Persona 3/5: Dancing Moon Night
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I love Fuuka!
DLC characters revealed
It was shown at the end of today's stream, you mong.
Who the heck is Labyrinth, "Raventsa" (the loli), and the guy with the red hair?
Ah, I stand corrected then, I'd never thought they'd put fucking Shinji in though
>that time remix
Way to ruin the best song in the series
No FeMC no buy
Are these for the P3 game or P5 game?
Labrys - character from Persona 4 Arena. Aigis' sister.
Lavenza - The Velvet Twins from P5 rejoined into a singular entity
Sho - character from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. main antagonist and Ikutsuki's "son"
i didn't think they'd put persona 4 characters in there, but i guess Lab was technically on the P3 side.
Lavenza better split in half and dance with herself.
>"How are we gonna make these songs better?"
I'm assuming Akechi and Lavenza will be for P5. And Shinji and Theo being for P3, but the Arena characters I have no idea.
Why not?
So two of them are spin off shit and the loli is the one thing from p5 I didn't get spoiled on. Is P4AU actually good?
P4 was a mistake.
>put best girls and Theo for DLC
>milk out that whore Akechi for his fujo bucks
Fuckin atlus
>milk out that whore Akechi for his fujo bucks
you knew this was gonna happen, and let's not talk about his potential costumes
>tfw no loli wardens dancing for dick
I hope Towa Tei does a remix for this game like he did for the last one.
What a lazy fucking "remix"
Did they release the one from this trailer yet? youtube.com
Yes. They're done by Arksys, which means they're also pretty fucking tough to learn/master. And the stories for the Arena games aren't half bad. I like seeing how the P3 characters grew after the years
No, not yet.
These sound awful.
Labyrs has a persona in line with P3 characters and Sho is the "son" of Itsuki so he could be p3 also.
Really dunno why so many p3, even though I'm cool with them all but Sho. P5 should at least get Sae and Sojiro.
>non reincarnation remixes
My bad, just have a version that is a bit long from the pv one, but isn't the full version yet.
Oh I'm not surprised they've put Sho and Labrys in, Atlus wouldn't pass up an opportunity to shill their other spin off games.
>Why not?
Since they didn't announce him with the rest of the P3 cast I assumed they wouldn't bother including him since most people wouldn't really care. It's nice to see him but I would rather have gotten FeMC.
And about the Arena characters, I guess they technically count as P3 since the SEES team was involved in their story.
I can't get over how pretty she is with her hair down.
>when the moon's reaching out stars
Wow, P3's remixes are pure garbage compared to P5's.
no way son. Shinji is best boy
>Is a stick
Thank fuck there's finally hair-down Ann though, I needed this
There's around one good track for every 5 abortions. Meguro should be banned from trying to remix his own music, his were awful.
These are all terrible.
Man these games look like shit.
Meguro didn't do any of those, can you even read the fucking titles.
Some of them are good, stop with the hate you fags.
Full version fucking when
The Kimi no kioku and Life Will Change mixes say (ATLUS Meguro Remix). Sounds like his work, unless there's another Meguro at Atlus that does music.
I'm almost at the end of P3P, is it worth finishing all the doors in the vision quest? I already feel I'm going to be overleveled for Nyx, and I'd have to grind Akihiko about 30 levels to do one of them. Do you get anything good?
Why are almost all the remixes so terrible? Even the ones that aren't just sound worse than the originals, what's the point?
These remixes sound like garbage. They don't even feel like the same song.
>Why are almost all the remixes so terrible?
They really aren't. Yeah some sound really bad, but most of them are fine
I want to fuucka Fuuka!
