What was the cause for World's success?
What was the cause for World's success?
It's complex and fun.
>Successful because it's complex
it's the dark souls of hunting games
Being the only notable game released in Q1 helps.
Pandering to casuals
not that guy but look at how every game that comes out now has a load of people saying 'hurrrrr it's been dumbed down for the casuals!!'
having some complexity and depth to a game probably does help with reputation/enjoyment/sales
Casuals finally got their chance to try it since the graphics are much better and the controls more accessible.
I will wait for the G rank version, because as a veteran if I tackle it right now I won't enjoy it.
Quality marketing and streamlining the parts that people find boring (collecting material off the ground such as herbs, ivy, insects, mining, etc).
No other recent big game releases. HD graphics, and finally released on popular consoles.
>After a month
No Microsoft i'm not using your shitty search engine
-Reduced the bar of difficulty to get into the series no matter how much that also reduced the challenge of the later stages of the game as well.
-Marketing and word of mouth
-The shitty Dark Souls effect of "wow it's hard, I'll get my gamer cred if I buy this"
-Releasing on a home console
-Coming out right when Destiny 2 was truly going down the shitter and since reviewers kept comparing the two, it had a large group of newcomers looking to have a similar experience
I'll be very curious to see how things may or may not change in the future with the G-rank release and future titles.
Because it fixes all the shit that made the Monster Hunter franchise niche in the first place. Mainly usable control schemes.
But Monster Hunter World was dumbed down for the casual audience, not that it isn't a fun game anyways. I guess it's still more complex than what most people are used to playing though.
Kek. I was hoping your reply was this before i clicked it.
Not being bound and gagged by Nintendo.
It got released in a period where nothing else came out?
Oh, cool given it was released late
By actually releasing Monster hunter on a successful home console with better graphics and controls.
An actual advertising budget and no competition for the past two months.
Let's go back to last year, Sup Forums
Long absence from the PlayStation which caused a great hunger for Monster Hunter again.
Bing Wahoo
a huge marketing budget, casualized gameplay, and pretty grafix on platforms that people outside of japan actually care about
The seething hate of Switch fags that spammed this board that it will fail worldwide.
Funny, because it sold well in Japan too.
This. The more Sup Forums hates something the more it will succeed.
PC wait is killing me, I have a PS4 but not double dipping due to the nature of MH, I'd get to invested on PS4
>casualized gameplay
>People pretend high rank was ever hard
it did, amazingly well for a console game, but still sold more outside of japan for the first time in the series
Lv X solo Hellblade time?
God of War confirmed universally loved.
Is there any chance for PS4-PC crossplay?
Pretty much this. People still haven't figured this board has the power having opposite outcomes for most things.
no, Sony hates doing crossplay, at best you'll get PC-XBone
It had absolutely no meaningful competition.
>Sony hates doing crossplay with Microsoft and Nintendo.
Kirby and Bayonetta are down the pipe for March.
PC is Microsoft.
Eggsbux Wan and Neoshitendo Stitch.
it's a great fucking game -- even though they messed up online part -- but they really made it casual/normalfag friendly and it worked
>handler looks "realistic." isn't a beauty nor any way "offensive"
>they slapped her right in the middle of TV commercials for almost whole duration
what can other AAA games learn from MHW's success instead of just copying it?
>western MH clones
that would be funny, though
i also think that the quick, easy online play helped because video games are at the peak of multiplayer or somethibg these days
>The shitty Dark Souls effect of "wow it's hard, I'll get my gamer cred if I buy this"
That's actually a good thing
>MonHun has always been good, it's just been locked to handhelds for years upon years
Combine the two and you have original fans getting all their friends in on it, along with normies buying into the latest AAA game
no matter how you look at it, sony is the one who is refusing to play ball these days. they dropped the ball by not getting PUBG as well. it might be a gook-nip thing
Speaking of western games, MHW effectively killed Destiny 2 as the go-to loot grind game with friends.
How is destiny similar to MH?
was destiny 2 really active?
>they dropped the ball by not getting PUBG as well.
MS bribes. A deal PubG Corp no doubt kick themselves daily over since the Fortnite monopoly on PS4 allowed it to explode in popularity.
It's not.
Didn't stop reviewers from making the connection though.
Everyone's playing Fornite, gramps.
does jho come out in 30 minutes or are my times wrong?
not him, but normalfags love to just hop on whichever the popular multiplayer game is with their friends. i don't even know what destiny is about
Released on multiple platforms.
