>Piracy is theft because it results in a lost sale
Why aren't public libraries illegal?
>Piracy is theft because it results in a lost sale
Why aren't public libraries illegal?
They are where I’m from
Because you dont keep the books you check out you retard
probably because there's only one copy of the book. if you rented it, nobody else can unless the library buys another one. pretty basic stuff here, kiddo.
Publishers (as in book publishers) have actually tried to make them illegal in the past.
because they pay money to copyright associations
>same effect on the publisher
>worse effect on consumer
Godamn I love libraries like that, so comfy.
Because you still pay. You literally aren't entitled to anything.
libraries don't just steal the author's book and put it up on display, brainlet
Trinity is public but it's a glorified museum, not a library in its practical aspect. You can't touch the books.
i unironically love libraries. it's like being inside the internet, minus shitposting and porn
No you're wrong. If there's only 1 book a library isn't increasing the supply. Piracy increases the supply which devalues the product.
If I want to lend you a book then I do so knowing that I won't be able to read it while you have it so there's an incentive for me to get it back and for you to buy it if you liked it. On the other hand piracy is creating supply out of thin air so there is no incentive for anyone to buy it.
Why do libraries still exist? They are obsolete. I can literally fit all those gay books on finger sized $40 usb drive. Why waste taxpayer money on that gay shit.
>kim jong both has a steam account and shitposts on Sup Forums
Libraries don't make copies of the books and give them out for free. Piracy is literally only for poor people.
if i pirate something, i wasnt going to buy it in the first place.
You might understand when you're in your 20's. Might.
They would be if they weren't an ancient concept.
Hell, other than giant academic libraries/museums I'm pretty sure they'll die out in the next 50 years or so, unfortunately.
because holding pages in your hands is comfier than reading on a soulless electronic device that requires charging.
Libraries have other functions other than just checking out books. Libraries offer access to academic sources, free subscriptions to certain things, hell my library managed to get rental VR goggles.
It depends per area though, you can check yours to see what they offer.
because unlike vidya, literature is art.
>supply of a digital good
wtf? who reads the books then?
But isn't the actual value of the books the information contained within and the experience of reading it? The bookwriter is getting no compensation for all of the people who are benefiting from reading his work.
Not an argument.
>muh comfy
Then buy the book you nigger, instead of wasting other people's money. The "comfiness" of a book is a completely irrelevant frivolity and if you care about that it should come out of your own pocket.
Well a lot of those books have historical value. Not the ones they lend of course, but libraries have vaults with fuckhuge collections of historical documents, original books, manuscripts, etc. Speaking about the books that are available to the public, there is no other legal way of borrowing them. Sure I get all my books off libgen, but most normalfags don't know about that and even then it's borderline illegal.
There's no legal way to borrow books like you can from a library, Amazon doesn't even let you lend most digital books.I think you can rent some of them but probably at a far higher cost than a library subscription, and with a much smaller catalogue.
Yes, supply of a digital good. Like games, bitcoins, money, premium accounts, and so many other things.
Do you think people write books solely for the purpose of dispensing knowledge and stories?
>not an argument
5 years from now, when you're 21, you'll think differently.
Value in digital goods outside of cryptocurrency comes from effort put into making the software, not the amount of licenses that the creators sell. If there's more of them it doesn't affect supply since software isn't a tangible thing like real life commodities are.
>Then buy the book you nigger, instead of wasting other people's money
So your problem is that you don't want any public services paid by taxes. I take it you're American? Killing public access to education only leads to lowering society's IQ. There's a reason countries with high IQs (Israel, Korea, Japan, Germany, etc) have public libraries.
>Do you think people write books solely for the purpose of dispensing knowledge and stories?
Well I suppose some people could write simply for therapeutic purposes, but for the most part yes?
>Piracy is literally only for poor people
for smart people too.
As a librarian assistant I can tell you that ALOT of people don't have money or the necessities to keep alot of books and buy them or even have a computer.
It's not just old people either. It's young people who are with shitty parents. (I notice this when I do anime day for the teens. Bunch of shitty parents)
Otherwise it's a nice place to hang out and study , lots of college students come over and do it.
Supply and demand are abstract concepts they aren't tied to tangible goods at all. You're a retard if you cannot think of them outside commodities, like subhuman tier retard
IQ is almost entirely genetic, books do fuck all.
Also Israel isn't high IQ.
piracy is not theft but it is still illegal
la creatura abominacion de las america...
Being an author is a job. Jobs make money. If authors didn't make money very few people would do it.
IQ means fuck all anyway. The only fucking number that matters is the amount on your bank account.
