Did being political pay off?

Did being political pay off?

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Don't know. Didn't play it.

shit gameplay is why it flopped

yeah because that's the problem of the game

Did making a shit thread pay off?

not like I would have bought it if it agreed with my politics anyway, only thought that the first one was ok and ok doesnt justify 55 fucking gigs of downloading

>5 replies in 2 minutes

No one wants to pay $70 for a 9 hour game.

The game was no where near as political as the marketing made it out to be. However the story is still shit compared to The New Order.

cant people just disassociate with the agendas bullshit in the story and just care about the gameplay. i 100% dont agree with the politics in this game but i played the game for the fun gameplay and the beautiful graphics and literally forgot the story in a week.

It was hard to ignore the politics, pretty much the whole intro with the fat girl and her mother, screams of one sided SJW black and white politics. Refunded senpai

I hope you at least refunded because you didn't enjoy the gameplay and not because of some political shit that isn't even there. If the mother calling her daughter a fatass upset you to the point where you refunded it, that's exactly what an SJW would do.


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>single player only fps
That was their biggest fuckup. That shit isn't half life 3.

>Black Panther

Only if you think that having a majority black cast in a film set in fucking Africa is somehow "political". It was your standard MCU flick, hence why it sold like hotcakes.

The gunplay was crappy and it micro stuttered also, but the fact that Sup Forums was right was a big turnoff

Single player only FPS do still sell and can sell well.

Not everyone cares about online gaming. I'm older and I'm over that phase.

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and it was iron man 3 tier of quality without the funny twist

I'm sure it turned a lot of people off it but the game itself is pretty shit being exactly the same as TNO clunky setpiece modern shooter just with more obnoxious cutscenes

Game sold like crap, so no. I think I'm one of like 5 people that sprung for the G.I. Joseph Edition.

It wasn't political.

sold about the same as the first one btw

>Did being political pay off?

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What politics did Wolfenstein II push? For the record, putting black people in media has been normal for a bit over half a century and is no longer considered a bold statement, grandpa. If you're a neo-Nazi, why are you playing a game from a franchise that's all about killing Nazis and then complaining about hurt feelings?

It's literally worse than than TNO with its samey maps, samey enemies, lack of fun weapons, and a literal QTE final boss. There was no build up to it either, the ending just sort of happened, then you got treated to a nice advertisement to the DLC that's out now (which is shit and overpriced).

So is the humor in all of the new Wolfensteins as embarrassing as it is in New Colossus? I had heard such good things about the gunplay of New Order/Old Blood

You forgot to delete your first post.

Are hotcakes even that good?

The problem isn't that it was single player, the problem is that it was 10 hours long and cost consumers 60 dollars.
I'm sure plenty of people that didn't play the game would've given it a shot if it were 30 instead, knowing how short the game is and how lacking it is of replay value.

The movie itself wasn't political, tho was fun watching lefties and black supremacists try to brag about a generic Marvel movie made by rich white dudes.

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It promoted the "punch a nazi" mentality, getting physical with someone because they don't agree with you.

They literally used liberal buzzwords in their advertising, I remember seeing that shit in my facebook feed.

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GTA is the most successful game of all time what an odd comparison


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>Killing nazis in a franchise about killing nazis is political now

that's literally not what anyone fucking said you idiot

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Real talk, how is the actual gameplay? I've heard it was barely on the same level as TNO or Old Blood, if even on the same level at all. So I imagine nowhere near Doom2016, and little reason for me to buy it.

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Yeah, it is, when you're taking such obvious jabs at an entire political ideology. Quit shilling.

Kicking seven shades of shit out of literal nazis is not 'being political'.

4* the rest are cutscenes. I finished in 7.5 hours

>Being a Nazi is a respectable political ideologue now

Reading this thread wondering how long a shooter is suppose to be, I thought a 10 hour campaign is pretty standard and if anything above average.

What are these 30 hours shooters you guys play?

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The problem is taking obvious jabs at the conservative party by taking Trump MAGA propaganda, and twisting it into your own advertisement/propaganda, which is a quick slap in the face to every conservative in America, wasn't a bright move.

Pretty much the same with some new weapons.

>appeal to the side of the country least likely to buy the game
>they still don't buy it

Their marketing team needs to be shot down. If they had done generic dudebro marketing, it would have been great.

No, because the crowd that stays up at night wondering if Trump is going to kill minorities generally don't play video games, so trying to market the game to them was an awful idea.

yes i can actually, it's just so in your face to the point its obnoxious though. it's like they made the game for a specific audience and im not part of it so you can imagine how most people see it as shit since it wasnt made for them.

damn the hivemind is laggy today

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>Play the first game
>BJ is likeable
>Play the second game
>BJ only hates da Nazis because of his daddy issues
>His dad is anti-semitic but marries a Jewish woman just for the lulz and being so ebil racist

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the movie wasn't very political, but the fans of it were obnoxious and made every discussion about it political.

