Whats wrong with Vaati Vidya guys?

I think he's great

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He stole shit from Sup Forums and ran to reddit with it.


oh and you're a faggot.

people think parallel thinking is plagiarism. With a game like Dark Souls, I feel like you're bound to have the same interpretation as someone else when looking that deep into lore.

>"Prepare to Buy"
Dark Souls 2

Nothing, he makes interesting videos about a very open to interpretation franchise

Hes part of the reason why the dark souls community turned to garbage.

How do people steal interpretations? I think people are just mad because he came up with the idea to turn them into videos. It's not his fault people were too late to the punch

Because he's a youtuber and he also visits reddit. That's it. Remember op, Sup Forums hates everything that is popular.
>Sup Forums isnt a hivemind! Ree *posts pepe memes

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Didn't he get pretty mad and posted on Sup Forums once about it?

Every community is garbage, name one that isn't?

Nah he cried to reddit after Sup Forums threw him out in the trash

basically this

Fuck off to reddit faggot

Basically what he would do is go into lore threads, pick up the cool theories then post them in his videos and pretend he personally came up with them. He's a fucking parasite.

Plagarizing all that shit is the reason why his Bloodborne coverage died so fast. The community despised him after what he pulled and he crawled back to Souls.

Also "kindle muh patreon" is some cringeworthy shit.


Based on what?

>kindle my patreon
Are you serious?

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>that retarded thumbnail
>25 minutes
Eh I hate Vaati for plagarizing the Paleblood Hunt but this seems like shit already.

Focusing on other peoples interpretations of the lore instead of coming up with your own.
Watching youtube videos about it instead of playing the game yourself.

lmfao that's some funny shit

>The community despised him after what he pulled
what'd he pull?

Yes I'm dead serious, he refers to subscribing to his patreon as "kindling the bonfire."

Plagiarizing? Excuse me, faggot? You and your nerd friends dont hold a monopoly on From Software lore.

Thumbnail is mine, video is someone else's.
As the description says, original uploader removed the video after vaati's fags started harassing him about it.


Also, I thought it a pretty fitting thumbnail considering that Vaati is a fucking whore.

Some guy wrote up a huge thing of BB item descriptions and details, and his own views on the lore. Mind you, many of his own views ended up being disproven by TOH, but all the factual stuff was gold.

Vaati's BB coverage was around 90% plagarized from it, down to the same HP Lovecraft quote at the start.

When he got called out he was like "lol it was just a coincidence" and basically ducked out of BB after that. There is one live video of him talking about lore in an interview and its clear he didn't know jack shit about the game.



So Vaati came to the same conclusion about marginally ambiguous lore details as you did? Stop being a faggot

Well he is a youtuber, everything they ever say about their social media is cringy

he's a faggot just like you OP

watch this if you really give a shit its significantly more than "coming to the same conclusion"
if not, why even waste your time in this thread other than to suck vaati's cock like a cuck


>I don't know how the software works, so I can't debate or dispute this. If plagiarism is classified as a 1:1 copied sentence, I wonder how it deals with item descriptions. I quote a lot. So does he. I haven't seen any 1:1 lines that aren't item descriptions, and i'm confident I could explain paraphrasing or similar word choice.

>The video and the 90-page essay are both derivative from the same game, flush with item descriptions and discussion about exactly the same events and characters. I'll wager the software is largely used to grade reports which cite other reports, and check they've paraphrased correctly. There's no need to paraphrase an item description..so we both have paragraphs of very similar text.

>When DMCRedgrave made a thread about being wronged, I was surprised. I had made a conscious decision to stop reading his work. I had not plagiarised. I didn't need to. Perhaps elements of his work crept into my own?

Reminder that people here defend this fucktard.

So you plagarized the video?

Empty Dice Clay >>>> vaginal vati

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what do you get for defending a thief?

Someone comments with the same weak ass argument.

#1 the title specifies that its a reuploaded
#2 I credit the original creator in the description
#3 I link their youtube channel in the description
#4 my videos are monetized
#5 I don't have a patreon

Holy shit, fuck off. Why are you in every thread lately pushing your shit?

*not monetized

>Makes videos every other week
>Makes patreon to support making videos
>Makes videos every other month
Kinda ruins the point if he's gonna be even more lazy. The cunt.

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He's going to repost all his DaS1 videos again for the remaster too, what a joke.

What did you expect him to do? Remake the videos with higher resolution graphics and better audio? That would require effort. Its not like he's getting paid to do th-oh wait, he is.

One of the reasons I'm happy the Souls series is ending is that he'll have to move on from being a lazy parasite.

First of all, Bloodborne isn't a Souls game. So you already mucked it up by implying he hasn't already jumped onto another franchise. Him and Lobos helped to spread the Soulsborne meme and its fucking disgusting. Second, he'll just latch onto the next new IP Fromsoft comes out with. And if that takes too long he'll go to their older games. The well isn't as dry as you think.

