>Game comes out with terrible story
>People praise its story up and down because it was a video game that had a story other than saving the princess from a big monster
>Game gets very, very faithfully adapted into another medium that's had hundreds of thousands of magnificently told stories
>It gets panned for being a garbage, terrible story
>"I can't believe these stuck up critics hate video games so much, they just don't get it."
Every fucking time. Every. Fucking. Time.
Game comes out with terrible story
This has never happened.
There are so few cases where a video game movie was bad due to not being loyal to its source material.
The OP is a great example of a film adaptation needlessly fucking with the source material. The director, who I believe is a tranny now, literally wanted an all female cast for no apparent reason, and threw in Sean Bean when the studio said that his idea was retarded. The result was that Harry Mason, the lead of SH1, is an ancillary player in the movie, and the actual main character is a stapled together female protagonist that no one could give a shit about. That's not even mentioning the fact that they threw in stuff from 2 and 3 (like pyramid head) without even considering how they fit into the story of the original games.
The only thing that was good about the Silent Hill movie was the barbed wire monster at the end.
Yeah they completely forewent the extraordinarily interesting character of Harry Mason...
>silent hill movie
>faithful adaption
>book/movie comes out with great story
>people praise these works of art as some of the best
>gets loosely adapted into a video game--a medium notorious for mundane stories
>the story gets panned for failing to engage a bunch of desensitized, apathetic gamers--thusly, the game's point is proven
Going by the poster it looks like a military story? Besides the classics all the tropes are extremely played and not interesting anymore. If I want to watch a military movie I don't look past 2000.
Pic unrelated
He's more interesting than the lead they went with, he's the best part of the movie even when they tried to sideline him.
Also, this topic started by implying SH was a faithful adaptation when that couldn't be less true.
>literally wanted an all female cast for no apparent reason
SH1 was originally supposed to be an all female cast with the exception of Kaufmann, and Harry was written as a female.
>But it had PYRAMID HEAD! PYRAMID- HEAD- Ladies and gentlemen, PRYAMID HEAD! They totally missed the point!! I mean, PYRAMID HEAD! Are you KIDDING ME?
>says it's a faithful adaptation
>gets proven wrong
>resorts to memery
>for no apparent reason
The given explanation was that producers didn't buy into a dad going through all that trouble for his daughter so they made it a mom and then they said fuck, we need a leading man so let's have Harry around but not the MC.
People just don't want to admit that the Silent Hill stories sucked. Even if it was a perfect adaptation with a male blankfacenopersonality instead of a female blankfacenopersonality then it would still fucking suck.
Harry Mason is the best god damned father in the world and fuck you for thinking that's dull.
SH2 is the one that gets praised for its story, 1 is praised for its atmosphere more than anything. The premise of this topic is retarded.
It honestly would have won best picture 2006 if not for pyramid head, I can't believe they completely ruined the movie by including him.
Pyramid head didn't ruin the movie, it made it an unfaithful adaptation. I'm sorry you can't understand this.
>Where is my daughter? I'm looking for my daughter. I demand my daughter? Cheryl? CHERYL? WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER????
Brad Pitt's World War Z has a more interesting father character.
So you agree that the movie would have been the unacceptable pile of shit even if was a 1% more faithful adaptation by not including the single monster that in your imagination completely changed the movie?
>very faithfully adapted
>Main character has their gender changed for no real reason
>changes the antagonist of the story
>designates "safe zones" in Silent Hill
>turns Lisa Garland's character in a one-note mention
The only thing the movie does right is showing Sean Bean in Silent Hill at the same time as his wife but at a different plane of existence.
It was a faithful adaptation. Pyramid Head didn't change it other than having a single character with a different design from the other demons.
Because the main character isn't actually a character at all, and the original vision was a female protag but that wouldn't sell so they made it a male.
This seems like OP's attempt to force discussion over Silent Hill by shitting on the first game and acting retarded, even though most people would gladly have a normal conversation about it.
It's a pile of shit from top to bottom, and it's not a faithful adaptation. These are two separate concepts that you are refusing to understand. If they went and did their own thing and nailed I wouldn't complain, but they did their own thing and it sucked.
>is showing Sean Bean in Silent Hill at the same time as his wife but at a different plane of existence
>at a different plane of existence
I fucking hate you, off yourself.
What's your counterargument m8. What's the problem here?
Look the point is that this would have been a masterpiece without pyramidhead.
>and the original vision was a female protag but that wouldn't sell so they made it a male
Neck yourself, please.
Lol, this is the mindset of people who like Silent Hill
It would be more faithful without pyramid head :^)
James explicitly states that PH is the embodiment of his desire to be punished for what he did. This makes it a really stupid mistake to have him show up in a film adaption of Silent Hill 1. It'd be like Final Fantasy IV getting a movie adaption and the director shoehorning Cloud Strife into it.
You either didn't play Silent Hill 2, or you did and you're far more retarded than we think you are.
Now I know you aren't talking about Silent Hill. Silent Hill was nothing like the games.
Harry Mason isn't a good character because he is deep, he is a good character because he is a shitty B movie actor in a genuinely fucking terrifying game.
You really didn't even try, bud.
Was Silent Hill ever praised for its story? Silent Hill 2 sure, but Silent Hill was more praised for being scary. The cult shit has always been regarded as stupid.