>Fighting alongside black panthers and commies

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You can, but most people don't want to take the effort to. Forcing yourself to disengage from the game and the narrative so you aren't annoyed won't lead to a pleasurable experience.

I don't know about politics
I don't care about race
Most of the times i look if there is any good waifus
But i hate When is already a used good
My waifu is just MINE
I want to play my power fantasy

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whITE AAAsss f-fascist nazi pigs...

You think it did?

>sucking black joy

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will xir buy it on Switch?

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>everyone I don't like is a Nazi

>This triggers Sup Forums

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Man, BJ was great in TNO and TOB.
What the fuck happened?

How is it poltical? Every group but nazis don't get along with them not even the KKK

Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums

No people with Nazi beliefs like you are Nazis, there's no reason you would take "Nazi free" as a personal insult unless you were one.

How come J was handled so much better than everything in TNC? It felt like his story brought a much greater impact than any of the black power TNC gave us. It was a clear on the nose message, but it didn't feel forced or rub off wrong to me.

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Is there anything of this nature in the actual game? I'm not doubting their marketing team shot themselves in the foot, but I haven't seen much of it's story.

>Nazi beliefs
As in?

I honestly think it might have. A lot of retards who don't even like games paid attention to it just because of that
this is why it flopped though. I couldn't even fucking finish the game and I pirated it.

some bits go wayyyyyy too far over the top but there's nothing really annoying unless you're a Sup Forumstard

What I meant to say was, there's only one or two bits that actually make you cringe if you aren't a poltard

>people with Nazi beliefs are not Nazis

20 hours is the absolute minimum standard for a modern singleplayer game priced at $60.

yes, it's political now but it wasn't in the 90's and 00's. Why is that hard to understand?
no, not really. Just some dumb white guilt bullshit, saying that if Nazis invaded America the whites would have welcomed them with open arms and let the blacks get genocided. Which is pretty fucking retarded because half the country fought in a civil war to free black people from being slaves

Name examples

I wouldn't consider Engel the final boss, that was more or less just the final cutscene. The big robots before you enter the TV studio were the "final" bosses. New Order still did it way better.

I know, right? Only things remotely comparable to GTA sales wise are yearly sports/CoD/BF releases

Why didn't they add the japs in the game? That would have been fuckin sweet, fighting nips on the west coast and g*rmans on the east coast..

The only reason Why Sup Forums is full of Sup Forumstards
Is because jannies don't want to eliminate political threads like this
I mean they did With waifu threads and Sup Forums thread
Why not Sup Forums?

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There's honest-to-god a strong, independent black woman nursing her mulatto baby while smoking and lecturing BJ about how balls of steel is an oxymoron, since true strength comes from vaginas

He magically became a depressed hillbilly

>hamstershitter is also a faggot spite-buying leftist
not big surprise

The frame work for good game play is there its just the balancing and level design is really bad.

>nazis are always the bad guys in vidya
>not infinitely more interesting strasserists
why are vidya writers so goddamn lazy?

The fight felt way too easy to be a final boss, and the gun they give you right before that room is useless.

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No, but stoking the fires in the "if you disagree with me you're a literal nazi and personally had a hand in the Holocaust and I'm literally shaking rn because your tweet was literal rape" mentality that some people have is.

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It would involve hiring people who bothered to learn history beyond what they learned in the ninth grade.

J didn't shove it down your throat like Foxy Cleopatra.

Why the fuck does BJ act like a whipped faggot when interacting with the ungo?

Why is Trump Hitler again? Because he doesn't think tens of millions of foreigners should be allowed to flood across the border and collect benefits paid for by taxpayers? Like literally every other country on the planet?

The game is political, newfriend.

Just wait until some Sup Forumsack blows himself up in a synagogue.
They'll start cleaning shit up to keep the feds off their ass.

enemies are bullet sponges unless you use either the armor-piercing rifle or the magical electricity cannon, stealth is still way too fucking overpowered

fucking a, whoever made the ubercannon should be fired
>kills enemies after a 5-second delay, as long as they decide to stay in that exact spot
>takes forever to charge

Feels similar but surprisingly way more difficult. Almost unfair in a lot of places.

Level design is bad. A good chunk of the game is spent at 1/2 your health due to plot reasons.

>Sup Forums

I wanna see the entire goddamn third position brought to life with polygons, not just some bavarian autists. Is that too much to ask?


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>Why is Trump Hitler again?
Because he's white. That's all there is to it.