IQ is a measure of education, this is why it increases for each year of college. It doesn't mean fuck all, societies with more education earn higher wages. Very few societies can be both rich and dumb, actually I don't think there's even a single country like that. Removing public libraries only leads to dumbing down the population
I'm not sure which side of the argument you think that I'm arguing in favor of.
They're for the poor, retard. Libraries have always been for the poor.
This has got to be the most half-assed analogy yet. Even worse than food analogies. Neck yourself, OP.
Intelligence is genetic.
All the egalitarian bullshit you were fed is untrue.
The reason college is such a meme is because you need an IQ of at least 110 to make use of it, but now every retard is going to college because they were convinced that people are smart because they go to college when the truth is that people go to college because they are smart.
So you have shit like gender studies.
Because they actually pay royalties to the authors, as I'm sure the first ten replies have also pointed out.
>IQ is a measure of education
>it increases for each year of college
low IQ brainlet detected.
I pirate everything because I'm a poor neet
>Removing public libraries only leads to dumbing down the population
And that's a good thing.
I was in that library just recently because of my trip to Ireland, cool place.
This is the conclusion of that article
>suggesting that articulating gene-environment interactions for cognition is more complex and elusive than previously supposed
From the .com.ar domain I take it English isn't your first language. You have no business reading articles that you cannot even understand.
I was there a few months ago. Pretty cool, but there was a fee to get into the museum.
dumb retards, keep telling yourselves that IQ and education don't mean anything
>Why aren't public libraries illegal?
It's not that hard to understand.
Whenever you buy something sold primarily as an IP (games, books, music...), you're in fact just paying for a license of use 99.99% of the time, which COULD very much be restrictive to who is allowed to use it, but it doesn't really need to be. It would be pointless.
The reason why people even allow you to resell, lend, use with family or friends is because by virtue of being attached to a physical medium, you'll never make enough of a harm to the IP holder to warrant any sort of punishment, which would also be almost impossible to enforce.
Also, the physical medium will deteriorate, further preventing harmful distribution and mass consumption of a single license.
Needless to say, that's not the case with digital distribution, where a single license can leat to world wide mass unauthorized distribution.
How many digital libraries do you know of where you can check out comercial releases of books outside the realm of public domain?
Piracy leading to lost sales is a whole other issue which I won't even go near.
Here's some data from America
>White Americans with no degree (about 10 years of completed education):
Average IQ 87
>White Americans with high school diploma/GED (about 12 years education):
Average IQ 99
>White Americans with an Associate degree (about 14 years education):
Average IQ 104
>White Americans with a Bachelor’s degree (about 16 years education):
Average IQ 113
>White Americans with a Master’s degree (about 18 years education):
Average IQ 117
>White Americans with PhD, LLD, MD, DDS (about 20 years education):
Average IQ 124
Smart people also don't pay taxes, get out of the draft, and exploit the less intelligent. Understanding the social contract and abiding by moral principles are for the mentally deficient.
How do you prove higher degrees of education lead to higher IQs, and not higher IQs being associated with people that are more likely to reach a higher degree of education?
>It doesn't mean fuck all,
Looks like it do kiddo
Black man here. They don't mean shit. You're telling me my weilding is worse than some fucking twink's degree in liberal arts because he has a higher IQ?
Give me a break.
If it's genetic like you said then all white people should have about the same IQ. Sure correlation isn't causation but you have to give some serious proof if you want anyone to believe the absurd claims of IQ being racial
Serious question, have you ever actually taken an IQ test bar the ones they give children?
It's mostly about logic, critical thinking, sharpness, etc. and while schools can teach people with innate skills new methods, they're not going to give you tools you just don't have.
There's only so much internet in the world, user. It's bound to run out!
Branch libraries exist so children and spinsters can rent Harry Potter and harlequin novels for free. Real libraries like OP's pic exist to preserve rare books and serve as a store of knowledge. There's a lot of information that isn't scanned onto the Internet.
>then why not scan them
Jewgle tried and then whatever the authors' equivalent of the RIAA sued them and made them stop.
>b-but I'm gonna delete it afterwards...
>I will never get those skills
If you can operate a computer well enough to navigate to Sup Forums and make a post like that instead of making emoji-laden shitposts on Instagram (not to mention weld) then you're in the talented tenth
Oh shit really?
>If it's genetic like you said then all white people should have about the same IQ
Are you fucking retarded?
>if it's genetic then all white people should be about the same height
Tell me anons, is working in the library a comfy job?
"more complex and elusive" = "we know but can't say"
Learn to read between the lines, tardlet.
t. an actual academic.
Higher IQ = higher levels of average education = higher GDP per capita
That's all I'm saying. Take away libraries and you're helping bring education down. Bring education down and don't cry when your GDP goes down too.