Post Dark Souls world so unbalanced, difficult games are seen as a good thing.
has fortnite ever passed 3 million concurrent players? i just want to know to be honest
>be retard gooks
>get lucky and strike gold
>make a deal with the devil in exchange for chump change
>don't release your game on the most popular console
>fast forward some months
>only chinks are left playing
These Gook devs were massive retards who fucked themselves over in favor of MS bucks.
People play Destiny to get with a group of friends and grind the same shit over and over for loot. Speaking from personal experience I had a group of friends who were very disappointed with Destiny 2 and they've all moved onto Monster Hunter with World being the first entry they've played. The gameplay is nothing alike but the core loop is the same. The death of Destiny surely played a big part.
No pubg on ps4 sadly.
It's been the best selling xbox game for months
It's a great game. Still lacking in content but hopefully they fix that.
A bunch of things
>Not having competition for February and most of March
>Destiny 2 bleeding players like crazy
>DBFZ not having as much staying power as people thought it would have
>A more streamlined game that tore down the wall between it and the more casual ground
>A proper marketing campaign
>Finally releasing on proper consoles, escaping the Nintendo cage it was in
On a surface level, they're both PvE focused pseudo-MMO's. They're very different games, but I guess they both scratch the same co-op grinding itch.
Literally no other competition.
Microsoft got what they want in the end. PUBG moved Xbox One X units, and got people talking about Xbox even if it was short lived.
tedium =/= complexity
the only real casualization is the removal of armor having negative skills
>only chinks are left playing
This is just flat out wrong. I'm not sure if it's as popular as fortnite, it probably isn't, but it's hands down the most popular paid game on both pc and xbox even in just western countries
Is this the new excuse? Having a literal niche game in the states sell gangbusters like CoD because there wasn't another big game to compete?
Are you sayin MH has been hardcore xd in the past?
It did what Nintendo couldn't. Made the United States give a fuck about Monster Hunter.
how much do you guys think the PC version will sell?
assuming it's a solid port I'd say around 1 mil
140 zin solo time?
>sell gangbusters like CoD
I didn't realize MH sold 30 million units.
MHW added a lot of handholding aspects while adding a ton of QOL changes. They would need to nearly double the content to match what the other ultimate versions offered. G rank DLC is a must.
Not sure if you're being funny or not, but the series has sold 46 million units to date.
not that user but CoD sells like 20-30 mil every year
fact that crafting wasn't gay and i could play online, unique weapons
>huge marketing budget
MH only gets good advertizing in Japan.
>mfw timed out against Bezelgeuse
What did I do wrong? He was almost dead, I've killed every other monster in under 30 minutes.
which is why it was getting primetime ads on espn, right?
you hit it until it dies and don't get hit, your mistake was most likely not hitting it enough or getting hit yourself
It is probably the first example of a game that was heavily casualized/streamlined while still retaining the heart of what mattered. So you opened it up to a new audience while still retaining the core fans.
they made the game much, much easier.
It's fun.
Dumbing down for the casual audiance
Mass advertising. Making MH even more casual. Muh graphix. Controls are better and it's not as tedious, but damn where's the content. This has half the shit that MH4U has.
The lack of noticible difficulty scaling with your guild is true. It went from playing with your hunting bros "holy shit this is harder than I remembered" to "wait...did we just accidentally kill it?"
People have shit taste.
PS4 is starved with no games, Fotm game.
Capcom has being doing that since the PSP.
The cause of its success is that it’s literalllly the only notable video game release from Between Jan-late March 2018.
stay mad nintendy
You contradicted yourself.
MHW is dumbed down and incredibly forgiving but it has JUST enough complexity and difficulty to make it appealing to people who always wanted to challenge of Monster Hunter but never had the ability to into the series before. It's good that more people are getting into the franchise but MHW is one of the more forgiving action games to come out in recent years, and pretty forgiving for a MH title in particular.
>on the normalfag console of the gen
>none numbered name so fags dont get scared about jumping into a series 5 gens in
>hand holding and watering down so as not to scare them off
>bigger focus on MUH GRAPHICS because the "wider audience" doesn't give a shit about all the problems that has caused in other parts of the game
>b-but Nintendo!
Every. Single. Time.
Pretty much vaporware from January until now.
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Bayonetta 1/2
>Kirby Star Allies
>Sea of Thieves
And the hurt boxes are smaller Except it's not actually hard, its monsters are easily some of the easiest in the series, not just in terms of health/damage numbers and hit boxes but also because of the AI
People are tired of baby tier games that turn you into an invincible hero.