*downs your whole party*

*downs your whole party*

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>swap to elf because I haven't played her before
>only wanted to play her for the achievement
>I'm now 8 attempted fucking recruit games in where we get wiped before we finish
This is a fucking joke.

Is Braplespue still bullshit?

They just nerfed him, did they fuck something up on accident?

Every game I've played either the elf or the dwarf have been utterly useless

That can't be true; I've played nothing but recruit (and a couple matches on veteran) and we managed to survive 90% of the time.
If you want we can try together; I just started playing but I think I can be useful.

you must suck bro

I don't know what game this is but if ESO looked more like this I'd really be willing to give it a try instead of not a chance fancy pants.

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I dunno, he's still the most common wipe-point for just about every game I'm in, normally getting through matches almost all of the time but when I see the halescourge map loading screen I know it's a 50/50 shot, entirely dependent on whether or not we have good ranged characters.
Also I just did the boss fight again today and his goo attack still bugs out on the pillars, if you stand with a pillar between you and him sometimes his goo attack will clip through it and still hit you, or even if it impacts on the thin ass wooden pillars it will still damage you if you're standing within a certain distance of the pillar, which would be fine but the fact that he teleports so often and you have to reorient yourself constantly makes putting enough distance between you and the pillar before he attacks a fucking chore.
really he would be an okay boss fight if they just fixed how his attacks react to the environment of the arena

Something happens and everything just falls apart every single fucking run. Just got up to the field after freeing the prisoners on against the grain, horde comes, and then I've got no idea what happened because the only special was a chaos warrior yet I blinked and suddenly everyone went down. I mean everyone else went from full health (w/ 2 grims) to downed within a 3 second period.

I truly do not fucking understand what is going on. One little thing happens and the entire round just unravels and ends in an instant on fucking recruit. My elf is now level 5 without having ever completed a match.

Game's Vermintide 2. Melee Left 4 Dead where you decapitate, bludgeon, burn alive or stab with arrows the shit out of rat men.

That's because they rush to leave the barn, getting separate from each other instead of staying together and repel the horde.

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That clearly mean that you suck at First person games in general, if you don't understand what killed everybody in then its not just a problem with them getting killed its also you that you can't figure out why

they most likely all got killed by the chaos warrior overhead attack while they were fighting the horde since nobody killed him and it pretty much one shots you

People fuck up mostly during hordes. Sometimes it's bosses but hordes are when people shit themselves because they don't know when to block, shove, and dodge. They don't know their weapon's attack patterns properly and just mash attack hoping for the best. It's the same on champion, you can tell who has been carried all the way to level 20 and above just by how they deal with hordes.

about to start leveling my elf, what are the good weapons to look out for

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Not that guy; user, teach me how to handle hordes.
I'm still on recruit playing the soldier dude and I mash attack; sometimes it works and sometimes I get hit by all sides and fall down.

Any tips for legend difficulty?

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Glaive and longbow

Longbow, either glaive or sword n dagger

*Gets nerfed*
*Never gives trouble anymore, even on champion*

What weapon you use matters because some are better for dealing with hordes. For Kruber the Warhammer, Greatsword and Halberd work well. You can also use a shield for extra stamina and shoving power which is good for getting yourself out of being surrounded. Learn which attack patterns have a wide swing and use them to deal with hordes. Try to bottleneck them so you don't get surrounded and always stick with your teammates. I use the Warhammer with Kruber and it decimates hordes just by simply using the charged attack. Do 2 or 3 swings and then block, shove, repeat.

So how are Halescourge and Rasknitt after nerfs? Still complete bullshit i assume.

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don't get hit
that's the biggest thing you can do. Between attacking and not getting hit, do not get hit

>witch keeps overheating

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If you play elf you're shit. Even if you're not shit, the second you pick elf you become shit.

>wipe a number of times, it's always the elf that goes down first and continues to die
>start kicking elves on sight, wait for a saltz to show up
>win every game the rest of the night with all tomes and grims, even against hurble gurble

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Does this data apply to bright wizard for those getting into vermintide 1? I want to be bright wizard but I can't even get past the trial of the foolhardy without getting wrecked bt the horde in the first portal

got her to level 12 to try out all of her classes, never touching her again.
waystalker has boring talents and playstyle, ranged class is a dipshit magnet, and the backstab class COULD be fun but it's a guaranteed deadweight to the team, you'd be of greater help picking bounty hunter if you want ranged damage on your squad

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how does bretonnia fare?

Shades backstab bonus just seems so crap. Most of the time it seems to be better to just stay in front and hit stuff in the head.

Leveling a Waystalker a bit
What weapon/ranged should I go with?

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Wow I didn't read the thread the same question was asked like 10 posts ago
sorry I'm retarded

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The 2-handed sword is one of the most worthless weapons Saltzpyre has. Holy shit.

don't always run into the hordes
try disrupting the horde with a couple attacks then backing up as the horde starts really piling in
also don't always attack straight in the middle of the group, try attacking the sides as they group up to keep them from spreading out more

Haven't tried the rat, but Halescourge is easier to dodge. His tornado and black fly attacks are still bullshit, though, and the nerf to spawned Berserkers only effects Legendary and Champion.

only falchion and flail are good

>that delay between the throw motion and the throw
>it comes right out of the center of the screen

I thought people liked the rapier too?

rapier for free pistol spam

I know it will never happen but I want someone to make a Darkest Dungeon aesthetic map when the mod tools come out.

no, rapier is for extreme speed headshotting.

Rapier is ok. just bad against armor.

