If Advance Wars were to come back, how will IS fuck it up?

If Advance Wars were to come back, how will IS fuck it up?

Attached: advance_wars_2_liberation_by_larxeneelectrian-d54k0rb.png (765x514, 67K)

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You already know how it'll be. Just look at Fire Emblem, they took away all the amazing gameplay, emotional stories and deep characters and replaced it with shallow waifus and grinding.

>fire emblem
>emotional stories and deep characters
The main difference between earlier FE characters and newer FE characters is that the latter do not have ten foot poles stuck in their asses. To my knowledge, FE's writing has never been outstanding. 8 and 15 are the only FE games that I would say had decent writing, and even then it was far from stellar. I haven't played too many FE games, but suffice it to say that the series' writing is at least inconsistent.

I want to get into the Advance Wars series, or at least play one or two of the games. Have any of the games aged particularly poorly, or are they all about the same quality? Are any of the games objectively better in terms of mission design, gameplay mechanics, etc.?

Polish my barrel oniichan

Attached: Dora 47175455.png (1600x960, 492K)

Just play the four games with international releases, in order. The bad games were all Japan only.

CO powers get progressivly stronger in the later entries. In 1 they were powers that have you a nice boost to push through some bottlenecks in power. Super CO powers in 2 often changed the tide of the fight. Dual strikes in DS were pretty much win buttons. DoR changed CO powers back to how they felt in 1. Every game added new mechanics but 1 still holds up well. I always recommend the second one because you mix up the COs for every continent compares to 1 when you used the same 3 for the main missions

Just play them all chronologically starting with Advance Wars. Before you know it you will be done with them and nothing left to fill the void AW left behind. Then play the War Room Challenge 2012 romhack then wait until that AW clone comes out on Steam.

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Mechanically, Advance Wars II and Advance Wars Days of Ruin are widely considered the best of the U.S. released games. There's also Advance Wars by Web, which is the primary way to play Advance Wars online multiplayer; it's based on Dual Strike and you can play it in your browser.

They're all sprite based, so they don't really "age" differently.

Dual Strike is fine too, but is kinda considered mechanics bloat.

Advance Wars is the fan favorite, where most fans seem to think it reached a mechanical peak, and you can move onto Advance Wars by Web completely fine from it. The story isn't really important and is very light hearted.

Days of Ruin was basically a reboot of sorts. It's tone is more serious, with a post-apoc story; this is kinda controversial amounst the fanbase. And mechanically it tried to go back to basics in a way I persoanlly find very refreshing. There are many new units or equivalents that still work differently. COs(characters that give your units passive buffs and debuffs) and Powers (pure moves of sort you build up over a match in order to gives your inits certain advantages during a single turn) are pared back a whole lot, so they aren't as big of a factor.

But either of those two games. And if after that Into the Breech

Attached: 103751-advance-wars-days-of-ruin-nintendo-ds-front-cover.jpg (800x719, 102K)

The advance wars 1 aged poorly, the rest are pretty much playable.
The best for someone who didn't touch the series would be advance wars 2.
From best to worst advance wars 2 = days of ruin, then would go dual strike and advance wars imo
Dual strike tried to balance the previous but added some OP mechanics and characters.

>Dual strike tried to balance the previous

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Reminder that Advance Wars by Web is still around.


Attached: awbw.amarriner.com.png (620x343, 56K)

AW2 Extended? Or something else?
I hope it's something else, I downloaded Extended and the War Room in that is really disappointing.

"previous" would be referring to AW2, I assume. "The previous game" would sound better, but the user's post is still comprehensible.

this is all wrong

They Changed sturm to a CO who is trash, Aguila modified power/superpower and some buff to Sonja, maybe some more changes around there which I miss.
At least they did something.

>Advance Wars 2, but with DS COs added in
>and Sturm is tweaked to be a little more fair
Is it really so wrong to include some of the DS changes? It's not like it's beyond their grasp.

The only way they could possibly fuck it up if they didn't make Battalion Wars 3. Simple as that.

What was Nintendo thinking letting a terrorist organization develop war games?


I wanna call bullshit, but...
I could easily see them making the OC create a character using a modified version of that shitty Skills system from Dual Strike. Like as a replacement for them actually being a designed and balenced CO

terrorist organization is a rather accurate description of what a corporation is the first place, user.

It's called War room challange 2012: romhacking.net/hacks/909/


time travel and romances.

play them in release order. thats what i did.


>how will IS fuck it up?
With a cringetastic localization.

Neat, thanks.

But the localizations are what made them endearing? Also they were released in tthe US first anyway

Mobile game with gacha shit

>this is still up
>AWN and CustomWars forums are dead though
