How do we make PC popular in Japan?

How do we make PC popular in Japan?

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Bundle them with a free pair of used panties.

We don't

Change their entire way of life via assimilation

Nips spend 90% of their waking day outside of their homes, being productive members of their society. Burgers are comfortable spending a good half their life inside their comfort bubble guised as a suburban home or shitbox apartment unit.
Mobile makes sense in weebland. Why the fuck would you want a higher concentration of people that are leagues better than you in games stomping your dumb ass anyway?

Neck yourself.

Isn't Japan mostly PC's and mobile gaming now? PS4 has always been in stock but never sold as well as it did in US, only until now since Monster Hunter came out and now it's sold out everywhere for months.

>implying it's not popular
VN developers want to have a few words with you.

It already is popular if you like asset flip RPGmaker eroge and VNs. If you mean actual games best hope is again, porn.

no, its mostly handhelds
pc is only used for work, and eroge vns

>le japs are good at vidya
dumb weeb

Lower the cost of electronics. Even before the crypto shit, computer parts in japan are like 50% more expensive than they are in the us.

Most Japanese people don't even have laptops let alone actual PCs. Don't ask for the impossible here.

they are always on the move or working
most of them doesnt even have free time for themselves or they family
no time to sit on a pc to play if they are not a neet

>tfw you buy everything on consoles

Japan has good taste.

I don't even acknowledge PC I don't even play games on it. It's simply there for porn.

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PCs are not cheap in Japan, and they treat it as their Erogames machine, they don't want it to change, the only reason more japanese games are coming to PC is to appeal to the international market, japanese dudes fapping to their monthly hentai games do not care.

People in the US work more than Japanese do. If you were from literally nay other country, you could critique Japanese work culture, but I refuse to let stupid Americans who are bugger more brainwashed corporate slaves than anybody on the entire planet keep getting up on their nonexistant pretend highhorse to act all high and mighty when they are in fact literaly a third world country with even worse work culture than fucking ASia,

>People in the US work more than Japanese do
Have you fucking seen the average work shifts of a salaryman? There's a reason there's anime airing 3 AM.

put a anime girl on it

That already happens though, Operational Systems have mascots in Japan.

Not the average experience. If you actually lived in America and worked with average Americans in shitty jobs like most Americans work you would know they do the same shit but have way less benefits and less vacation and have a much shittier material culture as well. People I work with work 6 if not 7 days a week, often 60-70 hours. Some people will work 36 hour shifts and get treated like shit all the same. I have seen people get fired for wanting to take a vacation or becuase they had a death in the familty and needed time off. Most AMericans are literally ignorant brainwashed slaves,

>DUhhh but me am le epic STEM major I make 300,000 a year from my undergrad degree
Kill yourself. You are not the majority of the Ameerican population.

Have good exclusives on it?

I love this pornstar but her ass sucks and her constant talking rp and staring at the camera ruins it.

Plus Japs as a whole still devour physical media, be it video games or movies or music. An almost exclusively digital medium like modern PC gaming wouldn't be appealing to the majority of consumers.

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Have nVidia pay off Japanese devs for PC ports and fill them with GameWorks. Make Japan's most popular IPs like Yakuza and Persona also available on PC and buy marketing rights (much like how Sony advertises multiplats as exclusive). Unfortunately this won't work because a certain console maker pretty much owns the government of Japan, and any competition can be easily snuffed out.

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PC gaming is rare in nipland and associate it with playing eroge. Telling someone you play on PC in Japan has a very different meaning for telling someone you play PC in the west.

>for telling someone you play PC in the west.

You don't.

Phones and handhelds are poplar because public transportation is far more common there than it is in America.

user, please

I have fapped 5 times already

That NihongoGamer guy once remarked that a bunch of his students were weirded out when he said that he plays largely on PC; he says that only later it dawned on him that PC is predominantly just seen as the porno platform there and the kids thought he was a pervy creep as a result until he clarified how it's seen in the West.

Stop buying consoles elsewhere, they rely on foreign moneys to support their disgusting, obsolete console gaming idiocy.

I think the disagreement here stems from the fact that while Americans do work more hours than just about any other company, Japanese business culture usually mandates socializing with coworkers after work and a lot of people commute 1-2 hours each way. So Americans spend more time actually at work, but the leaving-to-coming-home workday is probably longer in Japan.

It might be true though. When I do find the rare jap pc player, they're usually into some degenerate furry shit or worse.

