Deviljho releases

>deviljho releases
>slower than every other monster
>has barely any health
>doesn't enrage
>no turf wars with any monsters
>only available in a single event quest that will rotate out in two days

monster hunter thread

Attached: jho damn it.gif (267x200, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no turf wars
He does with beagle this is proven on video
>he doesn't enrage
Also proven on video

Did you kill him to fast? Are you too good my man?

update drop when

he has an immense healthpool in every game he's in.

we've already seen his turf war with Bagel and its the coolest one in the game and the only one where the monsters Tie.

Today I will remind them:

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Welcome to your first monhun thread, anons. Let's have fun hunting together.

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Is it out or what.

we've seen from the demo that he's pretty much a direct port from earlier games in terms of moveset, he's even got less moves then what he had in 4U, with World's mechanics he's going to be a pushover even for newcomers

>direct port in terms of moveset
>less moves


he's basically a 3rd gen deviljho, except now he can attack from pitfalls and his animations look super janky with the new monster movement mechanics and vertical maps


Kush vs Teo is also a draw

Blos and lewd blos is a 50/50 matchup


Yes. I'm downloading it right now.

It might be happening, someone keep ron on hold

Can confirm it's out, downlading it now, no lie, restart the PS4.

You better not be playing a trick on me

Special Assignments is greyed out for me.


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Who here using Rookslayer weapons and siding with Bazel in turfwars?

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man I haven't booted the game up since I beat it like a month and a half ago, jesus christ did the loading times get worse?

>all this jho posting
>no confirmations

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what skills does jho armor give?

handicraft partbreaker latent power speed eating

>there has been a deviljho sighting
>special assignments greyed out


>nerg is still the best set if you don't want to clown


Go look for jho tracks dumbass

Elemental CBs worth a shit now or what

I'm not. Fuck trolls and shitposters.

Depends, does the elemental cap still eist

are they in preset positions like elder tracks or what, I'm not seeing any running around a few areas on expeditions

Just waiting for Dante to be released so I can use his set with my stunner shades.

Hoo boy fashion is the best.

>Berserk Deviljho theme

Get out there and hunt faggot

>Let's have fun hunting together
>You're using *INSERT SKILL HERE* armor skills? I hope subhuman shitters like you die.
>ugh... another braindead *INSERT WEAPON HERE* user shitter.
>you carted one time to something? World was a mistake. Too many new shitters
Yeah, gonna be so much fun hunting with you faggots.

so is it a bar that you fill on quest completion? i just want to kill the thing, not run around on what amounts to a fetch quest to unlock an update

Blos weapons make *INSERT WEAPON HERE* painfully true

List of problems with Monster Hunter World:

>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>Many other actions can also be dodged out, including sharpening
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Except for the hunting horn, the weakest weapon in 4U and Generations, which got NERFED in World
>Even easier mounting thanks to much lower mounting threshold (sometimes activating the mount after 1 hit) and the aforementioned grappling hook, which takes you right back into the monster even if you fall off as a consequence of an attack
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, etc.
>Can refill your items anytime, including potions
>Mantles give you OP abilities like no knockback, never be seen by the monster unless you attack or a full new health bar
>Monsters do not adapt to these changes, resulting in an incredibly easy game from start to finish
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, the main examples of this being Rathalos getting an 80 (!) MV on its head, and Diablos with a 40 MV in its head for blunt weapons. What this means is that monsters die much more quickly, as well as making them more exploitable
>31 Large monsters, most of them are tutorials, gimmicks or irrelevant
>It has the worst High rank final boss in the entire series
>Areas are huge and can be confusing, chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, to the point where hunts can be 50% chasing and 50% hunting
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, making cheap hits from attacks you can’t see or getting combed by 2 monsters at the same time much more common. It wouldn’t be so much of a problem if dung was easy to farm, however they made it even more annoying and time consuming than before.


>Teostra and Kushala got gimped, their fights are much easier and uninteresting, the supernova especially taking much longer to fire.
>Heartbeat shows about how much health the monster has left
>No G-Rank, though it is expected from the first game in a generation
>90% of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it. Contrary to popular belief, this does not change in high rank, the weapons still look the same.
>New skill system removes negative skills and is dumbed down for the masses
>No gunner armor
>Soundtrack feels generic in certain areas and a step down from older games
>The music for past monsters was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>DLC is overpriced content that should've been in the game in the first place
>Events now cost money as well
>Editing your character costs money too
>Quests only available only during a certain timeframe
>Guild and village quests were merged, amount of quests lowered drastically
>Lobby system is garbage
>So is the squad system
>Playing the story missions with other people is bad, with you needing to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal, only then, other people can join.
>Can't give rooms names, nor give them a password
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting almost dead monsters with people who will leave as soon as its dead
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>The chat is awful and encourages people to not use it
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Transmogging removed, only decorative armor are the ones you have to buy as DLC
>Only 1 palico is allowed, no different classes
>Cats no longer can use special abilities like in XX or 4U

Feel free to add to the list

>Cucked shill this desperate
Fucking kill yourself. I'm not even that good and i killed nergigante in less than 7 minutes on my first try, subhuman. World is a sgit, braindead easy game made for retarded people


>Proving his point
Good job

I actually have no idea. I just ran around the Ancient Forest pretty thoroughly and didn't see anything and got nothing on returning. I might have to just wait for others to confirm something because finding tracks is fucking aids.

