Nintendo Switch Leak

>uploaded feb 4th
>contains games revealed in the direct and nindies showcase
It's real.

Attached: nintendoswitch.jpg (1280x673, 60K)

>pokemon chemical and nuclear
>no sans in smash

fake they just made a lot of guesses

Now I don't know much about Imgur but how do you know he didn't just edit it later?

>The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks HD

You already got blown the fuck out the last time you made this thread.

>A Japanese studio who makes kids games will reference the horrible bombings during WW2

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you can update imgur albums without the date changing
it even fucking says that they're updating it right on the page
also, "Punch-Out!! Meets MadWorld In Pato Box" is literally the name of a nintendolife article talking about the game pato box

100% fake

Why is Runner 3 on there twice?

>Puts some already announced games to cover his ass
Big deal faggot. Directs are always 90% release dates 6% useless merchandise and only 4% new announcements.

>JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure 2
Too good to be true.

>Note that this list updates from time to time
>Read: after the games come out, so it looks like I got some right

>he made the thread again
You can edit the text on an Imgur post. The Reddit comment this came from was also edited 13 hours ago. Fuck off.

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If this was real we're getting a Link's Awakening type game and Wario Land 5. At the same time, it says Dillon's Rolling Western 2, which is already a thing, so idk

Pokemon Chemical and Nuclear

Why do fake leakers always give themselves away with awful shit like this?

>New Kid Icarus and Punch-Out!!
>Xenoblade Warriors

I want to believe

>Kingdom Hearts III

Attached: 1397307686303.gif (480x198, 491K)

What an odd choice for a fake leak

Attached: 0f3a1f0b-2271-45b2-b377-84827e4acca1..jpg (802x576, 248K)

The Harvest Moon game has special edition in it’s title fake

Nuke was here, Chemical is for soyboys

OP, explain where the fuck this would be datamined from
do you actually think there's a big text document in the switch's internal files that lists every application's name?
if there was, btw, it'd include test applications
there isnt as this would be impossible to manage, every time a new game appeared on the eshop theyd need to update the entire OS

For some reason people always came with the most edgy shit for the names of new mainline pokemon entries.

>New Animal Crossing
>Mario Maker 2
Please be real.

>Mario Party 10 Deluxe

Not even NDCube is that Fucking retarded, and they have been pretty shitty

Just go with Plus and Minus and be done with it.

Wait, no scratch that.
>Earthworm Jim 4

Attached: despair.gif (480x352, 550K)

>AC amiibo festival DX

Attached: IMG_9898.jpg (264x252, 17K)

Why would they have two Street Fighter Collections?

>Mario and Sonic: World’s Collide

Uh no, your getting Tokyo 2020 Olympics and your going to like it

That THQ announcement today lines up with the spongebob etc

Why is this getting spammed, someone is really going all out to try and trick some poor kids into actually believing this.

Even if it's not meant to be a reference people will make the connection and ninty knows it. No way op is real.

why exactly is this insanely flimsy, plainly ridiculous fake list of titles that sound like a 12 year old thought of them, presented under a pretense that makes absolutely no sense under any amount of scrutiny, being shilled so fucking hard? this many people can't be buying into this braindead nonsense.

dude, nekopara was already confirmed

>The Legend of Zelda: A Link Across Islands
>*The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks HD

>>>>>>>Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time + Baby Bowser’s Goonies

>>>>>Mario Stroke Golf

Okay now your getting silly

Stop spamming this fucking garbage.

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>dragon ball fighterz
Lol okay, OP

>Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie: Hydro Atrocity

Attached: 3C4DD96A-36DE-442E-A71D-29065F696A04.jpg (900x675, 288K)

Well shit, that's even more bizarre

Attached: 253ede0f-7abe-46b1-bf6e-7ae717797bdc..png (821x1200, 158K)

Its made by the same guy who did this bullshit. He had that picture of the smash logo that said SSBR and the smash game in this leak is Super Smash Bros Royal

>No Hollow Knight

fake af mane

>Xenoblade Warriors
fuck yes

>the horrible bombings

Moral judgment and war doesn't sit on the same table


Hollow Knight SUCKS

Oh fun story, one time my friend got in a heated debate with someone on another site and it ended up with them getting doxxed. Most of the argument was lost because the doxxer would constantly edit his posts to victimize himself. Both explained their side of what happened while the former left the site and the latter continued to edit his posts to this day and the true narrative was lost.

