in because including him means Nintendo having to fight Disney's crack team of legal experts for approval and that's gonna be a shitload of red tape to wade through
I would prefer my game sans undertale
>PPT sells better on Switch
>PS4 was Psychical only and even if it was released on Digital it woudn't sell much
>PC was fucked up with >Denuvo begin included
>Nonbody would buy a Xbone version because it's a Dudebro Machine and Dudebros are allergic to Anime
>Official E-Sport
>Chronicles has a slight chance of begin localized
I think you need sleep
hahha based witty reply my fellow redditor!
Was lammy ever on a Nintendo system?
this smash is truly a must
I want my platinum blond assburger.
i know this is dumb and unlikely, but this suave motherfucker deserves to be in a fighting game
I dont get it
sans means without in ye proper english
You will some day.
I wish I could get hot and bothered over anything.
Don't Disney and Nintendo get along pretty poorly?
I would prefer sakuri
>People complain Bandanna Dee would just be a goomba in a top hat, despite being in every game since Return to Dreamland
>These same people would like Captain Toad, a literal Toad in a costume that can't jump.