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spyro wins
Stop posting that disgusting version of Crash.
Also, Crash wins. Crash outflanks Spyro's every move. He's like a little tank, can't do shit to Crash.
Ape Escape wins
Without Sparx and Aku Aku they both die in one hit.
Spyro being like a tank, just to clarify.
Crash has low tier toon force durability and is a lot faster than Spyro
Always preferred Spyro
As long as this plays I will be happy
>Crash outflanks Spyro's every move
Flying? Firebreathing?
Spyro can only glide and his fire breath has no range.
Seriously how would Spyro even catch Crash?
Spyro couldn’t even catch that little blue motherfucker egg thief
I'd say Spyro wins due to edgy dark form, along with the fact that it would mean he has multiple elemental breaths
This guy too fuck him
>giving a shit about Sony OCs in 2018
Those are powerups. If they are granted powerups then they both have ranged weapons.
They're gonna give spyro the permanent fire breath buff from Ripto's Rage NG+ as a last second ass pull to make Spyro win, despite Crash dominating the fight visually
I only care about Crash.
And Crash has invulnerability
Wait the elemental breaths were power ups? They weren't in the GBA one
Did any beloved video game characters suffer more undignified deaths and departures from popularity than Crash and Spyro?
Seeing how there are 3 Spyros, I think it'll be classic Spyro vs the single Crash from the beginning
Anyways, Spyro stomps even with this handicap
Crash is mentally retarded, has inferior ranged abilities, and has inferior mobility
Crash is a strictly better game even though my heart belongs to Spyro. The thing is when you get down to it, its a gliding sim. A very pretty one but there isn't too much replayability value unless you're trying to do a glitched run of Spyro 2
Here's my saying
Sonic had a game so bad it killed his franchise's reputation
Spyro had a game so bad it killed his franchise for a reboot and killed a real life kid as well
>inferior mobility
Crash being retarded is a myth, a popular headcanon among Sup Forums users and toxic fans who liked Crash Twinsanity. Crash has proven through his actions to have superior intelligence, or at the very least extraordinary practical skills, and these two overlap quite a bit. Being crazy doesn't mean you're retarded.
> inferior mobility
Are you for real with this vile shit? Even suggesting a quadruped is more mobile than a biped is beyond the pale.
>Flies above you
Keep in mind, if they use composite Spyro it'd be overkill
Spyro can't fly.
>His heart's in the right place
>His brain's been, rearranged
Nah because then Crash would just use the mask
There's a reason that shit intro was canned, user.
>killed a real life kid as well
Death Battle rules
No outside help unless under specific circumstances
Granted, they'll probably give Spyro Sparx if that's the case
lurk moar newfag
>When it was released in 2002, Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly was panned by critics who accused it of offering a choppy frame rate, buggy gameplay, lengthy load times, and a dull story. Last month, the game received a more serious knock against it, as a New York woman whose infant suffered a grand mal seizure while playing Enter the Dragonfly filed suit against Vivendi Games, Sierra Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment America, and a defunct rental store called Hiawatha Video.
Can't give Spyro Sparx without giving Crash Aku Aku.
>it's another "retarded parent lets their epileptic child play videogames and then blames the developer for her child having a seizure" episode
That was my point
fuck you, nigger
thanks, my nigger
Compare the strongest Crash has ever been to the strongest Spyro has ever been.
Even if you give Crash tech to make him fly, Spyro still has heaps of magic bullshit to give him the edge, not to mention range over kicks that crash seems specific to.
