Post your all-time favorite video game

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you first

Pic related

You already did mine. Thanks for posting for me.

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Awesome game

Yes it is

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in a perfect world this game would come preinstalled on every copy and every version of every modern operating system.

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It will always be kirby

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Great game but part 2 is better

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>playing diablo II for the first time in a decade
>make a barbarian and put all my points into leap and stamina
>level 16 and act 1 complete
>walk out of lut gholein
>enemies all have AoE lightning on hit
>melee attacking one takes 1/4 my health
FUCK. I just want to be a big guy flying around and hitting people.

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Is the average age of Sup Forums older than I thought?

I really wish survival horror wasn't dead.

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No, it's just people posting games like Memeout 2 because Sup Forums says they're good.

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>tfw best game has best gun

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Best game coming though

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what happened to blizzard, man

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I tought this was a code at first

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Met so many cool people during the 7 years this was the center of my gaming life.

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Formerly: SotN
(Formerly: Super Metroid)

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SS13 is probably the game ive spent the most time in.
googled ss13 and the link to the picture was tumblr, no bully.

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>linear Ultima

not even close

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No, it's just right at the time when the kids are asleep and the yuros havn't woken up yet. Only the 20-30 years olds are really on right now.

This or Civilization V: Brave New World.

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Finished main story 18 times.

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I'm sorry for your poor taste.

Not only my favorite game of all time, arguably one of the greatest games ever crafted of all time

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killing floor 1 on modded servers

My Nigger

my niggers

if I need to choose only one though, would go with MGS3

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these 3 for me, d2 probably the most

That's so sad


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Not really into horror games so I played it after my girlfriend told me it was her favorite game of all time and it wasnt really scary.
I was upset i waited so long

You just did. Thanks

my nigga

serpent isle had a better user interface (paper dolls showed your gear, QoL shit like keyrings) but the gameplay was hella restricted and linear.

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Killing Floor 1 is your favorite game and I find it sad

I liked 2k4 the most but I guess I spent the most time on that one.


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My nigga

Even the music was so comfy.

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Even if it's old as fuck, it still gives me good memories and I occasionally play it once in a while.

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I have 23 physical copies of it.

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Red Dead Revolver may be it for me. It's not perfect but it catches that old west vibe so well that I can't help but love it

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Heroes of Might and Magic 3 including mods.

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Now HERE is a gentlemen of refined taste.

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Same, I still listen to the soundtrack at work

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>not posting boomer
Trolling people with a boomerang I shot into outer space never got old

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Is this bait?

You posted it for me though

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Lufia 2

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I dont give a fuck this game is awesome

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All of these are in my top 5 games of all time. Rate my taste


2 different answers based on what someone considers a video game.

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Agreed. Why they didn't have the ripper in later games is beyond me.

stalker soc

This is my second favorite in case the person who asks is too opinionated.

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Have you played the Taito PS2 remake of the original Ys 3?

My mother fucking niggers.

I haven't actually.

Just got this thanks to ps+ and beat blood-stained beast. Any tips?

>we will never get a sequel

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if only there was still a decent sized community for this and not just a handful of 40 year old autists

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