OpenXCOM Thread

X-Com Files was Updated Edition.
Between this and JA2, I think its time to actually get some stuff started.

I've got one vote for Restart, since I haven't been around in a while. What do you guys think? Where shall we start, if at all?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Mod commander is dead
Long live mod commander

And no, I did not die to Pheonix Point, though it looks great and its nice to have some sort of TU's in a NuCom way.

Iceland's a rough start. Basically makes the whole Mudranger useless.


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I'm okay with this position. BASE NAME?

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Any complaints, or shall I try the Corner strat again?

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Lets move on.

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I have no idea what that is, sounds good.

I never really liked having the elevator as part of the chokepoint it blocks sight to the hangars and the layout always feels like a deathtrap

I'm used to it. Always helped me out, AND I can move it later. Not a big deal.

Get some names in here laddies

Phoenix point looks OK so far, i will remain skeptical since there is a lot of nu-com things that seem to be going into it, also i personally didn't like the aesthetics of your soldiers in the last preview, i would rather the soldiers be more gritty instead of futuristic armor with jumpacks and shit, but thats a matter of preference

although it did look like your soldiers matter way too much like in the nu-coms an thats something i didn't really like

Speaking of soldiers. We have 8 new looks.

This guy looks familiar.

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Hold on, since when you can move the elevator ? i thought that was always the only permanent building


Samurai Blackjack


neat, we still have the clown right ?

since Vemintide released recently name one Kruber for me

Mind linking me to the update commander? I lost it in a format recently, might as well come back and give it another go.

Aisha ClanClan

Since release I think?

We lost the clown as part of an update. It was getting hard just keeping him around as it was. But the Clown will not be lost.

Should be it.

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Right on, danke. And good luck.


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I'm I mistaken or you can't even damage greys with the starting weapons ? or atleast i tried with the pump shotgun and i failed miserably (although it was superman so that might be it)

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but it's something that X-files added right? it doesn't come with openxcom

They have shields now, but yeah. You CAN damage them in time, but it fucked off.

Lets go get some farmers.

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Its part of Extender, Files added the COST to move Facilities.


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Cuban Pete.
Good to have you back, dude.

Meat bullet

Johnny Rico

Artemy Burakh
Glad to see you aren't dead.

Not dead, just overwhelmed, X-COM does that to you after a while

Captcha stop being a dick.

Guildenstern and Rosencrantz

Cato Sicarius
I wonder if M. Commander will abandon this playthrough like he did the previous one :^)

Lets move on.

I apologize for that. Files is a strange beast that can't be done constantly.

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First thing's first.

Lets Zap some fuckers.

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Oh my god that's so revolting!

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Are zombie mission still insufferable grindfests?

Oh shit he's got a gun!

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Probably. I think thats what kills me above all.

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The second one wasn't too far off. Mission complete.

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And here, We. Go.

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>We tased some farmers who were just slaughtering one of their cattle
Truly the guardians of humanity

>Implying it wasn't the aliens or the MIB enemies.

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Well glad to see you back commander, but yes the mod does feel a little overwhelming, specially since its so much longer than a normal playthrough

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There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt

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People kept asking for Piratez. I offered this alternative.

Plus, Its either this and dealing with fuckin Captcha, or stream it, and we all know how that goes.

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Desert got a bit of an overhaul, not so blindingly yellow.

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There is a certain something about having a thread instead of a stream, but i do get how annoying the captcha is

It happened so fast, I barely caught a glimpse of the Scorpion.

The Clown gets his first Reaction kill. Mission complete?

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And he rolled.. Surprisingly well.

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God, I forgot that you only get two dudes at the start.

Now they cause ocular haemorrhages instead when you look at them, Jesus Christ what were the devs thinking

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Unfortunately, due to the angle of the planet, I could not get this mission at daytime. Fuck.

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Probably the worst night time tileset.

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[Muffled maracas in the darkness]

Fucking.. shitting me, right?

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WIth some Shotgun and .45 ammo downrange, we take it down easially.

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Cuban Pete gets the most experience.

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And now we have Vans.

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They weren't much better before

>only one zombo and not 25
thank god

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Wait a moment, that isn't Jim Carrey

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Dare I?

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Do it faggot, what could possibly go wrong


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The first of many

What is that screen?

Middle click an enemy to see what they have equipped. It used to show the full name of the unit, like Sectoid Engineer.


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They had me surrounded. But now. I gotta go. I'll be back tomorrow for sure. See you then lads.

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Thank you for your cervix commander

At least Gildenstern is okay.

I was hoping he'd get to die at the same time as Guildenstern

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well, it was kinda like cheating,

Good Night commander, thanks for the thread

It probably isn't

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Is there a defacto mod for balancing?

Oh. One more thing for you in specific, Aishanon

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nice i hope she survives

does the flashlight actually has any use over flares ?

Still a whole thread left. /xcom/ til death?

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Yeah, its extremely bright, but extremely heavy (7 weight) and useful as a robusting blunt tool.

but does it work the way you have set it up in that screen ?, i thought 2 handed weapons couldn't be used with something in the offhand in xfiles

balancing what, and in what way?

Have to put the flashlight down to fire the 2h Shotgun, but it still functions like a flare for all intents and purposes.

is it worth it over just filling the whole map with flares from the van ?

bump for you commander

Commander is asleep, post Chryssalids

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he's gone jim, he'll be back tomorrow probably

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