By not making it fucking expensive to begin with.
By not having extremely retarded e-sport prize pool laws.

>PC gamer
>playing games on PC
>not making your own games

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Make better eroge.

Why botter, some really low effort eroge still sell a lot, all those RPGmaker trash selling at 1000 yen, banking a few thousand sales, and the monthly short eroges made by Apadash covering all fetishes known to man to make a quick buck.


Stop buying consoles.
Stop buying Japanese consoles.
Stop buying third party Japanese games on consoles.

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how about you start in north america

Stop playing Jap games

Start playing Korean games

>not playing games on a PC that's meant for games

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They literally only play on mobile which is fundamentally different to pc gaming. Pc gaming will never be popular there unless something huge changes their culture.

nuke them again

Do Koreans make anything other than grindy mmos and that one horror game?


Take all the gachashit and put it on PC.

We don't. Fuck Japan.

>ftw Nippon's avoidance of the PC platform is the one thing keeping the west from complete and utter video game irrelevance
Imagine if they got past their first person hangups. We'd have a more than complete revival of the arena shooter genre overnight.

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>Nips spend 90% of their waking day outside of their homes
>being productive members of their society
Not always.
>Mobile makes sense in weebland

When you live in a very densely populated city where you don't even have much privacy in your own house/apartment, portable/mobile makes a lot of sense.

>being productive members of their society.
they have shit production rates. They drink themselves to death because "my boss said so" and spend half the work day sleeping. Japan is a big pretend game. No wonder their birth rates are shit.

>being productive members of their society

Being an office drone is not being a "productive member of society".

Asian employees work longer hours doing whatever menial tasks their bosses told them to, using the method their bosses told them. They don't care about efficiency, they don't care about output.

This. Their culture drives people in their 20's to suicides. They are a first rate country, but their suicide rates are comparable to post soviet eastern european shitholes.

>Nippon's avoidance of the PC platform is the one thing keeping consoles relevant


The say the likes of Yakuza and Persona show up on PC is the day that consoles officially die. We got Ace Combat, Dark Souls, Ni no Kuni, Final Fantasy, and other Japanese games coming to PC at a steady rate. It's only Sega and Atlus delaying the inevitable.

But they are. They consistently dominate in most fighting games they play and have shown to be really good at arcade games.

At least suicide is a choice, whereas being gunned down by a nigger is not.

That's no fucking lie. If you walk down the street you'll see tons of people on he side of the road sleeping in their cars. They may put in a lot of hours, but they don't accomplish anything, that's especially true for office workers. The one exception is deliverymen, who work themselves to death. But you get your Amazon shit overnight.

Is that why western """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" barely resemble such if at all while the Japanese mainstream still honors challenge as a fundamental to the video gaming experience?

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What does that have to do with Japan and their awful cultural and work ethic where an employer can simply seat you down inside a room in a basement with nothing to do or work on, because they don't want to lose face and pay extra for laying off workers and instead will do everything in their power to force you to resign personally.

>japs caring about games

The japs are just as uninspired as the west when it comes to games. You wanna make a fist of the north star game? Throw Kenshiro in the Yakuza engine and call it a day. The gameplay is exactly the same as a normal yakuza game, which has hasn't changed since the PS2 games. Japan hasn't created anything that truly makes you go wow, everything is a copy of a previous work, or better yet it's a reskin.

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Because it involves being alive, something you are likely to not be when you live with niggers and mudslimes.

I Didn't Read The Post: The Post: The Book: The Movie: The Game: The Graphic Novel: The Anime X: Reckoning of the Rise of the Revenge of the Nemesis Aftershocks vs. Superman: The Squeakquel 2 Electric Boogaloo

Koreans are the ones that dominate at gaming, not Japs. Games are part of Korean culture now, while games are considered a huge, childish waste of time in Japan these days.

>They may put in a lot of hours

They don't put in a lot of hours. As far as work hours per week goes Japan is not anywhere even close to being the top of the list. The average American works more per week than a Jap. The same goes for the idea that all Japanese children are working all day every day on school work and if they don't then their whole life is ruined.

>You: Japs are great at making games.
>Him: I disagree.
>You: Reeeeeeeeee you didn't read the postttttt

Sounds like he did, you guys just disagree on each other's OPINIONS.

