>reading a very long winded game manual
Reading a very long winded game manual
I miss game manuals.
Nice choice in anime! I bet you are an avid AoT and Tokyo Ghoul fan as well.
Reading books is like reading a manual for your brain to get smarter
>read game manual
>just four pages of legal shit in english, frog, and hueish
>Nice choice in anime! I bet you are an avid AoT and Tokyo Ghoul fan as well.
>criticizing people for their taste in anime
The fact of liking anime makes you a complete retard. At least be kind to your own people.
>reddit spacing
Goes to show not having the ability to read isn't your only disability.
Anime snobs are like flies who berate other flies for their taste in shit.
tfw you read something in the manual you didn't know and it makes you alot better at a part you where stuck on.
>It got popular so I'm not allowed to like it anymore
>Confused about something in Dominions 4
>The manual is 380 or so pages in pdf form
fug. Also pic has a god-tier manual that's fun to read. If only they were all like that
Sometimes I really miss those day before One Punch Man got an anime
>Sup Forums
>manual is a single sheet with the controller buttons mapped
>same page on the other side in Spanish
just aot and opm
>AoT and Tokyo Ghoul
Both are shit anime. OPM is good regardless of how popular it is you contrarian snowflake
>Manual doesn't explain a mechanic introduced about halfway into the game, and the game itself does a shitty job explaining it
My dude, when is the last time you even saw a manual that was more than a leaflet? 6th gen?
Tokyo ghoul is Kino.
the ninja guy from One Punch Man makes me question my sexuality
I've recently started to get real tired of this shit, especially in JRPGs. Some of them feel the need to dump a ton of shit on you, and I end up forgetting some of the important mechanics until hours later.
>Boss won't shut the fuck up about how we're the same
>"I'm not the bad guy here blah blah blah my nation blah blah blah nanomachines son"
when did tatsumaki go full sex-hair
Damn hipsters ruining Sup Forums I swear to god