You have to be an absolute sociopath to think it's okay just because there's nothing to back it up...

you have to be an absolute sociopath to think it's okay just because there's nothing to back it up. there are people on the other side of the monitor, champ. people have been prosecuted for both online death threats and for encouraging others to kill themselves. i'm glad. i hope you're next.

my child or 60 year old mother shouldn't have to uninstall a game because you maladjusted edgelords think threatening someone's life and livelihood is just innocent bantz and that you have free reign as the secret kool boiz club in every online game to say anything and everything you want, including making threats because lawl they're not technically plausible threats. grow up.

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kill yourself or I'll do it for you

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>threatining to kill you and your whole family is just a joke bro
you must be fun at parties. how's that stand up career going?

I blame the death of private servers in part. Nowadays you're dropped into a group of randoms youll never interact with again.

Communities can't form inside the game anymore.

Also this shit will go far beyond "Banning the people who spam nigger" to "Saying anything other than GG is illegal because it might hurt someone's feelings, and even if it doesn't we as a company wish to hedge our bets"

I actually love this because the only people affected and upset seem to be edgy kids and Sup Forums.

in before the Sup Forumstard saying the supreme court is going to make facebook a public utility.

Signing a contract is literally signing away rights for some kickbacks.

>Sup Forumstard
You'd be banned under these rules and lose access to the game you bought.

You FOOL. You think this will stop at "edgy kids and Sup Forums"? Soon enough it'll be bannable to say GG close when it isn't close

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Good thing I dont play online games

Good thing I didn't say it outside of an anonymous basket weaving forum.

Good thing I disable voice and chat anyway.

Exactly. Then it'll be bannable to say the new lootbox gear sucks.

I don't play mobas or FPS', though. Fighting games don't have this issue.

So the OP is right, only sociopaths love this

>First they came for the Socialists...

Sup Forums is 99% sociopaths. Non-sociopaths don't talk about gassing people and murdering kids for not being white.

The soy is strong in this one.
Faggots like you, who have no backbone whatsoever and who'll raise children that will be all goo will be the downfall of humanity. You're the equivalent of people who never leave the house due to their fear of bacteria. Various bacteria is only a threat to them because they shelter themselves 24/7.

You literally spam this hourly. Why?

No, sociopaths play games with other people while avoiding as much human interaction as possible and wish to enforce the same on others

>waaaaah, mommy someone hurt me feefees!

>Nazi larpers are now communists

Sociopaths don't generally play well with others, hence why they are being removed.

How much longer until everyone is forced to attach their SSNs to every gaming account they have like china does so we can have public walls of shame and internet wide bans based on SSN. Honestly china really has the right idea about this stuff, just a total iron grip of fear to force people to be nice

There's literally no reason for you to give your uninformed opinion on this matter if you're such a wuss you already disable all means of communication yourself. Maybe developers should just make it easier for people to be a massive pussy like you instead of banning users.

I know better than to expect people to argue in good faith on Sup Forums, but come on.

Its "nice" if its forced. Its forcing people to wear a mask. If you want people to be nice, you engender kindness rather than banning "Haha, nice shot!" when someone misses

>CCP ?

So anyone in this that actually makes good games?
Pretty much all of the games from these pubs or shit like twitch are cesspools anyway.

Oh how the mighty have fallen
This is coming from the ones who said "harden the fuck up

Do yourself a favor and end it double nigger faggot.

Its funny because the reason these companies have such problems with "toxic" behavior can be tied to the fact that matchmaking kills any sense of community when you're playing with randos every match

>shitpost on twitch
>get your blizzard account suspended
the future is looking bright

The only thing I've seen that makes more toxic online communities than anything else?

Making shit games - all of the above companies deserve a lifetime ban

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Then give more options for multiplayer games like No censorship and censorship-type rooms, like how casual and ranked rooms are separated.

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>gets triggered by internet faggots telling him kill himself
>tells others to "grow up"
Wew lad.

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What happened to the world? When I was a kid, I was always told "if someone says something to you that you don't like, just ignore it". Why are all these fucking crybabies getting so upset over some random guy online calling them mean names? Jesus fucking Christ I want to strangle every last person like you, op. Grow some fucking balls.

