What are my fellow Switch anons
I just finished Mulaka and am waiting for Little Dragon's Cafe.
What are my fellow Switch anons
I just finished Mulaka and am waiting for Little Dragon's Cafe.
I'm actually waiting for Lumines Remastered, and waiting for wargroove to have a fucking release date.
picking used copy of zelda for cheap
t.new fag
Do you need to talk like a retard like that? Or you are just brain damaged and thats why you play Nintendo?
waiting for mario tennis so I guess this thing is collecting dust for 3 months.
nice reddit spacing
same as this guy
just got my switch last week
i've got arms but haven't played it yet
D O N G F R E E Z E coming out soon!!!!
Good one you fucking faggot
Still trying to 100% Master mode on BotW before I get Odessy. Only got my switch 2 weeks ago and im having a blast with it so far
Has anyone played pic related? I liked the demo well enough and it's only 2.50 or something now, but it got low scores.
Nothing. I own a Wii U.
The only reason to own a Switch is Mario. I'll wait for the Switch hardware refresh and for it to have a library of its own.
Comfy soy thread
>flavour soy?
>what soy based product you consuming?
I played it on PC a while back. It's fine for that price. Don't expect anything like Lucasarts point & clicks but I enjoyed it enough.
Just started Xenoblade 2, not even out of the trade guild are yet.
Seems like a dumb anime already with the fucking tsundere cat girl, hope this is good.
Nothing? Literally nothing coming out
it’s 300% dumb anime, but in a fun way, and I don’t even like or watch anime
I saw that Shantae came out today. Anyone recommend it?
Has over 500 games, you have played all of them? =/
I would have never asked for Lumines on Switch, but it's actually one of the very few ports I actually think would be perfect for the system. With its emphasis on music, it's something you should be able to listen to on your living room sound system, but also take with you since it's a puzzle game
do you think there’s any chance at all hbs might port the shadowrun games?
BoTW, I just met Sidon
Not much, besides smash maybe Mario Tennis it looks fun.
Can someone explain Octopath Traveller to me?
Are the different characters completely seperate stories or do they have different plots on the same maps with the same npcs?
ARMS and Splatoon 2. I recently found lots of people who are playing those games and it's so much more fun playing with a group and voice chatting
Some new games that aren't fucking ports, so mostly Octopath Traveler. I'm super hyped for Spla2n's Octo Expansion
Bayo 1+2
Bayo 3
God damn these games are kino
im gonna get mine next week
what should i get besides mario and botw
Just started playing BotW. I'm really not into Zelda and I never enjoyed any other Zelda games I've played in the past but so far I'm having a blast with this one. I'm not even a fan of open world games but this one is fun.
I'm currently getting my ass handed to me by a couple of guardians but I've been practicing my shield parries and it's really nice.
>I own a Wii U.
It is a bit dumb anime game, but the gameplay is actually really good and it got me hooked until the end. Combat looks dumb at first but it becomes exponentially more complicated and interesting as the story goes on and you unlock more combos and blades and stuff like that, so don't give up at the beginning if you don't like it at first.
*buys WiiU port*
just keep backpedaling and parry when the lazor is fully charged and the flash happens
you want rape, go find a lynel
or forget to check the calendar before going innawoods
>picked off half the camp with arrows
>sneaking up to the rest to fuck them up
>suddenly surrounded by 10 black and blue enemies
>get a rare blade
>it has a penis
every time
>check the calendar
You can CHECK the calendar? How do I do that? Do I unlock it later on? I just got off the plateau a couple of hours ago and I'm just roaming around, I did 3 new shrines and I got myself a horse and now I'm going towards those twin rocks to reach the village for the main story quest.
Octopath is literally the only game I kind of care about. Where are the fucking games?
MHXX. Grank Valphalk is fun.
Octopath Traveler and Sonic Mania Plus
I'm this I'm at Zora's domain and they told me that a Lynel had the Thunder Arrows I needed, the las time I tried to go against a Lynel was when I accidentally overstep and went aganist one with 7 dmg weapons and got my ass handed, the one I have to defeat now is easier ?
This but unironically.
>buy switch because psvita is EOL and more new games are coming out on it instead
>never been interested in mario or zelda games
>enjoy XBC2 and buy Lost Sphear (meh) on a whim
>waiting for the VNs and JRPG games to come out
>literally not interested in any other game
I don't even know why I got the Switch in the first place, fuck. Why did the Vita have to die?