I was cool okay with gender swap only because girls in horror settings makes everything better. But the movie didn't really do anything cool with the setting. Since they changed up the main character new original monsters could've been designed but they ended just using the iconic monsters from 2 and 1, which makes no sense contextually to the main character. It was an okay movie, just wish it took more liberties.
Silent Hill was an amalgamation of horror movies anyway. This was a shitty movie based on a creative game based on several creative movies.
If you want to see the actual Silent Hill movie, ie the one that Silent Hill is actually based on, go watch Jacob's Ladder.
It's a fucking good movie, guess what else it has, a fucking male lead.
>faithfully adapted
What you don't seem to understand is that the gameplay is also the story
The story of SH1 was mediocre, but was buttressed by many other things being good.
>change characters, some completely, like Dhalia
>cult changed to witch-burning christians
>change the reason for Alessa getting burned in the first place
>pointless investigation subplot in the real world with Seen Been
>Pyramid head is there, even though it's supposed to be specific to James in SH2, which has been admitted to by multiple people
>Also made the shitty movie version of Pyramid Head's design
Did you just want to make this thread so people would discuss how bad the SH movie is?
I think all SH stories, at least for the first 4 because that's all I've played, are serviceable at least.
Also I feel like I'm the only person that's okay with the cult.
The movie was alright as video game adaptation goes, but it barely had anything to do with Silent Hill outside of the name and imagery.
The game was about a cult that were trying to resurrect their god, offering a young girl with psychic powers as a sacrifice and in doing so the town got fucked because it went wrong. The movie was literally about a witch hunting town.
Alessa in the movie was killed because she was a bastard child and they thought she was a witch, that's it. It also portraits her as some evil entity that sought revenge on the town and made a pact with the devil. The monsters and nightmare stuff in the game wasn't because Alessa wanted to torture people, the town was manifesting her nightmares because she was being kept alive in a burned state. Her splitting her soul wasn't some bullshit about a manifestation of her innocence, she did it so Dahlia's plan couldn't be completed. She did NOT wanted her other part to go back to Silent Hill, in the movie it seems like she wanted her to go back so that she could kill everyone at the church.
I hate this idea that Alessa is reduced to a cliché evil little girl that wants revenge, this movie and origins are the culprits in doing that damage.
>wtf is Apocalypse Now?
I genuinely like the 2007 Hitman movie.
Fuck right off it was not faithful at all.
>Cult is now some turbo christians rather than satan worshippers
>town has a million more people in it
>gender swap main characters
>toss in pyramid head
>villain has totally different motivations
>"rules" to the town
>takes place in West Virginia rather than Maine
>totally change town's history
The writers could have easily made Harry a compelling character.
>failing author
>daughter is a reincarnation of a psychic girl, born from evil magic
>he secretly resents her because his wife is dead and he has to raise her alone
>still goes through hell to rescue her even though its a suicide mission
I almost cried and applauded when I saw Heather scolding her bullies and telling them that she won't follow them on Twitter
>that scene where they're all in a standoff and they drop their guns, pull machetes out of fucking nowhere and start having a swordfight
I'm not an unreasonable man but that was the breaking point for me
2 and 4 have the best storylines.
3 is interesting as well because it actually goes into depth with some of the cult shit / reincarnation / identity and what not. But its so tied up with 1 that it can't really be enjoyed separately.
4 might have a decent storyline but unfortunately it's hidden behind some of the worst fucking gameplay ever. And the sound effects. THE FUCKING SOUND EFFECTS.
I'm glad they decided to scrap the idea they originally had for Homecoming where they were going to bring back Alessa/Cheryl/Heather. I can't imagine how much they would continue to ruin her character.
Why is 47 smiling?
>>daughter is a reincarnation of a psychic girl, born from evil magic
>>he secretly resents her because his wife is dead and he has to raise her alone
They do something similar to this in 3, where Harry contemplated killing baby-Heather and such.
It baffles me that people blow 3 but shit on 1. 3 was fucking boring linear shit and the boss battles were totally out of place. 1 was a legitimately scary game which in and of itself is a rarity.
1 is tied with 2 as my favourite. I was talking strictly plot-wise.
3 has a lot of really cool ideas, great music, great characters, but it is probably the most boring of the original games.
Okay you got me there, but then they made an actual official game even stupider than the movie, so I don't know what to think anymore.
>the story gets panned for failing to engage a bunch of desensitized, apathetic gamers
But the story was the one thing everyone praised it for. They panned the gameplay being mundane and boring TPS fare.
>It baffles me that people blow 3 but shit on 1
Do people do this? I feel like 1 is the most consistently liked game in the series, there are a lot more people who shit on 2 or 3. It's tough to criticize 1 too much when it nailed so many series' mechanics on the first try.
No one says that
SH1 gets the least hype precisely because it is well liked.
>t baffles me that people blow 3 but shit on 1.
I don't think I've ever seen a single person say anything bad about SH1-3 outside of people thinking SH2 is pretentious
To be fair, Resident Evil has the feeling of a B horror movie, with all the cheesy acting. The first movie at least used its own setting and story using the RE world as a basis, so it was ok in a way they didn't invade the original story, at least until they shoved Alice as the MC in the next stories.
Wow, it's almost as if story should only be a vehichle for game play in a medium that is called VIDEO GAMES. Who gives a shit about story if the game mechanics and atmosphere are engaging. Silent Hill by any metric has a cliche horror story but the atmosphere and gameplay are what makes it great.