The Great Debate continues

Are you bitches ready to rumble? Which Lara is best Lara?

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Reboot Lara is my wife and I love her very much.

nu-Lara has best ass. Old Lara has best tits. One day, there will be objectively best Lara.

Newest Lara has a perfect face.

You know it.

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rise lara with old lara's skills and attitude.

reddit af thread

You must be new here

oh fuck off you fucking retard

classic lara's games are the best but nu-Lara is simply stunning

All I could stare at nu-Lara was her ass.
Any pornstars that look like that? (Either body, face or both)

>all these NuLara fans

When did this board become inhabited by gays?

>liking cowtits

overcompensating there gayboi

If liking this perfect woman is gay, then you're wrong and you should just fucking leave.

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I want to lick her clean.

The AoD version.

3rd lara is not only best lara, but the apex female body.

I just hope they don’t fucking make new tomb raider 3 “semi open world” like Rise of the tomb raider. I think I fucking broke my button using survivor sense or whatever the fuck it’s called. It relied way too much on it.

You tell me.

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>Not liking big tits
Thanks for confirming that you're a fag

Good graphics ≠ Good character design

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Nu-Lara has best face, Underworld Lara has best body.

that looks retarded
go back to /vr/

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t. underage

Even LAU Lara is worlds better than NuLara

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looks like uncharted npc. No personality, no recognizable trait, it's just "a woman". This is a complete 180 of what the character was made for.

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2013 Lara >>> Rise Lara

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she used to before the redid her face to better match the voice actor. she was so cute. now she looks really fucking weird and puffy

>literally on a video game imageboard arguing about a video game girl who he jerks off to alone


Obviously this one.

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New lara looks better
Old Lara was pure bad ass

I actually don't jerk it to Lara, because I'm not a NuLara fan and I don't like horses. Old Lara is classy and deserves respect unlike NuLara.

Also you are here too, and voluntarily entered the thread. So I don't get you're point

Also, dude LMAO

nice spacing here you sperg

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I thought it would be easier to read for your dumbass

Are you really that butthurt that you have to resort to the whole "reddit spacing" meme that makes kids feel like they fit in here?

no need to samefag so obviously

When can we admit NuLara is just for LGBT babies and closeted homosexuals? The remainder of her fanbase is straight dudes who don't give a shit about Tomb Raider.
Classic Lara actually had a fanbase and that included and was open to everyone.

Look how pussy they and the TR1-3 remaster got cancelled most likely because SE slapped Realtech's ass so their precious no effort retard Lara remains almighty.
New fans are tryhard pussy wanna be's.

In summary, the only good and the only real Lara is Core Era Lara.
And its a fact because she defined what Lara Croft is and a reboot that doesn't follow any similarities at all is a failure. So to all new fans:
You're allowed to like NuLara but remember she isn't good for Tomb Raider and isn't Tomb Raider.

LAU was a reboot and it was shit but it was still Tomb Raider. So GTFO if you think NuLara is Lara you trashy fuckers.
+Just because you're ghetto like her doesn't mean she needs to be as putrid as you are just because you think you can land her degraded ass.

You were saying?

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Why is my waifu Reboot Lara so perfect?

Is she the only one who got the body right?

>in before virgin post weightlifting fats with big tits to somehow prove that will help you in any way during climbing
Boys, you gotta understand big arms/big back =/= athletic body and you need the later to be succesful in doing all the Uncharted shit nu-lara does.

I like New Lara. Unlike old Lara she actually explores Tombs and ancient places. Old Lara just played in her mansion like a good housewife and explored city sewers in latex. Lame.
New Lara meets immortals from generations past and actually gets her hands on ancient power is a lot more hands on and her victories are far more apparent.

Not to mention she doesn't need dual pistols, she's so talented that with just a bow and arrow look at what she accomplished and how stopped trinity, final point she's beautiful like Cara in Detroit.
They are both very attractive girls. The new Lara still has a busty body and is confident to show it and with her cool demeanor.

Old Lara was so unnerved and lost that's why her her levels were so boring. This one is a professional.
Get over it new Lara is the way.

Old lara because nulara is never barefoot

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Tomb Raider needs to end.

New Lara is a butter face bitch.

Old Lara because I liked her games more. Looks wise, new Lara, personality wise, old Lara.
Besides the tits (because real people don't have big tits?), I have no idea why feminists would get mad about old Lara, she's one of the strongest female characters in gaming.

Are you confused?

Good choice.

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>but nu-Lara is simply stunning

Just come out of the closet already. nu-Lara looks has the body of a 12 year old boy.

See above.

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This has got to be a joke

Lara is for Leeterr only.

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People call old fans gay or sex obsess but the biggest faggots love new Lara.

All I want is a remake/completion of Angel of Darkness, and a sequel to that game.

I wish I was a dictator.

Lara is for adult human men.

Whats so funny? Tell me.

>Unlike old Lara she actually explores Tombs and ancient places
>Not to mention she doesn't need dual pistols, she's so talented that with just a bow and arrow
>Old Lara was so unnerved and lost that's why her her levels were so boring. This one is a professional

Re-reading it now, it's pretty obvious that you're joking

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nuLaura is for wolves

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bestiality is disgusting and anyone who condones it is just as disgusting

Thank you for catching on lol, I really was trolling NuLara is a fucking brick.
I love that AOD gif xD

Which part is shittest obvious part of the joke? I made it as ridiculous as I could?

