Randy Pitchford held a google talks with 3D Realms


>Randy Pitchford held a google talks with 3D Realms
>talks about how there really isn't anything left of the original Duke Nukem Forever build from 2002
>3D Realms talks back stating that there is an early 2001 build of the game that was mostly finished (around 80%, complete with voice acting, levels, enemies, weapons, etc, just a lot patch-work coding and finalizing that needed to be done)
>3D Realms says they even hold in-house Duke Nukem Forever LAN matches every now and then for the office
>they further state that they were thinking about volunteering to finish the game and release it as a free community beta release
>(The reason it got pushed back during development was apparently due to them switching to a doom 3 style renderer that forced them to re-do nearly all of the assets for the game because everything ended up coming out as just black, complete with making new normal maps, which with the added development time and cost it was indefinitely held on hiatus)
>Randy quickly backpedals and says it would need to go through the proper channels first, that he would only ever consider doing something like that if it were to be included in some sort of future "complete collectors set"

>Randy Pitchford is the sole individual who's holding back 3D Realms from finishing up a free alpha release of the fully playable Duke Nukem Forever 2001 build of the game

>somehow this goes by completely unnoticed by the video gaming world and even more surprisingly, Sup Forums

Holy shit, how are we not furious about this?

Attached: 71dfd173149576cc350dc8dff3aa12f8[2].jpg (1125x632, 312K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gearbox is shit and their DNF was mediocre.
3D Realms' DNF also would just be a mediocre shooter, stop pretending like it would've been god's gift to vidya. The only reason anyone pretends to want it now is because it's one more reason for them to shit on Gearbox.
You know this to be true.

He looks like he's about to off himself.

I stopped caring about Duke in the late 90s. You need to move on too.

idknow it might be more fun maybe it just looked dated and ugly and that's why they didn't release it.

if it really was that finished its retarded that they remade it.

shows how they just buy brands and names and didn't really "buy the game and finish it"

This screenshot was released in 1999

Looks better than Half Life, and Deus Ex, technically speaking. I don't think it looking "dated" was an issue at all.

Attached: DNF_Nov99_Tentacles.jpg (1024x768, 604K)

>being shocked at randy fucking over a game
Yeah after colonial marines he can fuck right off.

Battleborn flopping hit him hard.

We can only hope Boardermemes 3 bankrupts them and a company with even a modicum of talent gets the rights. Sadly it'll probably be one of the big publishers and we'll get absolute garbage games that destroy Duke as a character, because nothing good ever happens in this industry.

Also nobody really wanted Silent Hills, they just want another reason to shit on Konami.

>complete unnoticed

Had some threads about it over a week ago though. But there are no pictures and nothing we can do about it, and we all already hate Randy's guts, so what can we do.

Can you honestly say the 2001 trailer didn't hype you up for Duke at the time?

If you didn't actually watch it back then, you're leally excused.

I'll never understand how people actually took that "DNF was staged! some guy I know said it so it must be true!" seriously.

I mean, aside from the development screenshots being leaked, and actually being able to see the drastic changes to the engine over time from 1998 to 2000, to 2003, you can tell they were just blowing all their money they'd made from the Duke games to try and make the most cutting edge release possible but continually getting cucked by newer releases.

I think they should've just released it in 2001, cut all the superfluous shit. Would it have been mediocre? Sure, but mediocrity is a lot better than disappointing and even "bad".

Attached: 12.jpg (1600x1200, 786K)

>dukes coming to theaters next month
>dukes coming to smash
>dukes coming to theaters again with john cena
>ree we need more duke

how entitled is too entitled?

It didn't go unnoticed by Sup Forums you newfag. We had threads about this weeks ago and someone from Gearbox was even leaking screenshots from the 2001 build + the Max Payne alpha.
The reason nobody is talking about this is because there is nothing left to discuss. Randy is a huge faggot, that's all.

Fuck me.

He's full of shit and blowing smoke. He doesn't have shit still.

Guess this.

As long as randy/the beta guy is holding these betas hostage we cant do anything.

Theres a reason randy was labeled as 'a fucking asshole' in the duke3d megaton edition credits.

he looks so tired

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Besides, what made Duke 3D famous was the attitude and the TECHNOLOGY, not the graphical fidelity.

Randy being a colossal faggot and a liar. What's new?
That being said I don't really care about Duke anymore, but if they released it for free I'd play it.

>somehow this goes by completely unnoticed by the video gaming world and even more surprisingly, Sup Forums

That's how little Sup Forums cares about randy bobandy nowadays, or Duke Nuke for that matter.

>Randy Pitchford is a fucking scum-bag piece of shit conman
In other news, sky is blue and water is wet.
Seriously though, everyone should be fully aware of what an utter waste of oxygen Randy Pitchford is.
Especially if you're a Borderlands fan.
I mean you're still probably going to buy his shit in that case, because you're retarded, because you're a Borderlands fan.
But for one second, just one fucking second, disregard your
And realize the truth.
Yard work is fun with you friends, and Gearbox is a cancer on the games industry.

