Reminder that Reset Era went full retard.
not vidya
>Direct link to soygaf
Not a bad cover art but it doesn't look like a Soul Calibur one
Pretty bad.
Witcher guy should have been clearer since he's so generic people could easily miss that it's him if they don't already he's in the game.
Second post I've seen today linking to resetera.
Are these faggots raiding us?
People getting so toasty over Geralt being on the cover
I hope there's another guest character or 2, geralt is kind of weak imo
No way fag
A little hamfisted with geralt on the cover, that's why sc4 flopped so damn hard, it looked like shovelware from the covert art and back of the box.
I'm not really too interested anyway, I wanted a new sc for so long and it just never came, and I got over it. Maybe when it's in the bargain bin.
free replies from retards like you
>User was banned partially for having low post count
I don't know why you fags have to screencap these literally who sites when you know it's garbage, Everyone knew Xbox republic and Playstation Universe was shit without posting it here so why does this and twitter get a free pass?
>i-i-i was just b-b-baiting
Go back to resetera and stay there retard OP
The font looks like crap.
People are jumping ship from a site run by mentally unhinged banhappy trannies so they are on the hunt for more views. From Sup Forums of all places
because faggot OP is linking to it
>Featuring Geralt from the Witcherâ„¢ Series
I'm not op nor implied to be op, I'm just saying retards like you love to reply to shit.
>original poster count didnt go up
>what is sage
how fucking embarassing newfag
>Mainman Mitsurugi in the cover art
It's about time.
So no other Guest character?
Whatever happened to neofag?
I don't like it but I don't care enough to complain. You gotta pick your battles,.
5 only had Ezio, so I hope there is only one. I'd rather the roster be filled with actual Soul Calibur characters.
If that's the cover then they'll probably (and thankfully) keep it to just Gerry.
fuck off and die faggot
what the fuck is resetera? the new neogaf?
I dunno but we've had this cover revealed for at least a week so they're slow.
and the cover sucks dick
>I-i-i saged it
No you didnt OP, after all youre the one posting resetera links and defending it, in reality, I saged your gay ass thread the whole time
Imagine if NeoGAF admitted they were full-on retarded instead of pretending they were a gaming forum.
You know what I find funny about this situation. If it truely is a ResetERA member or even an owner, you're basically trying to invite people to a site that would never let them through in the first place. Don't you know boy that we're all shitlords here. You're as cancerous to us as we are to you.