Yeah, I don't think I can trust a guy who feels the need to edit their posts to act as if they're honest.



>Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards HD
Please God no I don't want modern Hal to touch it without all of the original dev team and to smear their annoying modernizations/homogeneous changes all over it.

I'm more inclined to believe it was just lucky guesses due to the sheer volume of the titles mentioned-
>All the Nindies are IN ORDER that they are mentioned in the Presentation
Okay maybe it's actually real

are they really? its likely fake but thats at least interesting

>tekken x street fighter ever coming out
>on switch of all platforms

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How is it interesting if they added them after they were announced?

I'd smear my homogenous changes on these two if you know what I mean

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>Hanna-Barbera All Stars Party

Attached: IMG_2760.jpg (471x490, 89K)

I'd smear your annoying modernizations all over a wall with a double barrel shotgun if you catch my drift

fake and gay.

I dunno man, a lot of these games were announced for the first time at that Nindies presentation.
Is it possible to edit imgur descriptions? Where would we check that information ('last edited' or something like that)

>they went with Skype instead of Discord's bid

>Dark Souls IIII

Well that was my confusion. I thought this list hadn't been altered but I don't know how to check when an imgur thing was last edited

Is there a way to edit Imgur descriptions?

Sonic Mania Plus is a very difficult name to make up.


I'm glad this mentions a remake of Partners in Time, because it seemed really odd that they announced the BiS remake first.

He broke her ovaries dude

It literally says
(note that this data mine updates time to time):

unless you was the bombed one.

>no Grand Thef Auto V
fake and gay

This is like the 9th time this hour you’ve posted this.

very easily

As much as I love Anime Tiddy, does Xenoblade even have enough characters for a Warriors game?

I guess if you include the Tech Demo, X, as well. But still.

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>no new IPs


now I just feel silly

>The Division 2
>Watch Dogs 3
>Pokémon Nuclear/Chemical
>Sonic Racing Infinity
>Super Smash Bros Royale

Attached: IMG_7495.jpg (500x265, 26K)

>Tech Demo X

You realize X is longer than Xenoblade Chronicles 1 right?

It's like 70 hours if you don't do side quests.

>Phoenix "Right"

Some dipshit just went in and edited the description.

Maybe they're early code names?

They're doing PE stretches and her bones are cracking loudly.

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That was my first thought. Does IMGUR show edits with time stamps. Easy as fuck to fake.

This is data mined from the eshop retard, I literally just checked on the code. It’s all there

It doesn't. It's not easy to fake.

I dunno, but someone definitely edited the description as it says it's updated.

Yes it is? they just went in and added the games announced?

It's all fake.

>It doesn't shoe edits with time stamps
>It's not easy to fake

Stop trying to find a bright side and come be bitter and angry with us.

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>*Nintendo Badge Arcade for Nintendo Switch
...Baito the Arcade Bunny for Smash when?

Attached: Baito the Arcade Bunny.jpg (400x240, 41K)

Post lewd Baito images. It's been too long

>Listing 3DS Games as well.
You almost had me...

So many people are believing this obviously fake dog shit. Damn, and it's not even summer yet.

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>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Monster Hunter World

Attached: IMG_4440.png (650x650, 13K)

Kingdom hearts 3 ruins it.

stop making this thread

>Pokemon Chemical
Stopped reading. Top kek.

Attached: 1477163932948.png (329x306, 80K)

>Punch-Out!! Meets MadWorld In Pato Box

Attached: 1348086699810.gif (200x293, 1.75M)

>Monster Hunter World

Attached: 1261342164790.jpg (400x400, 35K)

Okay even if this is fake can we all agree that "Super Smash Bros. Royale" is a really good fuckin name for the next smash game?

Attached: IMG_7397.jpg (680x850, 76K)

>Oddworld: Soulstorm
>Got teased just two days ago after over a year of no info

I'm inclined to believe this is actually real.

>Phoenix Right: Ace Attorney
Wouldn't the leaker be copypasting the data from the source? How could a typo like this happen?

I'm pretty certain I've seen that name tossed around before for either Brawl or Smash 4.