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i found him, you just have to keep rotating expeditions until a ??? shows up, also he does have a couple new moves, he has a stagger rebound like odo and a delayed ground smash like nerg, still pretty easy and surprisingly low damage, but a decent fight

Someone said HH got buffed with this patch, is it true?

yes, more damage

Ok, I agree with you on most points bow how the hell did HH get nerfed? It got buffed both in the initial release and in the recent patch.

Why are people still posting the shit about the grappling hook?

In the previous games there were no moves that instantly knocked you off, you only fell off when your stamina ran out, and likewise here you only use the grappling hook when you get knocked off against a wall, it uses a big chunk of stamina, and when your stamina runs out you fall off and there's no grappling back on

It is effectively just visual flavor and does not actually impact the way mounting works or make it easier than how it was before at all

Mounting is just really meh in world. I love the mounted finished, but I miss the bar.

double notes taken away and the queue was added, encouraging corner horning and not actually incentivizing hitting the monster or being near it outside of a little aoe shockwave added to recitals

Yeah, and the shockwave in and of itself buffs and encourages an aggressive playstyle to a large degree. You can also select individual songs from the queue, and doing full queue recital encores is something you can do while the monster is down, though I hardly ever do full recitals personally. Either way I really don't see what your point is.

Yeah more damage and it is noticeable fucking caving in things heads so fast right now

I just got done killing him. Did it first try he's absolutely shit. Basically the same as anjanath but somehow less dangerous.

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the shockwave damage is minuscule, the building up of songs in a queue and song selection could be seen as a buff but it just encourages a meme support playstyle instead of one that encourages actively getting in the monster's face and doing damage outside of a recital, I've seen an insane amount of HH players in tempered elder quests sit back and not hit the monster at all trying to be helpful unsuccessfully. Taking away the incentive of double notes is a pretty heavy nerf along with almost no new moves being added to the weapon. On top of all that, song selection in the weapons is shit tier, even for a base game

Do you even play HH? The damage from encores is pretty good and allows you to be super aggressive and always on the monster. Just because you play with shitters doesn’t mean you get to make sweeping generalizations about the entire player base.

with World, the shitters are the entire player base
t. HH main in 3G/XX

I just got the game and played with some people, one of them had a weapon that they impaled the monster on the side with.

What weapon was it?

switch axe

Probably switch axe sword mode phial attack.

You're going to post this in every monhun thread aren't you

>no armor set bonus for deviljho equipment

Fuck how do I do that impale attack

get your sword meter all the way glowing then do a discharge, if you stab the monster you'll attach yourself to it

Should I use the switch or the lance

How kill bazel

The person who wrote that had never played the game at the time. He's been spamming that list for months and occasionally tweaking any bit that gets proven wrong

hit it until it dies, don't get hit

probably the lance considering the switch doesn't have World

Which quest is Devil Joe in? Do I have to beat rainbow fuck to fight him?

rotate HR expeditions until a ??? pops up

Use big sword

Bullshit, I've never seen normal blos win. Even with both horns broken I've only seen lewd blos win.

Which locale? Forest?


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any of them, keep going on expeditions and quitting out until a ??? pops up on the monster list

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have they ever made monsters harder in a newer installment? I can only recall brachydios from 3 to 4 being harder

Found one nig
Coral highlands


Attached: jho bully 2.webm (922x488, 2.74M)

Every Fatalis I believe

Right after the update I did an expedition in Ancient Forest, found nothing then when I returned a message about Jho sighting came up. From there you could see on the map which world he was in with ??? monster, Vale for me. Found tracks and him there. After a new questline and tutorial, from there you have the special mission.

does Jho's smash where he tosses a monster around actually do any damage to the player? It didn't seem to do anything to me in the intro quest with the jagrass

Mommy! Mommy! Look! I posted it again!

>I thought Diablos would be able to stand its ground
>Pickle slam dunks it

Can anyone stop this madman

>he actually saved it
Based user

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You forgot the biggest problem
>it's fun

In the 12 mins japanese video it did around 60% of his health.

Wat? black diablos throws regular diablos across the map


>go into investigation on the map with the tracks
>find tracks
>kill whatever the mission tells you too
>meter jumps up at the end of the mission as long as you find tracks

the tracks will be around where that monster patrols, if you stand still for a sec your scout flys will fan out and find whatever in a big radius around you and tell you what they found on the right side of the screen.

the bar fills a little if you find evidence and fills more if you find it during a quest then beat the quest.

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That happened in my fight but going the other way. I was like "Where the hell is he going, there's nothing over there."

Fucking THIS

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God you stupid. Go to expedition and look for the ??? mark

wonder if diablosfag saw this yet