Ni no Kuni II

>Better reception that Final Fantasy XV or Xenoblade Chronicles 2

>Over 60 hours

>No Denuvo cancer

>Amazing soundtrack and gorgeous graphics

Literally my most hyped game for this year, are you gonna buy it Sup Forums?

I hope you support these games

Attached: ni-no-kuni-ii.jpg (1280x720, 262K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to fuck Evan.

I never played the first one, but the art style got me very interested. How is the gameplay? I watched some of it, didn't look bad, but nothis outstanding either.

The gameplay in the first one actually sucks, but it looks better in the sequel.

Combat looks like Tales-lite, with a pretty typical Level-5 city building mechanic.

Never played a Tales game either.

Kind of hack and slash, within a confined space, and AI controlled teammates. Some focus on positioning, but largely still stats driven.

naw your just to stupid

>Over 60 hours
I heard 30.

I heard 30 too, but only for the main story.

Gonna be my first 2018 game purchase. It just looks super fun and comfy. Not even that into JRPG but I hope I like this game.

The comfiness is indeed what draws me as well.

Thinking about picking it up, I skipped the 1st one and have been craving a good JRPG since Persona 5.

t. ARPG brainlet

Anyone pre-ordered the collector's edition?

hell no, the first game had shit gameplay

Original was crap. No one would've cared about it if not for the Ghibli connection.

The sequel literally fixes the problems from the first one.

>No Denuvo

Need confirmation that this is true

First impressions are important. Consider how DMC1 was great but 2 was shit which turned people off. Then came 3 and it was amazing but sold less copies.
Ni No Kuni 2 could be a 11/10 but I dont care since the 1st one killed my interest. Maybe I'll get it for $15.

to be honest I didn't love the gameplay in the first one, but the game is so goddamn beautiful in every way that I didn't even care. Literally the comfiest game of all time.

The game sounds amazing but i hate the artstyle. Its not anime enough


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You forgot
>Trap protag that will have fags ruining Sup Forums threads every fucking day.

>30 hour RPG
60 would have been acceptable

This. It looks like some Japanese Disney movie.

>Bring up Xenoblades again
Your hate boner is showing

I actually liked the Pokemon and I'm sad to see it go. Seems good though. Hear it might be too easy?

Story is 30-35 hours and over 60 including sidequests, there's also additional content coming up as well.

i bought the first one so il pirate the second one to make it even

Sad to hear, hopefully you buy it and support it eventually.

>No Denuvo cancer
For real? That's downright surprising. Guess I have something to look forward to in a few days.

It's true

I hope people buy and support these games.

>Still love the visual style
>Remember getting burned by the awful combat in the first one

Gonna have to wait a few weeks to decide on this one

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Gameplay is totally overhauled for this.

It didn't fix anything, it just scrapped it.
It's kind of a bummer, but it seems very different overall so I'll gladly give it a chance.

Still have to wait and see if it's actually good,

Is it still about collecting, levening up, and evolving monsters?

Nope, that got scrapped entirely.

Hard pass.


That's ghibli-esque for you.

>mfw people say they watch anime too and mention ghibli movies

Attached: It was like she was looking at walking garbage.webm (1280x720, 514K)

Will I be able to play this without going through the first one with no regrets?
And if there will be regrets what would they be?

>too easy for game journalists

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>I hope you support these games
Just waiting for my key to drop and Friday to arrive. Then it's a traptastic weekend.

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Is that small Lisa Simpson as annoying as the big one

>I've had a hard time with Action JRPs
lmao are you really that shit? Dungeon crawlers are the only JRPGs built for challenge.

>oh look, I made another thread less than an hour after the last one died!

>Equating Miyazaki with Disney
Mods please delete this thread and all future Ni no Kuni threads.

I hope not

First game was real fucking boring. Some good music, art and moments but a fucking slog to play.

NNK2 looks even worse with a lower budget, no Ghibli, and retarded looking characters.

No thanks.

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I got drawn in to the first since I'm a huge Pokefag but dropped it half way through. What improvements is this one meant to have?