Fuck this level
They'll just have another Snake vs Fisher situation where their partners were included
post wishlists
Alucard (Castlevania) vs Magus (Chrono Trigger)
Captain Planet vs Swamp Thing
Ego (Marvel) vs Remina (Hellstar Remina)
Faker (He-Man) vs Bizarro (DC)
Galactus vs Unicron (w/ a tie-in DBX of Silver Surfer vs Galvatron)
Ganondorf/Ganon vs Garland/Chaos
Goro (Mortal Kombat) vs Machamp (Pokémon)
Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) vs Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Loki (Marvel) vs Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Mighty Mouse vs Atom Ant
Peach vs Amy Rose
Pennywise (IT) vs Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street)
Red Sonja vs Xena
Stardust the Super Wizard vs Lensman
Tarzan vs Conan
Teal'C from Stargate SG-1 vs Worf from Star Trek TNG/DS9
Tenno (Warframe) vs Guardian (Destiny)
Thanos vs Darkseid (no Infinity Gauntlet or Anti-Life equation)
The Winter Soldier (Marvel) vs The Red Hood (DC)
Thor (Marvel) vs Captain Marvel (DC)
Vision (Marvel) vs Red Tornado (DC)
War & Death (Darksiders) vs Dante & Vergil (Devil May Cry)
Wario vs Shadow the Hedgehog
Jensen vs Kusanagi
All Might vs Mr Incredible
Popeye vs Luffy even though it will be a stomp for Popeye
Moon Knight vs Azrael
Punisher vs Dredd
Goku vs Superman 3
I want to impregnate Coco!
Then the fact that Crash has once had an infinite spin attack that ricochets projectiles makes most of Spyro's attacks useless against him. Crash would also have his "jacking" ability (pretty sure this is magic bullshit as well), so he could go find the largest creature he can conquer and then use that against Spyro. Maybe he could even jack Spyro.
Crash has thumbs
>Giving a fuck about Death Battle and its "analysis"
>Watching DBX with its hilariously poor animation and garbage fight pacing
When does OMM S6 premiere?
Coco's teetch are so smol they don't even have any depth. Crash has BIGG teeth for BIGG bandicoot.
>Crash vs classic Spyro
Crash could win
>Crash vs Legend Spyro
Crash gets raped
>Crash vs Skylanders Spyro
Crash also gets raped (from what I can find regarding Skylanders feats)
>Crash vs composite Spyro
Crash is eating Subway
You do know OMM animators have been leaving due to pay issues right?
I wouldn't mind seeing a DB featuring a Kamen Rider. KR Ichigo would probably be the best choice for the first one, since he is the first KR, but who'd be a good opponent?
Nobody has mentioned a composite Crash yet.
Also, the Skylanders Academy episode with Crash makes him seem WAY overpowered in that universe.
Some say Captain America but from what I've heard Hongo stomps due to his cybernetics and personally I don't like the image of those two fighting each other
There is no composite Crash
It's always the same one Crash since the franchise never rebooted
Really? Well that sucks, it's usually a great show (barring the occasional wet fart like Thor vs Vegeta).
Crash of the Titans is practically a reboot.
Who the hell is Hongo?
I just want Star Fox vs Rogue Squadron already
That shit was the last cool thing on the leaked list
Hopefully they didn't scrap it entirely
Takeshi Hongo
That's Kamen Rider 1's name
Fair enough. Cybernetics are a step above super drugs.
There any cyborgs in comics that would be a good match for Hongo?
Maybe another Ishinomori character?
I know Torrian (the 3D animator) wants Cyborg 009 in an episode
Rick vs Xavier
Crash dies in one hit or just from being touched, Spyro has up to 4 hits before he dies
Yeah but he still survives being cut in half, smashed, etc
That'd probably be the best thing. The only American character I can think of as an opponent is Cyborg, but that's really pushing it. I'm gonna be spending all day thinking about this, as well as possible opponents for the other Riders.
I know you're shitposting but I actually wouldn't mind seeing this, if just for the absurdity of it.
Spyro also dies in one hit. Sparx = Aku Aku
Crash’s only chance is if they include Aku Aku and Sparx because then Crash has god mode
So does Spyro if we are counting powerups
Xenomorph vs. Metroid.
Have it be a battle like they did with Wily vs. Eggman and have the various stages and subspecies duke it out in a big war.
also Gilgamesh (Fate) vs. Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy)
Gliding sim > Hallway sim
This particular version of Crash is so pleasant.
Not really, no.
OMM just can't catch a break.
> Hallway sim
You mean platformer.
Light Yagami vs Goro Akechi
Is doesn't particularly matter what the presentation is user. You can actually play Crash. It has challenge. Spyro is like touring a virtual museum.