Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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History is written by the victors, so I guess the dead guy
Your existence.
Worm Slut for enticing based Shinji with her whorish ways
typemoon girls are too skinny
He tried to rape his stepsister for the millionth time but this time she killed him
They are both terrible in their own ways.
>History is written by the victors, so I guess the dead guy
I knew that Sup Forums is a low IQ board but come on
newfags get out
And before you say "weebs get out" or some shit like that, if you were an oldfag you'd 100% know the context regardless of whether or not you were a weeb or not. The only people who won't know the context are newfags.
no one wants to be an oldfag anymore you dork
Can you blame him?
The only people that don't is newfags like yourself, the problem is newfags are flooding in by the thousands and it's impossible for oldfags to maintain the majority. Eventually newfags can take over and there's nothing you can do about it. At the very least I can always call you out on shit that obviously paints you as a newfag, like right now.
you for playing this shit
Sakura is fucking terrible.
So what is this from
Sakura for not doing it sooner
>not recognizing clannad
Well according to I’m not wrong, so eat a dick
Angel Beats
Boku No Pico
You telling me you can't recognize Naruto?
Fuck you assholes this isn't Sup Forums just tell me
Cardcaptor Sakura.
Isn't this from Fate Apocrypha? That was a definite one of the better animes I watched. I gave it a high score on MAL.
this is so fucking bizarre to look at hecause the color of her pants are the same color as his neck (I think?) so it looks like that's not his neck between his head and his torso what the fuck
Fate is a franchise, There's like a dozen different AU/Timelines and spinoffs
Shitty waifu VN that got an anime. Also it’s lore is fucking confusing, so don’t bother with it
>t. phrenologist
Stop using shit you don't understand to look smart.
You don't even know what "victory" means
Boku no Pico
Latest PreCure anime I think.
Was that drawn by a deviantard?
Madoka Magica. Sayaka really fucked up her wish.
I want to jizz inside Sakura
Code Geass
Its Evangelion VN, its what happens when Shinji tries to have sex with asukas sister.
> there will never be a proper Tsukihime game
Why even live?
So you’re telling me that the man bleeding out on the bed sheets is a winner? Plus his character was a bitch in every iteration of the Fates series, so he’s not getting much sympathy from the fan base for his bullshit
Sailor Moon Crystal
Okay user. I won't lie to you anymore. It's from Fate/Stay Night. Please trust me
Click the google search button next to the image. Newfag.
Since nobody else is gonna help you it's Umineko
jesus, that image has given me a new fetish i didn't even know I had
also what happens to sakura in the other routes
It's Toradora
Gonna say the rapist piece of shit is the one in the wrong here.
Raped by worms for the rest of her life.
Wormslut was being groomed anyway to be Shinji's breeder. I don't see why she had to resist his advances.
The events of the other routes make it so Zouten has to put his plans on hold. She survives in Fate at least since you see her at the end.
Today i will remind them.
Shit dude, that's messed up. I like UBW best because thematically I think it's the strongest, but this is a Yume Miru Kusuri or whatever it's called situation isn't it, where I feel bad playing the other routes because someone is suffering
>Rin is a canon virgin
>Sakura is a canon non viirgin
What did he mean by this?
Rapist is a made up word since sex is physically stimulating meaning a woman can't actually be raped since she enjoys it even if she pretends she doesn't. Therefore he was in the right
>So you’re telling me
>Rin's defenseless anus
You, for playing this shitty fucking '''''game'''''
I have no problem with visual novels but god I fucking hate Fate series. It's nothing more than a crappy hungry fedora-tipping teenagers.
Its still rape because the worms made her standards incredibly high meaning she doesn't actually feel any pleasure from his magicless dick.
>People actually dislike Sakura
dont listen to these faggos, its carnival phantasm
I know I paid too much attention to the 2016 American presidential election since I recognize this picture by the fucking donuts alone...
>0 anal through all the VN
For all the memes about her defensless anus I was pretty disappointed with the lack of backdoor action. And it wasn't even Rin in the end.
a crappy dickbait for*
wriggle wriggle
but you're still a filthy weeabo for liking that kind of shit, kys
>tfw accidently deleted VN after 20 min of Heaven feel
>didnt tried to redownload it since 2016
Also are Jin doujins considered cannon by this point?
She doesn´t get raped forever in the orther routes either.
In Fates Berserker kills Shinji.
In UBW Shinji is alive, but is so traumatised that he doesn´t do anything to Sakura anymore.
She still has to deal with Zouken and the worms though.
poor Shinji and his bad ends. At least he fucked both Sakura, Rider and maybe Drake.
How many people here have even read the entire VN? I haven't watched UBW yet. but i've heard its fairly close to the VN.
if you start a VN and don't finish all the routes you're a bitch
yeah, it was the best girl
I hated Heavens Feel because I hate sakura.
It's been ages since I played FSN but I've never played Hollow Ataraxia yet.
Medusless is fine too.
I went from indifferent toward her to disliking her. At least Illya and Kirei were god tier.
Agreed, especially since the routes build on eachother so much.
Yes im in the same boat. I'll probably get on it soon. They finnaly translated F/Hollow a couple of years ago.
Zouken dies after some amount of time in the other F/SN routes, Hollow Ataraxia tells us.
In the unlikely event you're being serious end your life
Remember when Sakura was hated? It wasn't possible to have threads about her, now is full of Sakurafags
>They didn't play F/HA
Shame on you.
Subarashiki Hibi
>there will never be a Tsukihime anime Come on fate shit got like 200 anime
pussy game so strong it kills mortal men
We will probably get one after the remake comes out
Don't bother F/HA was the beginning of the shit train
>missing out on Bazett, casual Lancer, Angra MANyu and the sexiest fate girl Caren
truly missing out. I think people have even gotten the voices from Vita on it by now.
I love Medea!
Fate is fucking trash
Shinji did nothing wrong.
>still can't choose Illya over wormslut
Give me literally anything, Illya, Medusa or Medea over Sakura please.
Well Sup Forums?
What do you choose
He's alive in HA, where does it say this?
He's going to die soon.