Look at all them vidya references Sup Forums. Are you ready for video game kino?
Will this be the best video game movie ever made?
Look at all them vidya references Sup Forums. Are you ready for video game kino?
Will this be the best video game movie ever made?
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N-no one is gonna see this movie, r-right?
Get out
fuck off with the rotten pasta
>gaymer culshure
pirate at best to bitch about how cringe it is.
So this is fake right?
It already screened in a bunch of places and reviews are already in, doubt it
Literally what the fuck Spielberg?
>Ernest Cline
the fuck who wrote all that horrible "nerd" poetry?
>Nick Robinson can be seen sucking toes
What the shitting fuck
I think people have been editing it to be funny
honestly its probably better than the film itself
God I really fucking hope that's true, I'd give my kike dollars to see it for that
Thread theme:
I remember.
>Gravity Falls
>The Simpsons
>Video Game Journalists: Nick Robinson can be seen sucking toes in the Oasis Mall.
What do you think?
how are they going to do this gem from the book
You know what I've always wondered? Who the fuck is the book for?
I'm in my thirties, and even I'm too young for 80s nostalgia. And there's no way the book's primary audience is people older than me, because I read a few chapters a couple of years ago at the insistence of one of my coworkers, and it was complete shit. It's the sort of bog standard, poorly written tripe that you imagine all Young Adult fiction is. So the fuck is the audience for this?
>I'm in my thirties, and even I'm too young for 80s nostalgia.
The fuck is wrong with you? Normal people have the capacity to go back and watch popular films like War Games and Back to the Future despite them being not new. I read the book when I was 20 and I got almost every single half-assed reference.
It is for kiddos in their 20s you fucking grampa
They can watch back to the future too and know about pacman and shit, it is not exclusive of old farts, retard