XBC2 was good though, I hope they port XBC1 and XBCX
>This but unironically.
Fuck you nigger I am literally never ironic, even ironically.
If you haven't already get Disgaea 5
>Buys Nintendo Console
>Doesn't buy exclusives
>Bitching about no games
Why are you like this?
I actually got it already. I'm not a huge fan of the Disgaea series but it's fun when I'm bored and don't know what to do.
kirby, i got my copy late so im just getting started with it. im a big fan of the franchise so im enjoying it a lot so far, its amazing being able to play a new kirby game that isnt stuck on the horrible 3ds screen.
hyrule warriors, tropical freeze, dark souls, and mario tennis aces. i understand the next couple months dont look great for people not interested in those games, but for me they really hit it out of the park. its tough to think of an upcoming first party release im NOT at all interested in (except labo, but im not exactly the target audience for that)
Because I already played the ones worth playing, dumbshit. Use your goddamn brain.
Then quit bitching you god damn faggot
why are you like this?
I have 20 Eshop bucks. What indie games are worth picking up?
Maybe I'll just play it on PC then. Thanks.
Stardew Valley
Don't tell me what to do, cuckboy.
Because I see posts like yours.
What genres do you enjoy?
Playing Splatoon 2 (got 220 hours in it). I'm also contemplating going back into my 105-hour BotW file to do the Tarrey Town sidequest because I'd never done it. Is it worth getting back into the game for that?
Excited for Lumines and Hollow Knight.
also disgaea 5 is xbc2 levels of anime but without even trying to be serious
Leave your mother's basement first
>I just finished Mulaka
>Playing Mexican games
Nothing. I've finished all the single player games on this system and I'm sick of playing Splatoon 2.
There's nothing thrilling or exciting about the sidequest. He's gonna ask you to find people to join the village and bring him lots of wood. Lot of wood. So much fucking wood you have no business carrying in the first place they actually meant for you to grind for wood.
I have, you shitbox vitavirgin cunt
regardless of what your aims are, it should be clear at this point that you aren't contributing anything to the topic of this thread. selfish performance is a poor motivator for behavior. take this opportunity to leave silently.
I would never download King of Fighters onto my Switch
RPGs, action, and roguelikes mostly. Not a big fan of straight platformers.
Still, what do you think about Mulaka OP?
Make me, autismo.
I wanted to get a Switch with my tax return money but I figured it would be smarter to wait for Black Friday/Holiday deals and bundles. It's really fucking hard to not just pull the trigger right now.
Steredenn is really fun if you like those kind of games
DO NOT buy manticore, it’s a port of f2p mobile trash designed to milk money out of retards and game is shit even at the core, which is a shame since galaxy on fire 2 is literally freelancer
i'm not buying a Switch until i see what they show at E3
No, you didn’t you lying faggot.
Still playing Kirby. I'm trying to beat the arena on soul melter without cheesy abilities like stone. Looking forward to Octopath Traveler. Will probably get Mario Tennis Aces in May.
Yes I did, buttmad faggot
Zelda, Splatoon2, DOOM, Odyssey, Rime
Hyrule Warriors, Crash, Okami, Octo Expansion, Freeze Dong, SMT V, Octopath, No More Heroes, Prime 4, Smash
So I'm not trying to start shit here, but I'm at a bit of an impasse.
I ain't played nothing on my Switch since Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which was excellent and I sunk well over 150 hours into it.
There's no AAA games I'm interested in at the moment, on any system for that matter, but there's quite a few indie games I want to buy.
Here's the issue, I dunno if I should get them for my PC or my Switch. I'm admittedly a sucker for Steam but the portable aspect of having them on the Switch is also appealing.
But then I was thinking about platformers like Celeste. I don't have a Switch Pro controller and the thought of playing a platformer without a dpad just doesn't sit right with me.
What should I do?
The indie games I'm interested in are -
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King
Golf Story
Switch vs PC for these?
>resorts to wojak posting right the fuck away
I wonder who's the real retard here.
Never owned a Wii U, so I picked up Bayo 1 and 2. Looking forward to Octopath. Xeno 2 looks nice, but I never played Xeno 1, so I haven't bothered. Other than that, the Switch isn't my only platform, so there aren't as many games as I was hoping for.
I bought mine yesterday off ebay because they had a 15% discount on all items. Hadn't planned on getting one for several more months, but glad I caught that deal when I did. Keep an eye out for stuff like that.