>Giving players freedom
>Rather than keeping them in a controlled, profitable environment
Looks like someone isn't using their pseudo-human businessman brain

Woah, calm down man, no need to get sop triggered.

What did you say? Oh yeah, "if someone says something to you that you don't like, just ignore it". Maybe actually do that lmao

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>There's no IRL and online anymore. This is just all reality now.
Thank god I stopped playing online games, that sounds horrible.

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>there's no IRL and online anymore this is just all reality now
does that mean every time I kill someone in an online match I am committing murder?

Isn't this a textbook example of collusion?

They're about to get sued into the ground.

I hope Sup Forums does the same. Fuck you frog fags.

>They're about to get sued into the ground.
*dozens of lobbyists and lawyers laugh in unison*

If comcast can get away with the shit it does then this is nothing

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stop making these threads regardless of which side your on

You stupid fucking brainless double nigger, there is a difference between saying something and acting on it, and obviously these companies are trying to act on what they're saying

Here your (you) user

And heres the thing for everyone like you whos saying its inappropriate. Is it? Yes it is. Is it hurtful sometimes? Yes it is. Should we start banning people or removing access because of it? No.

The world is a harsh place, its not full of sunshine and rainbows. If you want to be able to say whatever you want in games, then you have to take the good with the bad. People will always find ways to insult or hurt other people. Looking at squelching in hearthstone. Nothing will change that. The best you can do is stop being a little bitch about it, start educating or not letting your children on these games. Have some control over your own life instead of craving it from a big daddy controlling body.

To speak is to offend.

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>private companies that own private servers enforcing rules that players agree to
Can't say I'm seeing the issue here. They're well within their rights.
>When I was a kid, I was always told "if someone says something to you that you don't like, just ignore it".
Way to follow that advice, bucko.


>durrrr da world is shit so everyone has to have a shitty time everywhere
Fuck off.

>Way to follow that advice, bucko.
Kill yourself, you're obviously too mentally challenged to make it in the real world. Saying something and saying something with the intention of acting upon it are totally different, not that I expect you to know that, you probably get confused by which sock goes on which foot in the morning.

I think (you) misunderstood. You control whether you feel bad or not. Not the world or blizzard, or ubisoft. So take some control and improve yourself and your emotions. The world is harsh, but its only harsh go the weak of individualism, because they leave everything go chance. Hopefully this clears it up for you user.

>Sup Forums is 99% poltards
Fuck off

t. soccer mom

>look at me when I move the goalposts

You must be literally retarded, in which case I'm wasting my time trying to explain but I'll try anyway. If I told you right here and now, "I'm going to shoot you in the face," what would you do? Nothing right? But what if some guy broke into your house, shoved a gun in your mouth, and THEN said "I'm going to shoot you in the face." By your logic, they're both the same thing. I'd certainly take the threat more seriously if I had reason to believe the person would attempt to act on it. You following, dipshit?

Stopped reading right there, and you should kill yourself for posting their shit

I don't play games where you get banned for "racism" so this doesn't affect me.
I'm surprised more normalfags aren't angry though - they're gonna get banned from the games they like.

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Why doesn't anyone just shoot the lobbyists and lawyers?
It's not like murder is that hard to get away with. You just need a good plan.

Cus they got the most money and power.

>That image
I'm pretty amazed someone had the free time to do all that shit and is actually applying himself to fuck up others players games.

Money won't protect an unsuspecting person from a bullet.

I think banning bullying is going to be the downfall of our society

>look mom I posted it again!

I'm more amazed that there are entire companies encouraging this ban spam.
Look at this thread, there's literally a coalition of games companies who want their stuff to become more banhappy.
Ban trolling isn't exactly hard when you have the help of the company.

>people getting butthurt over language vs. people getting butthurt over getting banned
I am ready for the enlightening discussion.

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I don't know why you're suprised most normalfags are incredibly short sighted and have no concept of gradualism. Hell half the retards defending this shit literally cannot tell the difference between actions and words

You'd have to be incredibly naive to think overly punative bans weren't going to be abused and that people wouldn't try to game the report system. Some dipshit user earlier said sociopaths are being removed, but what ends up actually happening is the Sociopaths now run the asylum. They don't play well with others, so they get others removed for trivial shit like "toxic" behavior.