This is best Lara

>spanish insider website talks about how Lara in Shadow of the Tomb Raider plays like a predator and more shit about stealth play
Jesus fucking christ I'm so goddamn sick of Square Enix trying to turn Lara in John Rambo. What the fuck, just rename the IP already. This is not fucking Lara Croft.

Dude the new fans are so fucking retarded they claim is still Tomb Raider just because its a reboot. A fucking reboot needs to have a lot more in common than this.
Thats why they are doing this trash to Lara, and Square Enix are retarded fucking asian twats who think westerners are only like:
"OH gun gun pew pew hohoho so kill"
Blame the Asian twats at Square Enix and rape Crystal Dynamics team for fucking making LAU as boring as possible.

Sauce plz...

you're retarded and don't know shit:

>muscles for climbing successfully, especially ropes and shit, not that fake ass bouldering shit people do at gyms:
forearms, biceps, back.

>muscles for picking up heavy objects from the ground:
back, glutes, posterior chain in general

>muscles for being able to jump high:
lower body, mostly quads

>muscles for being able to run explosively
lower body, mostly glutes

movie lara has shit physique and fucking skips leg day. my biceps is thicker than her fucking thighs. lara should look like a gymnast.

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So it's all about the legs now? because you can clearly see she did a good job with her back, biceps, forearms and abs

her biceps ad forearms are a joke. she did do a good job with her back tho. but yes, lara needs better legs especially for the acrobatics.

areas lara should be underdeveloped: anterior deltoids, triceps.

Also old Lara is reserved for shit like this.

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I love toblerone.

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It honestly doesnt work for nuLara. She has nonexistent thighs. The reason she wears pants is because her entire lower body was designed to accomodate slim fitting pants from the get go.

This is the same thing with those Person 5 models, where they look nice in tight outfits but the moment you put them in revealing clothes, it becomes clear on how much of a stick their bodies are.



NuLara looks like bad fan cosplay

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>says this, while old lara is literally right next to her, with the exact same thigh width
made me think

Reboot Lara is my wife.

See everyone, this is the problem with NuRaider. These are the kinds of weird motherfuckers that the new games attract

Eh, I think it's because old Lara has a more hour glass figure so at least her legs are nice accented. nuLara wearing shorts simply makes her look like a fridge.

I would like nuLara more if they didn't make her so much of blubbering helpless victim. Original Lara was doing all kinds of shit without having a nervous breakdown.

This lara was awesome in Independence Day.

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she also wasn't as young as reboot Lara

Why are you making multiple shitposting Tomb Raider threads a day? We get it, Sup Forums hates the new games. Not sure why you're so mad about mediocre run of the mill TPS. Hell, even the original games weren't exactly masterpieces.

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uh huh and mexican bimbo oldLara has "personality"

Even nuLara was better until they decided to "fix" her in the re-release.

She was younger in the intro of TR4 actually. 16 year old Lara in that game handled everything better than NuLara ever would

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>wahhh i want lara to be stronk independent womyn!!

fuck off sjw

I only post this once or maybe twice a week, don't blame me for the faggots who try and copy this thread. Which someone actually did earlier today with the same title even - "The Great Debate"

And this isn't a shit-posting thread anyway. Sup Forums is pretty evenly split on the NuRaider games so it's fun to debate now and again

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>is an idiot. is incompetent. has no reason to suddenly magic asspull skills she can't possibly have other than STRONK WOMYN feminist bullshit. has had more cock the every port whore in the world combined. did we mention the 'airhead college arts major bimbo'

fuck off. she's a slag, that's all. her physical attractivesness is directly counterd by her being a useless stupid bitch.

>The old games were "sjw" material but the new ones aren't

Good one

Rise Lara has very erotic lips

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In terms of attractiveness (to me, I don't give a shit about you people), Rise Lara is the best. Rise is a shit game, obviously, but that wasn't what op's asking.

>nulara cries all the time like a woman

>NuLaura 'i hate toooomz' Craft

>exploring anything except a new foreigners penis and its applications vis a vis her wreckt loose meathole

>OG Lara 'r63 Indiana Jones' Croft
>grave robber and tomb plundering archeologist who actually studies and trains to acquire her skill and competency.

gee, user i'm pretty sure you're full of shit

>modern Lara = realistic female with actual flaws, but still pretty cute

>old Lara = sexist neckbeard fantasy targeted at underage boys and thirsty fedoras

Everything about her is erotic, she's the kind of girl you wanna take home and breed all night.

You're fucking retarded, that's the whole point is that NuLara goes back and forth between sobbing and STRONG every 5 seconds. She is literally the worst written character of all time.

Old Lara's character is simple but works perfect for the game, she is a badass treasure hunter and that's all. Fuck you and fuck your "character depth" bullshit. Leave that shit to Uncharted

Is this some kind of marketing scheme? I have never seen people on Sup Forums care about this character that much.

This is the best Lara.

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