>No Denuvo cancer


Try again.

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>People actually defending NNK 1's shitty gameplay
Jesus i can enjoy bad gameplay too but it doesnt mean it isnt fucking bad

>game is released
>has Denuvo
>wtf?? you lied in the FAQ!!!
>no no no it's not actually Denuvo, it's Dunevo, a variant of Denuvo but with a new name

Ah, so you're retarded. Got it.

If they think Denuvo would hurt sales, they wont use it. If they don't think Denuvo will hurt sales they wont pretend it's not in it.

Gonna wait for the honeymoon period to end and see what people say. I got old RPGs I still wanna play

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It's the japanese Disney, both are unlikable old fucks creating animation loved by normalfags

Pls only post good edits, my penis has good taste.

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Fagfags need to go away.

>>Better reception that Final Fantasy XV

to be fair, what big name game DIDN"T score better than XV?

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um no

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but does your benis taste good?

Please name all the turn based JRPGs that require decent amounts of intelligence.

Nope. I tried it once it tastes like skin which is neutral at best. It was a good afternoon though.

Even FFXV got better scores than FFXV

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I'd buy it on release, but I'm not done with Xenoblade yet, and I just bought started VC4.

you managed to self suck? lewd

Be glad that games like FF13 and FF15 got actual legit criticism which gave a more realistic grade to the game.

FF12 was an incomplete offline MMO and got a fucking 92 by critics. The same score as FF6, FF7, and FF10.

How the fuck did that happen? FF12 isn’t even CLOSE to those games and their quality.

I'm going to need you to delete your post immediately.

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No. FF12 doesn’t deserve a 92 given the obvious flaws. FF13 got a better critic score because it actually had thought put in those criticisms. Same thing for FF15.

Denying the facts about the game isn’t going to help your argument.

>enhanced port got an 84
>when base game got an 81

you can't make this shit up

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game confirmed for less than 30hrs.

how long until the crack comes out?

>city building mechanic.
Hold a moment, how good is the city building?

By the time XIII had come around, Final Fantasy had lost it's place as a pillar of the industry, so it became acceptable to actually acknowledge it had flaws. I don't think any of the entries prior to that deserved all their praise even though I really enjoy most of them. I'm glad we're at the point where honesty is allowed, it'll stop the series stagnating as much as it has.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-21 Ni No Kuni II’s Kingdom Building Gives People More Reasons To Keep Exploring (1903x4970, 1.91M)

>having to worry about Denuvo ruining your games
Lol, PC fats are so silly

I'm unironically excited for this game, but I recently bought a new gaming PC so I figure I'll just pirate all the games I would've bought on ps4 so that the computer basically pays for itself. When do you guys think it'll get cracked?

Work on your bait, it really isn't impressive.

Heard the game was piss easy and that's kind of bumming me on it anyone testplay it yet?

Well, it doesn't look like the game has 4K ultra detailed uncompressed textures

Yeah I just came back from next week. It's pretty easy like the first game. This shocked me to no end.

Sometimes less is more

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This game is shilled so much. I have seen it nonstop on every social media platform.

Is there waifus?

A loli and a titty oneesan in the party.

i prefer the sph/fem side of it desu

It's pretty darn easy, but it was intentionally designed that way due to how long dungeons (puzzles) were and how much backtracking/grinding/walking was involved in the first game.
This was shown in 2015. The people waiting on this game have been waiting for years.
This was shown in 2016. Seriously, what the hell was Level-5 doing for all of these years?!

There's always waifus.

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I want to get hyped, but if it's really as easy as people say then I'm worried.

Yes, the first game was easy, but at least the retarded AI would cause your party members to die sometimes. I just want a game that's at least a little bit exciting.

I'm confused, how do people know of it's easy or not? It doesn't come out until friday

Because reviewers said it's easy. They also didn't do most of the side content so we're not 100% sure if there isn't some harder shit somewhere. That said the main story is confirmed to be easy.

Game journalists have gotten review copies

Game reviewers actually consider it easy