Post the most iconic video game era of a certain decade. I'll start with the 2010s. The saddest part of this honestly is that most of Sup Forums won't even know his name because they're stuck in the past
Post the most iconic video game era of a certain decade. I'll start with the 2010s...
what the fuck even is that
>Meanwhile in 2020's Sup Forums...
Genuinely don't know what that's of, but it looks sweet.
I will never consider a mobile phone game to be iconic.
I'd kebab that hijab
Sorry mate, also mobile games = facebook games.
holy christ
minecraft was around in 2009
You don't know how decades works.
the "sorry mate" implied it was usurping the 2010s title belonging to clash of clans
Shit thread, mate. Your game is just a forgeable meme (like all facebook games), minecraft is much more influencial than meme of clans. Also minecraft final final release was in 2011 with "adventure update", 2009 was just an indev.
Pretty sure that, to be the "most iconic", it needs to be universally familiar among the demographic. If the character, game, series or genre isn't well-known then it certainly isn't iconic.
Super Mario. That is iconic in every regard.
If an picture of some drooling dude is only synonymous to mobile game trash and not the specific game, then it's definitely a poor example.
Of course, your usage of proper grammar and rhetoric is as poor as your argument, so I suppose it's just the right game for you. Hell, I'm sure you probably inspired the artist for that game, didn't you?
Is that hulk hogan?
yeah i think im gonna trust google over "the minecraft wiki"
it actually is synonmous with clash of clans, a game which way more people are aware of than call of duty
Yea, google is pretty much more reliable. Also, 2009 pre-classic minecraft was not even available to the public, dummy, 2011 is the year.
who is this.
it still exised, plus its a phone game too so you're not exactly helping your point.
> mobage
> gaming
pick one
i actually find the supercell games to be ok i guess[/spoiler[
Who else /AngryChef/ here?
Hero Forgefags need not apply
>it still exised
That's not how launches works, early access, alphas, betas, indevs(...) isn't the same as a final product.
>has a mobile port
>it's a mobile game!
Pocket edition is not even in the same engine, dummy.
Fucking soyboys
it's how launching has worked for last like 15 years, so it is a finished product in the mind of the consumer
>era of a decade
>so it is a finished product in the mind of the consumer
>in the mind of the consumer
That isn't the criteria for a final product.
Do you have any idea how many tens of millions of people play CoC every day?
Mobile games are the future and will be the console killer 20 years from now. imagine a Nintendo switch you can fit into your pocket and dock to a big tv. that will be the future of console gaming.
All this bullshit has the same rating...why do they ALL get played? Surely some are shittier than others.
As long as their primary interface is touch, they'll never replace actual video games. Touch is an inherently shit interface that ruins everything it's used on.
I'm not nearly bored enough to make the shoop da whoop edit that this needs.
it's the only thing that matters, and the idea of ownership over art is neolithic thinking
So is the CoC guy wearing a helmet, or is that his hair?
t. Larping soyboy
Shoop was always a shit meme, nice job getting on the bandwagon tho, parrot
>3 vikings
>5 army dudes, 7 if you count the space marines
>e l e v e n generic medieval helmet guys
are you retarded
Can I get a name on this braper? That ass looks wonderful
Absolutely haram.
>yeah i think im gonna trust google over "the minecraft wiki"
I'd hijack that hijab, if you know what I mean.
nobody cares about your aging kpop losers
Why are they all getting a Nintendo switch?
t. Joined in 2015
small time
How do we stop the mobile shovelware epidemic?
To be fair clash Royale had an actual skillcap and decent PvP.
Too p2w tho
Why is it called shovelware? I always wondered.
>the chad clash of clans
>the virgin hero forge
I played a lot of Clash Royale for like a week when it launched. Not gonna lie it's a good game.
It's called that because they produce so many of them, so quickly. Effectively "shoveling" games onto a platform.
From wikipedia:
The metaphor implies that the creators showed little care for the quality of the original software, as if the new compilation or version had been created by indiscriminately adding titles "by the shovel" in the same way someone would shovel bulk material into a pile.
Clash of Clans and Clash Royale aren't shovelware, they actually have a budget and development teams. I'm not saying they aren't shit, but they at least have some effort put into them.
Not that you'd care, since you're only here to shitpost.
>Not that you'd care, since you're only here to shitpost.
Damn you got me.
>Not having the Todd Howard DLC
>most of Sup Forums won't even know his name because they're stuck in the past
I think you mean "because they don't have shit taste".
They aren't shovelware but they created a whole generation of shovelware gaming so just as guilty.
You should remember they many of the game ripoffs are actually made by them.
the 40 year old guys at my old job played this shit all the time at work
>They aren't shovelware but they created a whole generation of shovelware gaming so just as guilty.
No, they made something successful and a bunch of people copied them because it's easy money. They didn't ask for a bunch of chinese knockoffs.
Like I said, some of the ripoffs are owned and released by them, so yeah they're as guilty.
With that logic, any game with popularity is criminal because, for every quality game, there are plethoras of copiers looking for a quick buck.
I went and checked, and you're right. Boom Beach is basically just a Clash of Clans clone. Hay Day I'm assuming is just another city builder but without PvP.
I admit that you're right on that front, but the rest of my post still stands.
Inspiration is not always shovelware, would you say that soulslike games or metroidvanias are shovelware?