Btw, I only have DaS preordered right now, so I need a game in the meantime. Zelda or Mario, which one should I get?
protip: never wait
playing while the game is fresh is much more fun than being passively spoiled by Sup Forums and robbing all sense of excitement from the game
Switch consoles didnt go on sale last black friday, I doubt they will this one either. Buy it now and then buy games that go on sale during BF.
These past few years I've actually enjoyed games a lot more playing them a few months after release than on day one. I usually don't spend too much time in threads discussing games that I haven't played yet unless it's just to get a general consensus on the quality of the game.
almost 2 year old single player game with no replay value
>Splatoon 2
Casualshit multiplayer shooter for 8 year olds
Rehash of a 3 year old game at 30fps
Bing bing wahoo, it's shit and also old as fuck by now
Indie shit
>Weeb shit
How hard are Switches to find right now?
>golf story
this isn’t even a question
there is literally nothing wrong with playing with the stick/joycon dpad, and even if there was, it would still be more natural than a fucking keyboard
I really liked Scribblenauts Unlimited
I just saw that Scribblenauts Showdown came out like 2 weeks ago
Its already dropped from $40 to $20, and its gotten really poor scores.
Has anyone actually bought it and played it?
I dont want to spoil the puzzles by watching a lets play, so I cant decide if its worth spending the money on or not.
I don't expect a price slash but I guess I hoped that there would be a higher chance of game/accessory bundles this year.
What anime is that?
I've just started XC2 and I can tell I'm going to enjoy the ride.
I'm mostly a PC gamer and I'm waiting for Hollow Knight to come out for the Switch before I buy it. I need something to pass the time during business trips and daily commutes and it's one of those perfect games just for that.
But you do you.
He's right. You cynical fucks wouldn't know a fun game if it bit you on the ass. Best to try stuff when it's new before everyone's bitching on here ruins the appeal. The fact that so many faggots on Sup Forums dislike BotW because it's missing muh OoT dungeons is proof everyone should try games before saying they're shit.
They werent even hard to find last holiday season.
>I never played Xeno 1
me neither, and I didn’t get the impression I missed anything regarding the story or setting
it seems pretty self contained
>Smiling while dancing
Cat Dance is srs bzns
>Xeno 2 looks nice, but I never played Xeno 1, so I haven't bothered
Do yourself a favor and pick up Xeno 2, it's a really good game. I never played Xeno 1 (well, I did emulate it on PC for the first 1-2 hours but it doesn't count) and I enjoyed the shit out of Xeno 2. The story is completely unrelated, there's literally nothing aside from one line at the end of the game, but if you don't know you won't mind missing it related to Xeno 1.
I actually went back and started playing Xeno 1 again on emulator after finishing Xeno 2 and it's not as good combat-wise, it's more dated, but still it's fairly enjoyable.
But yeah, get Xeno 2 you massive faggot.
>The fact that so many faggots on Sup Forums dislike BotW because it's missing muh OoT dungeons
There are a ton of things that make BOTW boring drivel, the lack of real dungeons is only one of the problems user.
I have never seen a more overrated game, except maybe GTA 4
Swapping between BOTW and XC2 NG+
Mario Tennis got real holy shit i'm gonna beat some niggas at that like I do mario kart
fwiw celeste was designed to be played with a stick rather than d-pad, i expected to be frustrated using a stick but i 100%ed it and had very few problems. it's fun!
For fucks sake. I didn't get Xeno 2 because when I asked in one of the Xeno 2 threads, every faggot kept telling me "No, you have to play it, track down a Wii faggot."
Attack on Titan 2
Pretty comfy.
Some news on indies like Hollow Knight.
Octopath Traveler seems so far away. . .
Congratulations for not liking something that somebody else likes. Are you going to keep throwing tantrums on the internet?
Shitposting only shows that you're using this as an excuse to vent out some other pent-up aggression, otherwise if you really didn't like the Switch you would ignore these threads like anybody else would.
Is something wrong at home?
Did somebody hurt you?
What is it that drives you to try to ruin things that other people like?
You didn't have to enter the thread to begin with if you didn't want to be here.
Is it a sense of self-entitlement that masks a very crippled ego?
Is it a lack of self-worth getting put into an unhealthy outlet?
Whatever the case, you should seek to put your issues into a more positive outlet if you want to see better results in your own life.
In the meantime we'll be over here enjoying our console and its games.
theres heart and slash which is roguelike but its very buggy at the moment though the dev has submitted a patch and id waiting for it to get released