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Burn My Dread -Last Battle- (Daisuke Asakura Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Time (ATLUS Kitajoh Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - A Way of Life (ATLUS Kitajoh Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Kimi no Kioku (キミの記憶) (ATLUS Meguro Remix)
>Persona 5: Dancing Star Night - Tokyo Daylight (ATLUS Kozuka Remix)
>Persona 5: Dancing Star Night - When Mother Was There (母のいた日々) (ATLUS Kitajoh Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Burn My Dread (Novoiski Remix)
>Persona 5: Dancing Star Night - The Whims of Fate (Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Heartful Cry (Atlus Konishi Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars (Hideki Naganuma Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Deep Breath Deep Breath (Yuu Miyake Remix)
>Persona 5: Dancing Star Night - Life Will Change (ATLUS Meguro Remix)
>Persona 5: Dancing Star Night - Blooming Villain (Atlus Konishi Remix)
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night - Poem of Everyone's Soul (全ての人の魂の詩) (t.komine Remix)
Fuuka is for tender loving only!
>Kimi no Kioku
>when mother was there
>whims of fate
>when the moon's reaching out
Very nice. everything else was either meh or god awful.
The more you post the more I feel bad for having Fuuka as my waifu aswell
>P3 songs don't end with the dancers shooting themselves to summon their personas
Fucking wasted
whims of fate arrangement is objectively inferior to the original
Not like you can top it
great argument
Sorry, meant not like you can top the original anyway.
Why did they make almost every single song for both games worse? These arn't even remixes they just added ear rape to each song.
>heartful cry
What the fuck
>all the girls are fucking sticks because Fatlus is too lazy
Fuck life. I might have actually picked this up if they looked good. It's like they have one job, make attractive girls to ship units, and they can't even get it right.
That's a shame.
More Fuuka for me!
>dance game
>hard rock remixes
Heartful Cry did not deserve this.
When Mother Was There and the initial PV1 trailer theme are all I need, easily the best remixes, along with Naganuma's remix although that takes some time getting used to since it literally belongs in a Jet Set game.
>along with Naganuma's remix although that takes some time getting used to since it literally belongs in a Jet Set game.
They just need to let Naganuma work on a new JSR already.
The dude basically begs for it on twitter once per week.
>All these assets
So we're getting P3 HD right?
The best ones are Way of Life, When Mother Was There and the opening themes.
Her themes are in base game though so she may be in there.
how does she do it, bros?
>Yukari, Mitsuru, and Ann are sticks because Atlas didn't want to make unique character models
Worst timeline.
Yukari always had that bodytype
I would even argue she has more substance in her hips than the other ones, she legit looks good
Yukari, Mitsuru, and Ann are sticks because that's how they look in their original games.
It irrtates the shit out of me many parts of Persona 5 would benefit from music variety like Tokyo Daylight. Instead it's the same music in a 100 plus hour game, if ATLUS cared they would have updated the game long ago instead 2 dances games. Fuck, I want new music in P5 base game already.
>FeMC doesn't even get to be DLC
>Even though one of her songs made it in
Not Yukari and Mitsuru at least, their original models looked curvier than they do in this game
Yes, I agree, for how much I liked Persona 5 overworld music I couldn't stand it after a while and whenever I heard "Masquerade" I wanted to just shut off the console
Slightly cuvier, but still in the sticc range.
Yukari has normal-thin proportions, Mitsuru has standard normal proportions for the west.
There are no sticcs in Persona 3 main cast, with the obvious exception of Aigis, not even Fuuka seems to be that thin
>wanting to play as a pedo
My Fuuka is beautiful!
Nothing in Persona 4 sounds anything like this though.
>wanting to play as a pedo
I really love Fuuka's legs
the Burn My Dread - Daisuke Asakura remix is just from the reincarnation version but just added his DJ fx
talk about lazy
>Songs are just lazyly mixed with WUB WUB shit
How the fuck did they screw this up so badly? Just going to wait for a DLC complete edition with 3 dont give a single fuck about 5.
>Songs are just lazyly mixed with WUB WUB shit
Post all the songs that fit this criteria and don't just say all because you're just bullshitting
lazyly mixed goes to >wub wub shit
Burn My Dread Novoiski mix
Poem for Everyone's Souls (t.komine mix)
Only 3 songs, doesn't seem too bad
>one of her songs
>Way of Life
>Wiping All Out
>just one
Nice to see that Door nonchalant attitude is still there
let's not forget that P5D has 3 Rivers in the Desert's