IQ and wealth are pretty much confirmed to go hand in hand
What if I told you demand for purchasing your supply is the same regardless of whether people pirate or not?
>bell curves don't real
>Killing public access to education only leads to lowering society's IQ.
That only applies to young people, older peoples' IQ is already set in stone. And young people do not use fucking libraries, only particularly dedicated hipsters who think books are "comfy". They'd just read the shit off their phone if they wanted to read it.
>then all white people should have about the same IQ
What? Do you not know what a bell curve or distribution is? A study on racial differences in IQ doesn't say that all people fall into a higher or lower category, but that the distributions center on a higher or lower point.
The funny thing is libraries have movies, cd's all that shit too not just books. I worked at a library they even had wii games and wii u games. You could get them pretty much whenever you wanted. It's retarded how piracy is considered so wrong.
A lot of it is just perspective and just how you look at things.
Which can be learned, to a degree.
At least it can be with social skills.
>This is the conclusion of that article
No, this is.
>Added remarks about context and broader implications: This paper does not exclude SES effects on intelligence. Rather, it excludes a hypothesis (big nonlinear effect at low SES; GxE!) that has been widely discussed: In good environments individuals can achieve their full genetic potential, and consequently measured heritability is high. However, in bad environments individuals don't achieve their full genetic potential, and (perhaps) do not even realize the full effect of beneficial genetic variants, so heritability is much reduced. This reasonable sounding hypothesis is not supported by the Florida data, suggesting that genetic influence is similarly strong in both high and low SES families.
>Now, just how strong is this genetic influence? Many large studies have been conducted on populations of twins (raised together and apart), adoptees (who end up resembling their biological parents much more than the adoptive parents who raised them), and ordinary siblings. The results suggest very high heritability of adult intelligence -- broad sense heritability may be as high as ~0.8!
>Wikipedia: Recent twin and adoption studies suggest that while the effect of the shared family environment is substantial in early childhood, it becomes quite small by late adolescence. These findings suggest that differences in the life styles of families whatever their importance may be for many aspects of children's lives make little long-term difference for the skills measured by intelligence tests.
tl;dr Enviroment doesn't matter unless it's so bad it stunts your growth. A middle class child and an Old Money child will have basically the same IQ by age 20.
Lots of young people using college libraries. You may be right about city libraries
I just put books on shelves but for a first job it was pretty comfy.
my house isn't as comfy as a library. you can also meet women in libraries you dense sheltered little dweeb.
ok how about we pay you to digitize every book that can be found in libraries everywhere and design systems and regulations that will allow the public to access them etc etc fuck you idiot
>release game with single player campaign for $60
>gets pirated
>release game with no single player content, cheaper than full price or even free but with microtransactions
>can't be pirated,
>end up earning more money
How's it feels knowing that pirates are literally to blame for the games-as-a-service model?
Nigger is as nigger does.
>esign systems and regulations that will allow the public to access them etc etc fuck you idiot
>post on file sharing website
>download and enjoy
Intelligence is mostly heritable.
Old people were retarded as young people too, and only seem to be less so because they had less room to be retarded when they were young. Those hipster faggots me 2bqh, I love books would have been bookworms with pocket protectors fifty years ago.
>Supply and demand are abstract concepts they aren't tied to tangible goods at all.
So as long as you're honest with yourself and know you'd never buy the game it is alright o pirate??
Google tried that and the kvetching was immense.
>They meant what I said, trust me i is academic!
sure kid
>Why aren't public libraries illegal?
coz they only deal in hands downs/ charity not on 0day best sellers.
steam market is a prime example of low supply virtual goods going for thousands of dollars
you literally cannot argue against it, it's an objective that s&d are abstractions, ask any economist who is not technologically illiterate
That's illegal, goy! SHUT IT DOWN!
>when supply is infinite s&d breaks down
Well that's retarded
you do know that microtransactions are really really really bad business strategy you would only ever use if you want to crash an industry right?
Incredibly small market cap (1% of people) caused by biology itself, it cannot be increased beyond 1% of the population.
No real way to compete or distinguish yourself because those 1% of people literally only care about the skinner box, and at the core all skinner boxes are the same.
On top of that it's horrible PR and doesn't lead to good industry connections.
if you want good business advice, see valve, whomst are doing the same thing as banks, amazon, google, and other giants before them.
Inserting themselves as an unnecessary middleman in a pre-existing supply chain and offering easy of access and centralization, all the while making money off of merely existing.
>get absolutely, utterly BTFO by a real example
>reply with some nonsense
>you do know that microtransactions are really really really bad business strategy y
tell that to those companies earning billions for years
seems like it's taking an awful long time to crash the industry