When I say a lot, I mean more than 40 hours. Apparently, 22% of Japs put in over 50 a week, and only 11% of Americans put in over 50. Disagreeing doesn't make it not true.

By turning it into a console.
See: Playstation 4.


The post you are referring to said "good AT games" not "good at MAKING games", dummy.

But you can't play PS4 games on any other format besides the PS4. What would need to happen would be for a company to make a Japan-specific steam box device, and also get Japanese developers on board with it. A PC Steam Engine, if you will.

I remember when that happened before.

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Already happened in mobile space.
It's called "DMM games".

put a pc in their kamikaze planes, the nips love those

the xbox was a pc larping as a console and its games were exclusive to it, and not on pc

i'm sure the nips are more willing to release games for pc than xbox nowadays

Gonna need source

t. Guy who has worked 72+ for months

>people that are leagues better than you
You have not played MHW

>Apparently, 22% of Japs put in over 50 a week, and only 11% of Americans put in over 50.

Your source? All I could find was something claiming 16% of Americans work more than 50 hours per week. And the source for that data was the Japanese government. I also found a Washington Post article that said 50% of American full time workers claim to work more than 50 hours a week.

I'm sticking to the OECD who say the average American works more hours per year than the average Japanese.

PUBG's popularity had the biggest chance recently, but it was foiled by the high GPU prices from mining.
PC parts were already expensive as fuck to get. Now the wave of battle royale is fading, or at least the PS4 free version is there, PC is once again looked over.

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You cunts are the laziest, slowest, whiniest piece of shit workers.

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what did you expect, they had a literally free labor force for decades
hell they only just slightly reworded the law to shift them into their prison system

>pubg is released
>it's a smash hit
>even in Japan, who previously refused to play games on PC
>not available on the PS4
>suddenly GPU prices inflate exponentially
>Epic has a free, and easier to run version of it
>and with Epic being in Sony's pocket, the PS4 gets a version of the game

It all seems a bit too... (((convenient))).

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hanlons razor would kill half of this sites arguments overnight if accepted
just realized that on the shitter

Just to add to this anecdote about how crazy hard Americans work, I work in a hospital repair shop of 5 people and everyone in there has at least 250 hours of unused paid time off. The last time I saw anytime take a vacation (for a week) was about 8 months ago. The manager of the shop is constantly hitting the cap of 450 PTO hours and just trades them for pay. I've worked there for 3 years and never taken a vacation.

Japs just do tons of inefficient busy work to give the illusion of productivity and loyalty to their company. That's why their economy is in the trash, and cronyism is major problem for them right now.

That said, they make a hell of a videogame so I will enjoy Japan until they finally implode.

Japan need immigrants to fix their birth rate and economic problems first, then they can worry about things like getting a more active PC gaming industry.

Make anime personifications of graphics cards

>game becomes popular
>it's on a format the japanese typically avoided
>the japanese support it
>there's absolutely no way Sony, one of Japan's two massive media controlling mega corps, would ever bother competing against a "non competitor"

>Japan needs what's killing the economy and population of the West to fix their economic and population problems
Found the kike.

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Its not only them with the birth rate problem. Most of the surrouding asian countries have the same problem, and its not that much of a issue yet.
So the young won't exist to take care of the old. Boo hoo.
So it will be a down turn of 'economic growth' boo fucking hoo

They are too dumb to use a PC, not even kidding.

But user, PC is popular in Japan. In which system do you think they play all those eroges, H-games and doujinshi?

Every thorough study into the economic impact of immigration has shown it to either have negligible or slight benefit to the economy. It's never been shown to "kill" the economy of any country.

why is birth rate a problem
let them die, more for me

the amount of console tards on this site says a lot of people in the west are just as bad

East asian immigration fixes the economy, african immigration kills it, as per the Fraiser Institute study on Canadian Immigration.


Gaijin will show them the wonders of computer gaming desu

they're doing great without political correctness

Why are you so angry, friend?

Daily reminder that 45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 are ‘not interested in or despise sexual contact’ and 25% of men feel the same way.

When your people think making babies is icky, you as a society are doomed. Japan's culture is fucked and they won't last the century.

Good riddance. Then hopefully Square Enix dies and someone else buys the Legacy of Kain IP and finally make a sequel.

Most women in general are like that. If you talk to them, its the cost of child care.
They are also flooding to the cities out of the countryside. There is plenty of room.
They just cant afford it.

Who are these cuties?

Make more Visual Novels.