Attached: 1427150511791.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

>Holy shit, how are we not furious about this?

Why be mad about playing games when I can shitpost all day about God of Soy!? XD



Randy is such a moneygrubbing faggot.

If I was Randy Pitchford I'd put a gun in my mouth today.

>Holy shit, how are we not furious about this?
Everyone's always furious at Randy user. Everyone.

>wanting to play an alpha of a 2001 game

Yeah, no thanks.

Not Borderlands fans.
I mean they lack half a brain so it's slightly understandable, but they're still technically people.

Unless the 2001 version is just as shit as the final game we got, I don't see why they'd be against just releasing this version of DNF, no one's buying the new game and people would be genuinely interested in seeing how the 2001 game plays
Is Randy just miles deep up his own ass that he just wants to force Duke Nukem to be whatever he wants

Attached: this is some good shit.jpg (288x248, 37K)

>Holy shit, how are we not furious about this?
Because "we" are not a hive mind? Some of us are perfectly satisfied with how the REAL DNF ended up.

I think he doesn't want it to be released because he wants to try and make a dime off it if possible, even though he had absolutely nothing to do with the 2001 build of the game.

Or he's using that as an excuse because he's afraid the 2001 release was legit as fuck and it would make his own studio look like a bunch of hacks in comparison.

If they are playing DNF 2001 DM with each other, it's clearly in a playable, mostly finished state, and they OWN the Duke brand, so giving them the okay isn't that big of a deal.

Well I don't see much issue of just releasing DUKE NUKEM FOREVER 2001 EDITION on Steam and consoles and just sell it for money, the game will garner interest considering it's part of the history of DNF's development and the popularity of retro styled FPS games right now
Plus, Gearbox just finished 3D Realm's last build of DNF before launching, I don't think they care that much outside of Randy's ego

We already got a legit Duke Nukem Forever though

> I don't think they care that much outside of Randy's ego

You're talking about a man who did this:

>thought of making a JUST image of OP's pic
>can't because randy already looks JUST'd

Attached: 9094010_t.jpg (200x191, 9K)

>Holy shit, how are we not furious about this?

1. Randy Pitchford is less than worthless subhuman trash. Even thinking about him is a waste of energy.

2. 2001 was 17 years ago.

3. After all that has transpired, people just want to forget the Duke and move on with their lives.

Why does anyone give a damn about this dated garbage. Just play Doom.

>dated garbage
>just go play doom
>implying doom isn't dated garbage
fucking bait, I don't even know why I come here anymore

You're both aspies

Doom and Duke Nukem are neither dated nor garbage.

>B-B-B-B-But muh grafix!

Then fuck off and go watch tech demos you inbred ass-faggot piece of shit cancer upon the gaming community.

>B-B-B-B-But muh cinematics

Then go watch a movie you inbred ass-faggot piece of shit cancer upon the gaming community.

>implying anyone uses the cinematic argument
Yeah, nah, doom is dated as fuck because of its fucking archaic camera system, unrealistic carrying capacity for weapons, and shit tier multiplayer.
Fuck off with your strawman bait.

>archaic camera system
First person is archaic? Owo, much infos, many news

> unrealistic carrying capacity for weapons

>Fuck off with your strawman bait.

i can't watch this

Attached: baby.jpg (611x686, 44K)

>implying not having the ability to aim manually on the y axis is not archaic

He looks like he's about 5 minutes away from doing just that holy fucking JUST

That's not camera perspective R-tard, it's called aim/control.

time stamp for when he backpedals?

I never said camera perspective. I said camera system, and being able to move the camera is a part of the camera system.

Camera system IS the perspective. If you have a first person camera system, that's a perspective and how the camera is controlled. If it's third person, that's the perspective IE the system and how it functions.

Being able to move the camera is control.

Go home, be a babby retard somewhere else please.

the worst thing was being in that site thread where they were showing off old duke beta assets.
they were originally going to release the builds after testing, and then got real quiet.
so basically a lot of teasing for nothing.

Attached: vFSiCcT.png (1680x1050, 187K)

>voodoo extreme
>seti at home
those were the fucking days

pitchford brought that shitheap fair and square, you can't blame pitchford for a decade of fuck ups on behalf of 3d realms.

You are legitimately retarded

>hurrr, I make stupid shitty comments online that don't make any fucking sense
>hurrr don't prove me wrong, ur a retard

Go away and never come back, mongoloid.

time to leak it

Very few actual games are ever leaked

Fucking Randy

Wait, afaik gearbox didn't made the current DNF, it was developed by 3D Realms and Gearbox bought the license when the game was about to be cancelled (and later released it, half-finished and all).
It's not the 2001 DNF but it's not gearbox's either

I tell you somth'n, i counted them all, it's zero, nada, 0, null. Here is what is going to habbn, fuck fatty pigforch, he is a cunt and sucks fem dicks all day long. The leak is happening

I'd still like to see it released just because of it being part of the history of DNF's development