Oh fuck off with that, Bloodborne is very obviously made with the Souls formula in mind and it made sense for him to latch onto that one. You really think he's going to try to pull lore bullshit on Armored Core? The fans would eat him alive. BB's community already views him as a joke, you think others would receive him well?

And I guess we'll just have to see, iirc the new game is far more horror focused. If he pulls any plagarizing again I don't know how it will go, his goodwill seems pretty scarce outside of his hardcore fans.

He writes like your average Sup Forumstard lmao

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>Bloodborne is very obviously made with the Souls formula in mind
Its made with similar mechanics because its THE SAME FUCKING DEVELOPER MAKING THE SAME GENRE GAME you insipid little shitbird.

>You really think he's going to try to pull lore bullshit on Armored Core?
Vaati is the sort of fag who reaches so much that in one of his videos he actually says that Sir Alonne tilting his head down slightly as he gets into an attack position = him bowing to your character.

Patches is in Armored Core
Moonlight Greatsword is in Armored Core

And I was referring to King's Field (I don't know if he's done vids on that series because I don't watch his faggy fucking videos on the reg) but yes, I absolutely believe he'd do Armored Core. Because it make him fucking money and he doesn't really give a shit what people who don't pay or watch him think about him. The only thing he cares about is the money he makes and if something will harm the money he makes.

>You really think he's going to try to pull lore bullshit on Armored Core?
We all know what he's gonna do.

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>name is vaatividya
>his entire channel is dark souls based

I don't get it

So you agree with me, then. Thanks user, and also holy fuck calm down you raging autist.

And man I hope he does Armored Core. People would rip him to shreds over it. Anything that would tank his credability further because he's a living meme about how bad MUH LORE videos are.

He's too casual to play KF or ST so all his videos will be identified as stolen content from other players. Again, I welcome it.

I agree that the formula is similar, but not that that means it should be referred to as being the same franchise.

I never said it should be referred to as the same franchise, I said it was understandable that he jumped onto it because its so fucking similar to the Souls formula.

He's a soyboy thief who people pay money to because he's muslim and people think that makes him smart.

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Terramantis is our guy

Plague of gripes is literally /ourguy/

Plague is autistic as fuck though.
And he had Vaati in one of his animations.

>Plague is autistic as fuck though.

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what's with the sudden influx of e-celeb threads?
fuck off with this shit

If the Lovecraft quote was, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" that doesn't really mean shit considering it's the most famous quote from that author.

When he had said like a month before he was really unfamiliar with Lovecraft, its kind of weird to see how hard he goes to jerking him off in his essay. But I agree that's weak evidence on its own, its just piled on top of everything else which makes it very blatant.

It does when you consider Vaati said he didn't know anything about Lovecraft and there are no direct links to his work and Bloodborne.

I always had the impresion he was just a dude making videos of pupular theories, also souls lore threads are fucking shit honestly im happy this guy compiled them and took away all the Sup Forums autism

>souls lore threads are fucking shit
When did Dark Souls come out? Was it now or years ago?

>Focusing on other peoples interpretations of the lore instead of coming up with your own.
>Watching youtube videos about it instead of playing the game yourself.

sigh, you really think he didint played the game nigger?

Are you retarded?
I was referring to the people who watch him being influenced by his videos, you shit stick.

i was talking about back then obiously, but DS3 isnt that old.

Guy makes interesting videos and infuriates one of the worst video game communities out there so I'll continue to watch his stuff

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I think too.
I don't care if he never came up with anything on his own. He has a good voice and his videos are well edited.

>that like and dislike ratio
Why are Vaatifags so shameless?

Infuriates them? They're his viewers.

I think he is talking about the "arrogant pieces of shit" part of the fanbase you can find on Sup Forums

I wish I could beat you to fucking death retard

demon's souls


how does he make money now that the dark souls gravy train is slowing down?

The funny thing about vaati is that he would either come into a dark souls 1 lore threads or even start the threads, not sure since anonymoose and all. But he would lift paragraphs of text in those threads and present them as his own. I should've cataloged all the times he would copy word for word shit in threads. Now, the big question becomes was he just testing out his theories anonymously before posting on youtube. Or was he stealing others ideas and passing them off as his own.

Sigh. You wish you could soyboi. Kek

By slowing down his output, making more ridiculous stretches in his videos and doing analysis on the five second teaser for the new game.

Oh, and he's going to reupload all his DS1 vids when the Remaster comes out.

what the fuck is he going to do with himself now that the souls series is dead?

I guess I should had known, if there are retards out there who gave money to mighty number 9, and hand out money to streamers like dumb fucking retards, I guess I shouldn't be that surprise.

Just amazed how many autistic people have disposable income.

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DaS3 gets a lore thread every two or so weeks, most Souls threads have lore discussion in them. They're shit every time. Nothing but retards arguing over schizo-tier connect-the-dots garbage.

All I ever see are people arguing about rankings of the games, DS2 is bad meme, crying about hitboxes, etc... I only ever see real lore discussed in the generals in /vg/

I can see why he's angry, and yet the nitchpick is so much it just gets sad

Can't be worse tham the haha giant dad lmao guy