>because autistic burgermen used this meme in 2016 it's a hate symbol
I don't understand

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You'd be surprised

True enlightenment is realizing all language are action's regardless of context

This design caters exclusively to sociopaths.
Regular human beings tend to have emotions and opinions that they express. This will ban about half of those opinions and emotions, and regular humans don't know how to NOT express themselves.
Meanwhile, the sadists chuckling in the corner because they enjoy hurting others are now able to deliver $60 parcels of pain.

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How long until britbongs start getting arrested over banter on overwatch?

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>they signed the contract for esports shit
they should have known better,

Not him but you literally have no idea of the meaning of the word sociopath.

You might be confused, op doesn't just apply to pro e-athletes.

>most normalfags are incredibly short sighted and have no concept of gradualism.
They don't need it. Right now, normalfags are reporting and banning each-other for completely benign stuff.
>Hell half the retards defending this shit literally cannot tell the difference between actions and words
Nigga it's over the internet, data is transmitted via packets. It's ALL words.

Not him but I don't think you do either.

Insulting the opposition is always ok. That's how leftards play.

>nu-Sup Forums and Sup Forums probably don't even know what boy's club is
>what used to be feelsgoodman is corrupted to this autismo shit
I don't know what was a mistake but something was a mistake

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You have to be absolutely mentally ill to pay for digitally distributed games.

>Sup Forums (incl. Sup Forums) uses the meme
>people who dont know shit about shit see it on Sup Forums
>They assume and declare it has a political affiliation

>Regular human beings tend to have emotions and opinions that they express.

Regular human beings are the ones who learn the rules of what is and isn't okay to express in terms of opinions and emotions. Sociopaths don't have the ability to learn these rules and psychopaths take pleasure in breaking them

Getting someone banned from a video game isn't just "words"

By "amazed", I meant more how intricate the system to ban people is. So much wasted ressources on this, where a simple mute can calm some people down.
Now yo can even counter the whole system against fine people.

memes were a mistake

the problem is the victim cannot police his environment

in most bullying problems a person can police his property

if it's done online it's literally like getting a death threat in the mail

>but what ends up actually happening is the Sociopaths now run the asylum.
^ that.
You get banned for telling your teammates to gitgud and stop being useless, even though teammates who gitgud and stop being useless would improve the game for both themselves AND others.
You get banned for expressing political views against trannies and jews, even though trannies and jews ruin pretty much everything they get their hands on.
But what DOESN'T get you banned is playing like an incompetent paint-drinking retard and spamming the report button on anyone who yells at you.

You try to be a good person but the system doesn't allow it, instead it rewards butthurt shitters. So, given the circumstances, better to be a sadist.
It's hard tho. I feel bad when intentionally doing stuff I know is wrong, such as banning people for telling the truth, or intentionally playing poorly, but you can't fight the system.

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>A mental health disorder characterised by disregard for other people.
Please tell me again how the cunt screaming nigger is not the sociopath in this story


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why do they care so much though?

The real argument here (sociopathy shit aside) is what the rules should be

Because they want to improve profit margins by any means necessary.

If someone makes the whales cry, the whales might leave. Can't have that

>what the rules should be
That's easy. Let users form their own communities and each community can ban or accept whatever the fuck it likes.

>Regular human beings are the ones who learn the rules of what is and isn't okay to express in terms of opinions and emotions.

In other words confirm to my opinions and emotions which are the only correct ones, no wrongthink allowed

Not really. They are written in the ToS. You were never allowed to be a racist prick, just because rules were loosely enforced back then it doesn't mean they didn't exist.

Only old money and people in special positions get bullet immunity. Lawyers are expendable.


>when immoral corporations which rake in billions of dollars worth of profit every year selling worthless digital Gambling loot crates to Gambling addicts and underage children try to lecture me about ethical conduct

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Companies would form a universal TOS and once you got banned from one platform, all would be blocked off. This is gonna be a prototype for everything public and communication wise now. Just you fucks watch, the surveillance state is built on these principals.

Not an arguement.

Yes, user. That's how it works usually. That's why humans conform into groups that tend to think alike.