How do you use rapier pistol?

weapon special button

the pistol is bad unless you have bounty hunter crits on it

it's mouse 4 by default.

I need this.

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>weapon special button

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special button, bind it in keybiding menu

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Rapier is ideal defensively, thanks to its attack speed, stagger, spread and stamina, and its headpokes are great for singling out armored shit
Falchion is overall the best weapon offensively with armor pen on every hit and high damage
Flail is overall great too, handles armor and shields very well

Personally playing on Legend, I prefer rapier since avoiding hits from salve rats is incredibly important

Am modder. am doing this.

>Hurr looking at keybinding is hard

>tfw Kruber with 8 Stamina and +80% block/shove angle in a horde

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It's completely and utterly different killing a horde as host, and doing it without being host as a melee thats why if you can, stick to ranged classes and clear from afar without doing FF, even if you are on recruit/veteran since that atleast will prepare you better for champion

That's the way elves have always been. You have 99% shitters who think they can Legolas all over the map and then you have the 1% who actually can and end up saving an entire group wipe because they know how to kite with the spear/glaive.

you best have DD music when hoards come and for bosses (assuming the tools are that flexible)

When are you even supposed to use falchion charge attacks? light attacks and canceling the 3rd hit seems much stronger against hordes.

this is hard because DD has different musical swaps for different lighting values

I never charge unless I'm on zealot for the super armor, block canceling is definitely ideal

Is this game worth the 30€ right now if you're poor ?

I liked the first game and played it for a good while, but this one seems kind of unfinished for some reason

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This seems more finished than the first one did at this point to me.

10 hours in and I'm having a blast

No. 22 max

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>get level 30
>finally open up all the chests I've been saving up
>only a single cosmetic item and its for a class I don't use

Time to put it down until dlc.

Elf lis literally a shitter magnet, look at the Waystalker passive.

It's great that I can just use the Falchion and Repeating crossbow just like in VT1.
Really I don't know why anyone would use anything else.

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how many chests did you open till you found one and what did you get?

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about 22 and I got battlewizard sienna candles head piece.

those odds don't sound too bad. I started saving up commendation chests around my first level 25 and now have a bit over 30 and about a dozen different champ chests.

Just got the ironbreaker class what weapons should i use? Currently got the axe and shield plus drake fire pistols

Sounds like you need to get good user. When I've played Shade in Champ my only weakness is backend error 1154 fuck you fatshark give me my loot. Go 2 daggers with the increased backstab angle & stack crit and just learn how to manage hordes. It's like playing a slayer with crossbow. Only pyro outdamages you if you play it right.

don't use those pistols on champion.

That's the standard pretty much. Shield bash rothelms and watch them fall on their asses.
It's good as long as the dorf has eyes. Which isn't guaranteed but still.

Why do people host quickplay if they're going to fucking quit the game on 90% of the maps

Nigga just pick one

People are such fucking faggots for quitting because of a specific map

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When I get elf, I play antiflank exclusively. She's really good at it between the swift bow and her more agile and mobile melee weapons. I may throw a few shots away at an incoming horde, but realistically people can just attack spam at a chokepoint to fix those. I back up just a tad and watch our rear and flanks. Things that try to sneak around get arrows between the eyes. Naturally snipe a special hiding in things if it's needed. F is saved exclusively for specials hiding around corners we can't risk getting LOS on. I don't get the green circles, and no one seems the wiser on why this particular run went so much better than any other they've been on.

Turns out the game is kind of boring when you have someone dedicated to overwatch on your asses. Cascade failures ALWAYS start with unnoticed flank attacks.

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I like the flamethrower or crossbow better depending on the team, but I don't get why the pistols are bad, besides people that are bad tend to use them.

I can't stop playing
I got bored of both l4d pretty quickly with 20hrs combined on those but vermintide is doing so much right I can't believe I missed vt1

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How do you unlock the heroes' rooms? I only can go into Kruber's.

should me and my mate buy this

both games have their strong suits, I think.
VT has better base mechanics and things to mess around with in how you play
L4D is more polished and gave a bit more incentive to explore nooks on repeat playthroughs.

there are hidden easter eggs in the keep, each one unlocks something new. you must have activated one without noticing.

Each room is unlocked by reaching a certain hero level which I forget.

Get each hero to level 10 to unlock their quarters

reach level 10 on the hero to unlock their room.

Try your best to get your teammates and yourself to a nice choke point so you don't get surrounded. Mix up attacks with blocks and pushes, pushes are super useful since guys that are staggering back are guys that aren't attacking and guys that have stumbled to the ground also take a lot more damage.

flame and pistols aren't as effective at killing specials/elites.

4 shields of stamina isn't that impressive, user.
you actually meant 16

hes easy now, vs him post patch was annoying as fuck, bile troll got nerfed 2, down to 20 liters of vomit

Spear, Sword/Dagger, or Glaive. Personally I find the glaive awkward to use but it's the elf's best weapon against chaos warriors. Spear is great against everything else, though.
Daggers for shade
Longbow, always.

the wrong way to nerf him, from the beginning the only thing they had to do was remove his insta heal to his threshold, all other nerfs were not needed

so kruber's halberd feels way better than the 2h sword - victor's 2h sucks apparantly
which character's weapon is the most satisfying to cleave hordes with?

I had this glitch on Bubblespit. When my squad and I jumped down into the arena I just died. Like that was it. No revive or anything. Tome and pot just popped straight outta me. What the fuck.

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>20 liters
Sounds plausible.

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That'll happen sometimes
I had a guy drop dead walking into the temple of sigmar