Changes we MUST see in Dark Souls Remastered

1) Fast Travel

Not just between bonfires like in the late game, but real, on demand fast travel.

2) Tighter controls

Don't give us the mess that is the original Dark Souls controls again. Update it to Dark Souls 3 controls and mechanics.

3) No poise

Just take this out, nobody likes it.

4) Easy Mode

Something like halved enemy damage and health and NO INVASIONS. Instead, give the player slots the invaders would take to summons.

5) Skippable bossfights

Probably the most controversial, but honestly the most necessary change. It's no fun to lose to the capra demon 10 times in a row. If Dark Souls wants to be inclusive to all players, it NEEDS this option

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casting my line

The last 3 are laughably dogshit. And makes me wonder if you are baiting

I'm all for skippable fights if it means I never have to fight ceasless, centipede, and Bed of Chaos

Why are the baits in this place getting so weak?

you have got to be the biggest casual retard Ive ever seen, get fucked dude seriously i hope you go to sleep tonight wondering why you were ever born

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>fast travel
For a new Souls game I'd say no to this, because it enables the world designers to forego the connectivity that made DaS1's world really great to move through, but since that is already in place, sure, why not.

>Tighter controls
No, retain the feel of the game.

>No poise
Fuck you, babby.

>Easy mode
I've taken the bait

give me some (You)'s lads...lost my gf today

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Oh wait ppl actually fall for it, carry on

changes we MUST see in this thread

1) Kill U-R-self

2) OP stops being a fag

3) OP gits gud

4) Thread gets pruned/deleted

5) OP gets banned

I hear over at /r9k/ they'll assist you in your shotgun suicide when losing a gf, I suggest going there.

Please redo the character maker DS2 still wins in that department

What happened bro?

How was she (he)?

we were getting rocky but I was with her for 5 years and tried to make it work with what little love we had left, guess it wasn't meant to be

I didn't realize this was bait when I was reading 1 and started to get really mad, but could definitely see this show up on a polygon article. You forgot to call it "Top 5 Changes" instead of just "Changes," since Top X Lists are all the rage with the kids these days.

>people responded to this thread
>I responded to this thread

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I feel you user mine escaped last week

Not everyone can make it to grand finals. Second place is a great achievement.


lol no

>not s(he)

god you people are fucking dumb.


You're too retarded to even deserve a (You)

Best character creator was Bloodborne.

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Not when they still come out that fucking ugly

I'm disappointed in you user

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I think what needs to be sdded in the game is some new surprises for New game+

>put all the magic from 2 in
>unfuck resistance
>dex does not affect cast speed
>decrease durability of all equipment
>make bleed a long lasting DoT
>increase poison damage
>unfuck gravelording

now he's mad

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you're not even trying faggot

>1) Fast Travel
Are you fucking serious? This isn't a bloody Fallout or Elder scrolls game. That defeats the purpose and fun of the game.

>2) Tighter controls
What do you even mean by this?? The controls are fine.

>4) Easy Mode
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I cannot believe you would even suggest something like this.

>5) Skippable bossfights
Not all of the boss fights are necessarily mandatory. GET GOOD!

Man such pathetic shit b8 and you already have 26 people replying.

I don't have to with soulbabbies


Looks like a tranny, or is that what you were going for?

Poise is easy mode though

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fashion slot

>I don't even have to!
>Look at these posts I made as proof!

Not even familiar enough with the cancerous souls community to act like them convincingly.

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Are you like some kind of troll, trolling troll on multiple layers of irony? Or did you genuinely think that was a real post.

shit bait but I do want some cahnges

>faster estus, or at least let us use while moving like in Bloodborne or DS3
>weapon arts should be added
>game feel akin to DS3 (which was undisputedly perfect)

You're not getting any of that. It's not a remaster it's a port.

>It's not a remaster it's a port.
Put there already is a port on PC. Why would they make 2 ports for the same console?

>Dark Souls Remastered

Attached: REALLY makes you think.gif (256x256, 395K)

Nose-powdering noble fop.

fuck off

>give the player slots the invaders would take to summons
What the fuck language is this

>the mess
holy shit, Dark Souls controls were tight as fuck if you learned how to time your attacks and dodges and parries. You can literally go hours of PvP without getting hit once if you actually get fucking good you PC port shitter

Yeah but building a high poise character is too hard for some people. You have to make it easier


>dark souls "remaster" is nothing more than a high res version with dsfix
>and still no demon's souls remaster

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you're still left wondering after such poor bait?

>Fast Travel
You got it with the Lordvessel, that's all you need
>Tighter controls
DS controls are fine, problem was with netcoding
Poise was amazing, fuck you.
>Easy mode
Just summon somebody
>Skippable bossfights
Fuck off

8/10 made me reply to a pasta probably.

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>Dark Souls 3 felt way too floaty. It was like they weren't sure if they wanted it to either stay true to the series or deviate into anime-tier speed battles like bloodborne.
>Poise was actually a pretty good mechanic that gave you a way to gear around the odd ambush situation like capra demon. It made weapons with a longer windup more viable, while everyone in ds3 is using poking sticks.

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Fuck your bait thread OP

▲ ▲

I fucking hate Friede

the game needs a fucking quantity prompt when offering souls. I don't have patience to offers 30 souls to Quelaan one at a time.

you forgot:
6) facebook integration so you can share the epic moments when you defeat a boss

>dark souls is hard
How fucking shit do you have to be at games to actually think this?

What they really need to add is a microtransaction system to pay money for souls.

You better find her then!

>tfw no bloodborne update that gets rid of the mile long input buffer, fixes parrying, makes the framerate/frame pacing not shit, gets rid of the immense input lag and ports the game to pc

But I like poise.

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>Changes we MUST see in Dark Souls Remastered
1) Fast soy

Not just soy between soy like in the late sot, but real soy on demand fast soy

2) Tighter soy
Don't give us the soy that is the original soy again. Soy it to soy soy 3 soy and soy

3) No soy
Just soy this out, nobody soys it

4)Soy mode
Something like soy enemy soy and soy and NO SOY, instead, give the soy slots the soy would take to soy

5)Skippable soy
Probably the most soy, but soy the most neccesary soy, it's no soy to soy to the soy demon 10 soy in a soy, if soy wants to be soy to all players, it needs this SOY

Basically what you asked

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> Skippable bossfights

I unironically agree with this for NG+. If I want to do the bare minimum to achieve/complete a build, I should be allowed to do that as quickly as possible.

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